While doing Dhoop Puja, please recite the following Duha
अपनी पूजा करीए रे
अमे धूप-घटा अनुसरीए रे,
अमे धूपनी पूजा करीए रे, ओ
ame dhupani pujä karie re
मन - मान्या मोहनजी;
नहीं को तमारी तोले रे, ओ
मन - मान्या मोहनजी
मन - मान्या मोहनजी
प्रभु अंते छे शरण तमारुं रे, ओ मन मान्या मोहनजी.... .1.
ame dhupani pujä karie re, o mana-mänyä mohanaji; ame dhupa-ghatä anusarie re, o mana-mänyä mohanaji; nahi koi tamäri tole re, o mana-mänyä mohanaji;
prabhu ante che sarana tamäru re, o mana-mänyä mohanaji.. .1.
Meaning of Dhoopa Puja
By placing Dhoop (Incense Stick) on the left side of the idol, we initiate the upward
meditation to destroy the bad odor of Mithyätva (false faith) and manifest our pure soul.
Just as the fragrant smoke of the Dhoop goes upwards, we should begin our ever progressive spiritual journey leading to the top of the universe, above the Siddha-shilä.
Just as the Dhoop removes the bad odor, we should remove false faith (Mithyätva).
Dhoop also symbolizes an ascetic life. While burning itself, Dhoop provides fragrance to others. Similarly, true monks and nuns spend their entire life selflessly for the benefit of all living beings. This Pujä reminds us to thrive for an ascetic life, which ultimately leads to liberation.