deposited in our artery. Ultimately artery gets clogged, which results in heart attack.
For pure vegetarians (vegan), their liver makes only needed cholesterol and hence they will not have high cholesterol condition. Saturated and Unsaturated Fat:
Saturated fat aggravates human liver to produce more cholesterol than normal body requirement. Almost all animal fats, butter (ghee), and some vegetable oils (coconut, palm etc..) are saturated fat. Some vegetarians who have high cholesterol is due to high content of saturated fat in their diet. Hence, one should totally avoid saturated fat to maintain low cholesterol.
Most vegetable oil is unsaturated fat. Also, both saturated and unsaturated fats are the storage media of calories. Hence, one should minimize the consumption of unsaturated fat in its diet.
A healthy diet is pure vegetarian food (vegan) without any oil or fried food. A person will not have any cholesterol problem with this diet.
In summary, the extra cholesterol (externally consumed using animal and dairy products or generated by our liver due to saturated fat) is accumulated in the blood and deposited in the arteries which causes heart attack.
Vitamin B-12:
Vitamin B-12 is needed for healthy blood and healthy nerves. However, a human body needs only 2 micro grams of B-12 per day. Vitamin B-12 is not produced by plants or by animals but it is produced by the bacteria in the digestive system of animals and humans.
Humans produce B-12 in their digestive system but somehow human body cannot absorb B-12 from its digestive system. However, the cows can easily absorb B-12 produced by them. Hence, lots of vitamin B-12 exist in meat and dairy products.
If you are a vegan (absolutely no animal products), you may not be able to get enough vitamins B-12. However, if you decide to get B12 from animal products, you will also get a whopping dose of cholesterol and fat, which will displace complex carbohydrate and fiber that body needs which are the sources of a vegetarian diet.