diseases like osteoporosis for the people who consume more dairy or meat products. Also, their kidneys have to work harder to remove the waste of calcium that leached from the bones into the blood. The net result is that the people who consume animal base high protein diet lose the calcium from their bones, and their kidneys are more susceptible to fail.
Vegetarians get enough protein from their vegetable diet but not in excess. Also, the vegetable protein is less acidic than animal protein, hence it does not leach calcium from bones. So, the calcium absorbed by consuming dark green vegetables and other vegetarian sources is maintained by the bones at a much healthier rate. The result is vegetarians who get their calcium from nonanimal sources such as dark green vegetables develop stronger bones, not weaker ones. Hence, they do not find calcium in their urine. Many scientific evidences indicate that milk is not essential for strong bones.
However, one should remember that thinning of the bones occur among older people regardless of whether they consume the milk or not. This problem is more severe among the older people who use more dairy and other animal products. This is due to the protein effect (large amount of protein in diet and calcium is leached out) as indicated above. Postmenopausal women are particularly at risk for osteoporosis. Milk does not protect the bones of older people.
In conclusion, vegetarians get enough calcium and protein if they eat good variety of plant foods such as dark green vegetables in sufficient quantities to maintain their natural weight. They are less susceptible to osteoporosis, and the failure of their kidneys.
Only the liver of animal and human bodies makes cholesterol. Hence, externally the cholesterol is found only in animal products such as meat, milk, cheese and other dairy and non-vegetarian food. Pure vegetarian diet (fruits, vegetables, grains, and lentils) has no cholesterol at all.
Cholesterol is a material like wax. It makes hormone and other elements for our body. Generally, the liver of a human being produces cholesterol in sufficient quantities for its body need. However, when we consume dairy or meat products, we also consume its cholesterol. This way we will have excess cholesterol. This excess cholesterol in the body is harmful because it gets