Essence of World Religions
must discipline himself by good thoughts, words, and deeds. Marriage excels chastity (continence), action excels contemplation, and forgiveness excels revenge. Symbols The Caldron of Fire is the symbol of Zoroastrianism. Fire burns away all evil and it can never be impure. Fire represents God and typifies the divine spark within. The maintenance of a sacred fire in fire temples called Atar Beheram without allowing it to be extinguished, is an important feature of Zoroastrianism. It is treated like a king with a crown hung over it. The Priests feed it five times a day at prescribed hours. Offering of sandalwood is considered meritorious for donors. Holidays Zoroastrians worship the one transcendent and immanent Deity Ahura Mazda, who is symbolized by a sacred fire and make offerings to the sacred fire. Celebrates various Stages of Divine creation:
Divine Spirit Khshathra Vairya [Power], creator and protector of the Sky (April) Divine Spirit Haurvatat Wholeness), creator and protector of Water (June-July) Divine Spirit Spenta Armaiti [Devotion], creator and protector of Earth (September) Divine Spirit Ameretat [Immortality], creator and protector of Vegetation (October) Divine Spirit Asha Vahishta (Righteousness), creator and protector of fire (March) Also Zoroastrian New Year (Naw Ruz) Divine Spirit Vohu Manah Good Intent], creator and protector of Animals (Vohu Manah is one of seven male and female divine emanations of Deity Ahura Mazda) (December - January) Divine Spirit Spenta Mainyu (Holy Spirit], creator and
protector of humans (March) Day commemorating the death of Zoroastrian Prophet Zarathustra