Essence of World Religions
forms the basis of Zoroastrian ethics. In order to maintain life one must till the soil, raise cattle, marry, and have children. Asceticism and celibacy are condemned. Purity and avoidance of defilement (from death, demons and the like) are valued. A central feature of the faith is the sacred fire that is constantly kept burning in every home which is fueled by fragrant sandalwood. Fire is considered the only worshipful symbol. It is seen as the manifestation of the truth of Ahura Mazdä, as preached by Prophet Zoroaster. It is the great purifier and sustainer, and is of the nature of the Sun itself. Also important is the ritual drink, Haoma, which is related to the Vedic Soma.
Beliefs There are two great beings in the universe, Ähurä Mäzdä, who created man and all that is good, beautiful, and true; and Angra Mainyä, who vivifies all that is evil, ugly, and destructive. Man has a free will to align himself with good or evil, and when all mankind is in harmony with the God Ähurä Mäzdä, Angra Mainyä will be conquered. Zoroaster is the foremost Prophet of God and the Zend Avesta has the scriptural authority. God may best be worshipped through the representation of fire. He has Seven Personalities:
Eternal Light Right and Justice Goodness and Love Strength of Spirit Piety and Faith Health and Perfection
Immortality The soul is immortal and upon death crosses over Hell by a narrow bridge. The good cross safely to Heaven and the evil fall into Hell. Sayoshant, a savior who was born of a virgin, will appear at the end of time reviving the dead, rewarding the good, and punishing the evil. Thereafter Ähurä Mäzdä will reign. Purity is the first virtue, truth the second, and charity the third. Man