Swädhyay is traditionally divided into five parts:
Every day, one should find some time for Swädhyäy or the study of the scriptures or religious matter. We must study, learn and reflect deeply upon those books, which can help us be virtuous.
The following are some important points to be considered for Swädhyay when the guidance of a Guru is not available. These guidelines are helpful to Päthashälä teachers as well.
⚫ Guidance from a learned person
Setting up structure and frequency
Selection of topics/books
Studying and explaining the sacred texts and its meanings
Asking questions to clarify doubts
Repeating the texts and its meanings
Contemplating and reflecting on the meaning of the sacred books. Here we try to find an answer to the questions like: "Who am I?" "Why I am Here?" "Why I am suffering?" "How can I end the suffering?" etc.
Listening and engaging in spiritual discussions, inquiries, teaching, etc.
• Encourage practicing what is learned
Purpose of Swädhyäy
Acquire right faith or belief (Samyag Darshan), and Right knowledge (Samyag Jnän) leading to right conduct (Samyag Chäritra)
Know what is right and wrong
Resolve doubts, remove blind faith and eradicate false views
• Remove himself/herself from wasteful activities
Depart from wrong companies and get involved with virtuous and knowledgeable people
Learn the importance of practicing right knowledge
Setting up objectives & rules
Avoid simply reading books
First, develop fundamental concepts of Jainism.
Have a clear message (what, why & how).
No criticisms, keep an open mind, maintain active listening, keep confidence
Make sure everyone is enjoying and no one is getting bored or losing concentration. Every participant should have the feeling of learning, involvement and contribution. Encourage everyone to read, write, think, memorize, ponder and discuss.
Include current issues and topics like Jainism & ecology, comparative study with other religions, Jainism & modern times, etc.
• Enhance concentration, intelligence and self-control
Improve results of meditation