Darshan 37,38
As part of Mohaniya karma, it is Intuition. Darshan as
Darshanävaraniya karma is Perception or vision. Perception obscuring karma. It is a Ghäti karma.
43 Deva 37 Digambar 35
Celestial being. A soul living in heaven. A sect of Jains. Dig means directions, and ambar
means clothes. Sädhus wear no clothes, while
Sädhvis wear white clothes. Event of initiation into monk hood
Dikshä Kalyänak
33 Dvesha 37 Ekendriya 42 Gati 37
Ghäti 28, 43
Gotra 43
Himsä 40, 42
Indriya 42
Aversions One sensed beings which have the sense of touch. Destiny. There are 4 gatis, namely, heavenly beings,
hellish beings, human beings, and animals, birds,
and plants. The four types of Karma - Jnänävaraniya, Darshanä
varaniya, Mohaniya and Antaräya. They affect
the qualities of the soul. Status determining karma. It is one of the four Aghäti
karma. Violence or torture to any living being via thoughts,
words and deeds. Sense organs through which one can experience the
senses of touch, taste, smell, sight, and hearing. Event celebrating the birth “Conqueror”. He who has conquered anger, ego,
deceit and greed. He has freed himself from the four Ghäti Karmas. The Jains refer to the Jina as
God. Knowledge. Knowledge obscuring karma. It is one of the four
Ghäti karma. Action. A deed - good or bad. A form of matter
particles. Upon maturing, it delivers its fruit. There are 4 Destructive (Ghäti) and 4 Non-destructive (Aghäti) types of Karma.
Janma Kalyänak 33 Jina 24
Jnän 37, 38 Jnänävaraniya 43
Karma 24, 28, 43