Ächärya 28
Ägam 24 Aghäti 28, 43 Ahimsä 24
Akshat 37 Anant 38
Anekäntaväda 24
Antaraya 43 Aparigraha 24 Apkäya 42
Arihanta 28
Ätmä 38 Äyushya 43
Beindriya 42
Chäritra 37 Chaurindriya 42
Jast Education lernational
7. 0 Glossary
A ascetic who has learned, mastered and taught religious scriptures, follows them, and is the head of a Sangha. Jain Scriptures
The four karmas related to the body and surrounding. Non-violence to all living beings is observed in
thoughts, words and deeds at the individual as well as at the social level. A Mahävrat or an Anuvrat. Jain religion upholds non-violence as the supreme tenet (Ahimsä Parmo Dharma) and has insisted upon its observance in thoughts, words and deeds at the individual as well as at social levels.
Polished white rice. Rice with the husk removed. Infinite.
Multiplicity of viewpoints. It is a many-sided approach to reality.
Obscuring karma. It is one of the four Ghäti karma. Non-possessiveness and non-attachment.
Living being who has water as a body.
A human being who has destroyed his inner enemies of anger, ego, deceit, and greed and all four Ghäti karmas.
Chyavana Kalyanak Conception Event.
Soul, living being.
Age determining Karma. It is one of the four Aghäti karma.
Two sensed beings who have the senses of touch and taste. Conduct
Four sensed beings who have the senses of touch, taste, smell, and sight.
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