S IS FOR SOUL (ÄTMÄ) - SOUL IS IMMORTAL S is for Soul (Ätmä) Soul is immortal
Siddha Bhagawän is a pure soul, which is blissful
and omniscient
All souls are immortal. All life forms have a soul and a body. Our body and our abilities are determined partly by the results of our karma*. When karma binds to our soul, the soul gets contaminated. Contaminated souls occupy four types of body forms: human, heavenly, hellish, or animals and plants (tiryancha) as depicted on the Swastika.
Even though the body and the soul are different, the body is the instrument through which we collect or remove Karma from our soul. Upon our death the soul and Karma migrate to a new body. The new body for the soul is determined by the Karma produced in our current lifetime. When all the attached karma are destroyed, the pure soul is permanently liberated from the body and attains liberation. This is also known as Nirväna. The pure soul reaches the top of the universe, called Moksha, and resides there forever. These souls are called Siddhas.
In the state of pure soul, as a Siddha, the soul does not go through the cycle of birth and death. In that state of being, the immortal soul is free, remains blissful for ever.
As Jains, Purification of our soul is our goal.
Note: S is also for Swastika, Sämäyika, Sädhu, and Sädhvi Siddha** souls are venerable and we seek refuge in those. Look for *Karma under K
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