667 What is the very short form of Namokar Mantra
and give explanation of all letters
Panch Parmesthis
OM - A, A, A, U&M A- Represents Arihanta A Represents Ashariri - Siddha who does not have physical body A - Represents Acharya U - Upadhyay M - Muni or Sadhu Sadhvis
668 Name the eight attributes of a Siddha
Panch Parmesthis
1) Anant Jnan infinite knowledge), 2) Anant Darshan (infinite perception), 3) Avyabadh Sukh (Eternal Happiness), 4) Anant Charitra (Perfect Conduct), 5) Akshay Sthiti (Immorality), 6) Arupipanu (Formlessness), 7) Aguru Laghutva (No Status, neither heavy or light), 8) Anant Virya (Infinite energy)
669 Name the nav pads.
Arihant, Siddha, Acharya, Upadhyay, Sadhu, Darshan, Gnan, Charitra, Tapa Arihanta-12, Siddha-8, Acharya - 36, Upadhyäys - 25. Sadhu - 27
Panch Parmesthis Panch Parmesthis
670 Navakarväli - 108 Beads of Rosary -Identify the
number of virtues/attributes of each Paramesthi
in Navakär Mantra. 671 Name any three attributes of an Arihant.
Ashok tree, Dev Dundubhi, chamar, Sihnasen, Pushpa Vrushti, Chatra, Shihasan, Bhamandal
Panch Parmesthis
672 Why do we have 108 beads in the Navakarvali?
Because of 108 characteristics of Panch Parmeshti.
Panch Parmesthis Panch Parmesthis
673 Give the literal meaning of the word Arihanta
Destroyer of inner enemies, namely four Kasyäs or passions, which are: Anger, Ego, Deceit, Greed