12 Vrats
12 Vrats
14 dreams
14 dreams
14 dreams
14 dreams
37 Name the common virtues or observances that Sanyam & Tap
are common between the 10 yati Dharmas and 6
daily essentials per Digambar tradition 38 When one fasts consecutively for 30 days, the tap Maskhaman or Masakshaman
is called? Name in indian language only This dream of Mother Trishalä indicated that her Golden Vase son would be perfect in all virtues and would be full of compassion for all living beings. He
would be a supreme religious personality. 40 How many Sapana (dreams) does the mother of 14 (Shwetambar) or 16 (Digambar)
Tirthankar have when the Tirthankar child is
conceived? 41 Which dream of Mother Trishalä indicated that Full moon
her son would bring peace to the world? According to Digambara belief, there are not 14 | A pair of fish and a lofty throne Swapanas, but 16 Swapanas. Name these two additional Swapanas. Name the dream that indicated that Queen
Full Moon (Chandra) Trishla's son would have a great physical structure and be pleasing to all living beings of
the universe. 44 Name the dream that indicated that Queen Heap of Jewels
Trishla's son would have infinite virtues and
wisdom and he would attain the supreme spirit. 45 Ele
Bull 46 This dream indicated a heavenly being would Dev Viman or Celestial Plane
respect and obey her son. 47 This dream of Trishla meant that the son would Elephant
have exceptionally high character. Also, he would guide the spiritual chariot with its four components: monks, nuns, laymen, and laywomen.
14 dreams
14 dreams
14 dreams 14 dreams
14 dreams