513 What is Päpänubandhi Punya?
Karma Philosophy II
514 How many different ways can one bind Punya?
Name any four.
While enjoying the fruits of Punya or wholesome Karmas, one may acquire Päp Karmas is called Päpänubandhi Punya. 9 ways. Anna-punya (offering food), Pani-punya (offering water), Layan-punya (offering shelter), Shayan-punya (offering bed), astra-punya (offering clothes), Man-punya (good thinking). Vachan-punya (good words), Kay-punya (helpful activity), Namaskarpunya (paying homage).
Karma Philosophy II
All 8 karmas are Pap karmas while. 4 Aghati karmas are both Pap and Punya karmas
Karma Philosophy II
Papanubandhi Punya
Karma Philosophy II
Punyanubandhi Paap
Karma Philosophy II
515 Name all the Karmas that can be classified as
Punya Karma and name all the karmas that can
be classified as Pap Karmas 516 Sometimes to acquire fame, social status, and
power a person may involve virtuous activities. This is an example of which type of anubandh of Pap and Punya within the 4 fold classification? while suffering the consequences of past Päp or non-virtuous Karma, a person reflects that his miseries are the consequence of his past bad deeds or actions and he bears the miseries calmly and with a sense of detachment and objectivity. This is an example of which type of anubandh of Pap and Punya within the 4 fold classification? A soul interacts with only 8 types of matter or
pudgal collectively known as what? 519 Give the three karmas that are destroyed within
48 minutes after the complete destruction of Mohaniya Karma Name any 3 Varghanas that are not visible to the ordinary soul?
Karma Theory
Gnanavarniya, Darshanavarniya and Antaray Karmas
Karma Theory I
Karma Theory I
Karman, Man, Swachchoswas, Bhasha, Tejas and Aharak