does this represent?
11 Name the Bhavanas that are also Tattvas
SamvarBhavana, NirjaraBhavana, and Ashrav Bhavana
12 Bhavanas
12 Bhavanas
12 Bhavanas
12 Bhavanas
12 What Bhavna did Mallinath use to teach lesson to She used Asuchi Bhavana (Impurity of body)
the six kings? 13 Which Bhavana states that the soul will be born Lokswabhav Bhavana
into one of the three loks? 14 Which Bhavana supports AnyatvaBhavana (The AnityaBhavana (Nothing is permanent)
human body is impermanent)? 15 Twelve Vows of Laity (Householders) has how Anuvrats-5. guna-Vratas-3, Shiksha Vratas - 4
many Anuvratas, Guna-Vratas, Shiksha Vrats? Name all Gun Vrats with meanings. All names 1) Geographic Limitation - Disha Pariman Vrat have to be correct. All English words are 2) Limitation of Luxurious Items - Bohogpbhog acceptable.
Pariman Vrat 3) Avoiding purposeless violence - Anarth dand Virman Vrat
12 Vrats
12 Vrats
Ahinsä Anuvrata
12 Vrats
17 To attack someone knowingly is sin; which
anuvrata tells us not to practise this? 18 Name all the Anuvrats
12 Vrats
1. Sthul Pranatipaat Viraman Vrat -Non-violence limited vow 2. Sthul Mrushavad Viraman Vrat - Truthfulness limited vow 3. Sthul Adattadan Viraman Vrat - Non-stealing limited vow 4. Swadara Santosh Parstrigaman Viraman Vrat - Chastity limited vow 5. Parigrah Pariman Vrat - Non-attachment limited Vow