Book Title: Reviews Of Dvddasaram Nayacakram Of Acarya Sri Mallavadi Ksamasramana
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Page #1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Reviews is Dvadasaram Nayacakram of Acarya Sri Mallavadi Ksamasramana with the commentary Nyayagamanusarini of Sri Simbasuri Gani Vadi Ksamasramana, Part I (1.4 Aras) -Edited with critical notes by Muni Jambuvijayaji and published by Sri Jaioa Atmananda Sabha-Bhavnagar. Price Rs. 25/ The name of Munisci Jambuvijayaji is by this time very well knowo in the realm of the Oriental Scholars by his editiog of Vaisesika Sutravetti with the commentary of Candrananda. One can easily see his critical faculty and scientific methods of critically editing the text. It surpasses in many ways even the method of Western scholars who are the masters of scientific ways of critically editing the text. Still however, one would be amazed to know that this critical edition of Vaisesika Sutravstti by Muni Sri Jambuvijayaji in a way a by-product of his critical edition of this book is the result of the coastant labour of nineteen years of Munijee. The MS. of this Nayacakra is no where available till to-day, so it is a giant task to reconstruct the text with the help of the Pratikas of the commentator Sri Simhasuri Gani in his Nyayagamansarini. The bulk of the original text of Nayacakra is 10000 Slokas and that of the commentary is of 18100 slokas. How much labour and pain he has taken after this reconstruction is described in detail by the editor himself in his Gujarati Introduction. In this way he has tried his level best to reconstruct the original text and has brought to the nearest reading of the original text. Of course, the MS of the original text being not available one cannot boast that this particular reading was an original one. But at the same time the reading of the text also inspires the reader to congratulate the learned editor for his immagination to put the text to the nearest original reading. It is also the credit of Sri Jaina Atmananda Sabha to publish it with as the 92nd book of its Sri Atmananda Jaioa Granthawala. To facilitate the understanding of this work, the editor has adorned the work with his valuable and learned notes with equally useful foot. notes on the same. These notes and foot-notes are quite helpful to understand not only the trend of the commentator but also that of Mallavadi, 1. Vide Gujarati Introduction, P. 70-73. Page #2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ August 1968 ( 39 the author of Nayacakra. The editor has further adorned this edition by giving specimen of a Tibetan text in Nagari script of a portion of the 1st Pariccheda of the Pramanasamuccaya of Dingoaga with his owa commentary. Here also he has made the appendix quite useful with his learned foot-notes. . We also cannot help but join with the learned Introduction of Prof. Erich Frauwallner and express our warmed thanks on behalf of all interested in the original works of Indian Philosophy and especially in Jaina doctrines and due to the editor who has taken such a tremendous amount of work upon himself. We also congratulate the trustees of Sri Jaina Atmananda Sabba to publish such a jewel with low price that learned persons can afford to purchase. We hope that other part of this book will be soon out. Pramana-Naya-Tattvalokalankara of Vadideva suri-Renderred into English with a commentary by Dr. Hari Satya Bhattacharya. Published by Jaina Sahitya Vikasa Mandala-Bombay 56. Page 677 : price Rs. 20/(Inland), Sh. 19 (Foreign). This is the English Translation of Vadidevsuri's Pramana-NayaTattvalokalankara with Ratnaprabha's commentary thereon. This translation was made by Dr. Hari Satya Bhattacharya long ago and was once published parts by parts in the Jaina Gazette which was then published from Madras. After the translation was fully published the attention of the famous scholar late H. Jacobi was drawn towards it and wrote a a Forward to it. The Forward of H. Jacobi was lost and whether the whole translation with H. Jacobi's Forward was published in Jaina Gazette or not is again a matter of research. However, this learned and useful translation of such a difficult book like Pramana-Naya-Tattvalokalankara with its Ratnaprabha's commentary by learned scholar, like Hari Satya Bhattacharya temporarily went to darkness. We therefore congratulate the trustees of Jaina Sabitya Vikasa Mandala for showing the light of the day to such a good work by taking keen interest into it. . The translation is a lucid one and is in such an easy language that even an ordinary person having knowledge of English and having interest in Indian Philosophy and Logic can easily follow it. Thus the translation has made such a difficult subject easily approachable and inteligible, Page #3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 40 ] Sarada Pitha Pradipa The only thing which hurts us is a long list of errata. When enumerated this list contains about 396 mistakes in a book of 677 pages. We do not know who is responsible for such a long list of mistakes but the proofs of such fine work should have been read carefully. So at least it should not haye made such a long list of printing errors. Historical Introduction to Modern Psychology or Adhunika Manovijnanano Aitahasika Paricaya. Price Rs 16/- Published by Gujarat University. This is the Gujarati version by Dr. Keshavlal B. Vyas of the 5th Edition of Historical Introduction to Modern Psychology by Gardener Murphy. The translation is in lucid and intelligible language. It is quite useful for the students of Psychology, At the end of the book the translator has given three useful appendices : (i) Names of the different scholars whose opinions are referred to, (ii) List of the topics and glossary of the technical terms. At the end of every chapter also the learned translator has given the brief bibliography of the books referred to in the chapter. Thus he has tried to make the book useful both for the students as well as general readers interested in the subject of Psychology. The translator and the University deserve commendation for she same. Report on a study of Socio-Economic conditions of Women Workers in Certain Textile Mills of Ahmedabad, by Smt. Jayashree Desai, Published by Gujarat University, Ahmedabad. Price Rs. 1.2) This small report is an interesting not only for the students of Sociology and Economics but also for a common man intersted in the subjects. Table No. 1 shows that only about 4 of women workers are engaged in mills and out of them according to table No. II majority are Hindu and Christians. Table No. III shows the majority of them are Gujarati speaking and Table No. VI shows that majority of these women are illiterate. Table No. VI shows that majority of them are from the nearby villages. Thus when one studies different tables he gets the all out idea io a brief regarding the condition of women in the textile mills. The questionaire given at the end of the report clears the picture of the reasons engaging women in different labour type of services. This gives also the idea of the economic condition of the village people. Such brief reports serve considerable purpose for the study of the subject cocerned. We hope the University will bring out more such reports on different subjects, Page #4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ August 1968 [ 41 Akhegita. Edited by Shri Umashanker Joshi and Dr. Ramanlal Joshi. Published by the Gujarat University. Price Rs. 2.50. This edition of the fext of Akhegita fills up the long-felt need of the scientific edited text of the same. The learned editors have used comparatively all good MSS. available for the editing. Short notes given at the end of the book would help the students understand the text. It would have been better if gloss of the old Gujarati words would have been given. It would have become useful for philological study. We hope in the next edition such gloss will be added. Dasama-Skandha Part 1, Adhyaya 1-28, Kadava 1-78. Edited by Shri Umashanker Joshi and Dr. H. C. Bhayani. Published by the Gujarat University. Price Rs. 4/ Both the learned editors of this Ist part of the 10th Skandha of the Gujarati Bhagavata by the great poet Premanand have used totally 11 MSS for this editing. One of the editors Shri Umashanker Joshi has written a short but learned introduction describing the poetry of the Dasama-Skandba. At the end of the book short notes as well as gloss of the old Gujarati words is also given. The gloss is useful for philological study of the different forms of the old regional language. The edition is made quite scientific and useful. The learned editors deserve commendation for the same. Terminology in Higher Mathematics. This is the 25th Booklet published by Gujarat University giving the glossary of the terminology of the words used in higher mathematics, All such booklets serve the useful purpose both for the teachers and the taught. Jivana-Nirvaha and Bhavasapati. by Shri Chimnlal J. Patel, published by the Gujarat University i Price Rs. 11 This book is a small booklet meant for common people. It is the 3rd Booklet of Lokabhogya Prakasara Sreni of the Gujarat University. The topic discussesd by the learned author in the booklet is in quite intelligible and interesting language. So the common people can understand with ease and can read with interest. The booklet of the University is also to spread the knowledge among common people and by such booklets the Gujarat University does serve the Gujarati speaking mass of the region. We hope such many other booklets also will be brought out by the Univeraity. Page #5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 42 ] Sarada Pitha Pradipa Dravyasthiti-Vijnana. It is an authentic Gujarati translation of Hydrostatics by A. S. Ramesy by a learned scholar like Prof. N. L. Kalathia. Price Rs. 7-50. The learned translator has made this subject quite intelligible to students of the subject studying by Gujarati medium. The gloss of the technical subjects given at the end of the book is certainly very useful for understanding the translation of such technical subjects like Hydrostatics. Both the translators and the University deserve commendation for bringing out a text on such a scientific subjects. Dhivanyaloka and its Critics, by Dr. Krisbnamoorthy and publi-bed by Kavyalaya publishers, Mysore. Price Rs. 30/ The author has divided this book into nine chapters with the Forward by a learned scholar, Prof. Hanumantha Rao. * The learned author has well-explained the Dhyani theory of Anandavardhana, the propounder of the theory. Defending Anandavardbana the author has refuted the views of other previous rhetoricians like Udbhata, Vamana, Bhamaba and others in the 1st chapter which is the introduction of the book. In the III chapter he has discussed in detailthe authorship and date of Anandavardhana. The 4th chapter of the book shows deep study of the poetics and aesthetics. In the chapter VI he has discuseed in detail the contribution of Abhinavaguptacarya to Dhvani theory. It is quite obvious that the learned author should discuss the views and critscism of the modern scholars like I A. Richards, Dr. S. K. De, M. M. Dr. P. V. Kane, M. M. Kuppuswami and others. This has been done in detail in the VIII chapter of this book. Thus the learned author has given full justice to the subject which was also the subject of his thesis. He has well-established his case not only with powerful arguments but full authenticity of the subject. We congratulate the author for bringing out sach a studied book. Vedic Prayers, by Vidyanand Videh, published by Vedasamsthana, Ajmer. Price Rs. 2/-. This is the English translation by Shri Brij Bhushan Hajela of the original Hindi version viz. Gayatri, by Vidyanand Videb. These prayers are the collection of selected fifty Mantras from the different Mandalas Page #6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ August 1968 [ 43 of Rgveda. The translation is a free translation by Vidyanand Videh of the Rgveda Mantras. He has not taken any commentator as the base of the work. No Svarapatha or Padapatha is considered necessary as neither of them is given in this book. While separating the different words the author has not cared to see that words ending with & should not be written with gear unless they are followed by the words beginning with some consonant. Here in every mantraM they are as agni IDeM puraH hite yajJasya devaM Rtu ijam . It should be agnim IDe puraH hitaM yajJasya devam Rtu ijam ... Similarly in the 2nd mantra it should be agninA rayim abhavat poSam eva dive dive and not rayi aznavat poSaM eva dive dive. As one has said the interpritation of these different gays is totally independent, we have not to opine. It is good independent expression of one's own thought. The Exposition of the Vol. 1, by Vidyanand Videh, published by Veda samsthana, Ajmer. . This is also the English translation of the Hindi version by Vidyanand Videh. The translation and detailed explanation given by the author is fully independent. Here he has selected 49s from different Vedas. In this book also while printing the gas showing the different words of the 97 the same mistake which was made in the book * Vedic Prayers' is repeated. It pinches to one who is conversent with Sanskrit language. We hope in the next edition of these works these types of mistakes will be removed and regular fitorg and qfart will be given. Otherwise the book itself is interesting for the general readers. Non-Urban Graduates in Gujarat 1 by R. D. Parikh, M.A., Ph.D. P. 1-66. Price Rs. 2/- (Guj. Uni.) This is a survey of Gradustes belonging to non-urban areas of the Gujarat University The scope of this inquiry is limited because it has given the account of the graduates (only men) in Arts, Science and Commerce faculties who obtained their Bachelor's degree during 1953 to 1956 and whose native places are non-urban ones. Thus this survey comprises of 970 graduates of the total-population of the enquiry. Page #7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 44 ) Sarada Pitha Pradipa The enquiry is made of different aspects and for each aspect the author has given different tables. Altogether this small booklet contains 10 tables. At the end the author has given the survey of his observations which is the purport of this type of servey. This booklet is useful for furthering such surveys to be made by other scholar. Samajika Manovijnana, by Prof. S. V. Vanikar, P. 1-252. Price Re. 1. (Guj. Uni.) This book is a good text book on the subject of Social Psychology in Gujarati by learned Prof. V. S. Vanikar, he has given full justice to bis subject by giving different examples in different parts of the Society. As the mother-tongue of the author is not Gujarati he has by mistake of pronunciation used the word Bhagavi in the place of Bhangavi (Vide P. 165). Here the learned Professor wants to use breaking and pot dividing. Otherwise the book is quite useful for the students of Paychology. Three General Elections in Gujarat, by Devavrat N. Pathak, M. G. Parikh and Kirtidev D. Desai. P. 1-265. Rs. 10/- (Guj. Uni.) This book gives a good picture of the political growth and downfall of different political parties in Gujarat in view of the General Election that took place in the year 1952, 1957 and 1962. How and why the biggest and popular ruling party viz. congress lost its strength and how the other political parties gained their strength is discussed by these authors in this book. This in some way indicates the picture of the country also. Such further studies will throw more lights on the political life of the country. The efforts of the authors are commendable in this direction. Sarakari Vittavyavastha. Translated by Principal H. K. Trivedi. P. 1-756. Price Rs. 20/- (Guj. Uni.) This is a translation of Government Finance' by John T. Due. The book gives a good economic Analysis of the different aspects of the Government finance whether democratic or of any other type. The original work is by Dr. John T. Due who is an authority on the subject. The learned Principal has also taken full labour in translating the book so as to make quite useful for the students as well as general reader. Gloss of the technical terms is a useful addition to the work. Principal H. K. Trivedi and the University both deserve congratulations for putting such an authentic work in regional medium. Page #8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ August 1968 ( 45 Gujarati Bhasana Dhvanisvarupa and Dhvani-Parivartana, by Dr. Prabodh B. Pandit. P. 1-308. Price Ks. 10/- (Guj. Uni.) This book is a work on the subject by autbority like Prof. Dr. P. Pandit who is known for his deep learning of the subject. The book was originally written in 1961 and is published in 1966 so as the author himself states the book-requires much addition as the progress in the Science of Linguistice is faster. Showing the limitation of the work the author also states that much has been left in connecting the link of form and change of the language. However, we feel that he has not done less service by this work and future Gujarat hopes much for a learned scholar. "The University deserves commendation for publishing such a useful book on the scientific subject like linguistics. Ayojana and Arthatantra, by Prof. R. K. Amin. P. 178. Price Rs. 2-50. This is a very useful publication in Lokabhogya Prakasana Sreni by the Guj. University. The work fulfils the demand of the General reader on the subjects useful for every citizen of the country. The language of the work is so lucid and easy that a layman interested in the subject can also easily grasp the idea of the different topics. The author has given examples from our day to day life e. g. he gives an example of a housewife and explains how a good housewife plans to run the house economically. (Vide P. 3) In the IV chapter he has dealt with the form of planning in Russia and other Western countries of communist ideology with their defects and dificulties arising due to a particular view-point. The author and University both deserve commendation for bringing out sach a useful work of public interest.