Book Title: Digambar Pratikraman
Author(s): Subhash
Publisher: Subhash
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Page #1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ प्रतिक्रमण प्रतिक्रमण बृहत्सामायिक पाठ Brhatsāmāyika Patha DETAILED LESSON OF EQUANIMITY ॐ नमः सिद्धेभ्यः OMå namah siddhebhyah ईर्यापथ-भक्तिः i:rya:patha-bhaktih ॐ जय, जय, जय, निस्सही, निस्सही, निस्सही OMa jaya, jaya, jaya, nissahi:, nissahi:, nissahi: नि:संगोऽहं जिनानां सदन-मनुपमम् त्रि:परीत्यैत्य भक्त्या । स्थित्वा गत्वा निषद्योच्चरण- परिणतोऽन्तःशनैर्हस्तयुग्मम्॥ भाले संस्थाप्य बुद्ध्य मम, दुरितहरं कीर्तये शक्रवन्धम्। निन्दादूरं सदाप्तं क्षयरहित- ममुं ज्ञानभानुं जिनेन्द्रम्॥1॥ nihsangoAāharm jina:na:m sadana manupamam trihparityaitya bhaktya:. sthitva: gatva: nişadyochcharana parinatoAảntahshanairhastayugmam.. bha:le samstha:pya buddhya mama, ___duritaharam ki:rtaye shakravandyam. ninda:du:ram sada:ptam ksayarahita mamurn jfia:nabha:nurm jinéndram..1.. Eng. Getting free from possessions and attachments, I go to the Temple (Jinalaya), take three rounds of the altar (Pradakshina:); stand humbly and respectfully utter "Nissahi" three times having pure and positive thoughts within; put folded hands on the forehead; pray to Lord Jinendra who keeps my vices away. He is worshipped by Indra (King of celestial deities). He keeps Himself away from ill-will and criticism. He is ever benevolent, free from destruction. He is the Sun of knowledge. पडिक्कमामि-भंते। इरियावहियाए विराहणाए अणागुत्ते, अइग्गमणे, णिग्गमणे, ठाणे, गमणे चंकमणे पाणुग्गमणे, बीजुग्गमणे, हरिदुग्गमणे, उच्चार- पस्सवण- खेल- सिंघाणय- वियडिय पइट्ठावणियाए, जे जीवा एइंदिया वा, बेइंदिया वा, तेइंदिया वा, चउरिंदिया वा, पंचेंदिया वा, णोल्लिदा वा, पेल्लिदा वा, संघट्टिदा वा, संघादिदा वा, उद्दाविदा वा, परिदाविदा वा, किरिच्छिदा वा, लेस्सिदा वा, छिदिदा वा, भिदिदा वा, ठाणदो वा, ठाणचंकमणदो, वा तस्स उत्तरगुणं, तस्स पायच्छित्तकरणं, तस्स विसोहिकरणं, जाव अरहंताणं, भयवंताणं, णमोक्कारं पज्जुवासं करेमि, ताव कालं पावकम्मं दुच्चरियं वोस्सरामि! padikkama:mi-bhante! iriya:vahiya:é vira:hana:: ana:gutté, aiggamané, niggamané, tha:ne, gamane chankamane pa:nuggamané, bi:juuuggamané, hariduggamané, uchcha:ra- passavana- khela (2) Page #2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ प्रतिक्रमण committed. (Namokar hymn-nine times in 27 respirations) ईपिथे प्रचलताऽद्य मया प्रमादादेके न्द्रिय- प्रमुख-जीवनिकाय-बाधा। निर्वर्तिता यदि भवेद - युगान्तरेक्षा, मिथ्या-तदस्तु दुरितं गुरुभक्ति तो मे॥2॥ i:rya:pathë prachalata:Aảdya maya: prama:da:dēkēndriya pramukha-ji:vanika:ya-bardha:. nirvartita: yadi bhavēda - yuga:ntarēksa:, mithya:-tadastu duritam gurubhakti to mē..2.. प्रतिक्रमण singha naya- viyadiya paittha:vaniya:ě, je ji:va: ēiandiya: var, bēiandiya: va, tēiandiya: va:, chaurindiya: va:, pañchēndiya: va:, nõllida: va:, pëllida: va:, sanghațțida: var, sangha:dida: va:, udda:vida: var, parida:vida: va:, kiriñchchhida: va:, lessida: var, chhindida: va:, bhindida: va:, tha:nado va, tha: nachankamanado, va tassa uttaragunam, tassa pa:yachchhittakaranam, tassa visõhikaranam, ja va arahanta:nam, bhayavanta:nam, namökka:ram pajjuva:saṁ karēmi, ta:va ka:lam pa:vakammam duchchariyam võssara:mi! Eng. O Lord! I repent and seek forgiveness for my ac tivities of hurting or causing pain directly or indirectly to one sensed beings having form; two sensed beings having form and tongue; three sensed beings having form, tongue and nose; four sensed beings having form, tongue, nose and eyes and five sensed beings having form, tongue, nose, eyes and ears. Utter him of five supreme souls (Namokar mantra) and give up vicious and cruel activities. While walking I may have trampled upon living beings, seeds, green vegetation, dew, ant burrows, moss, wet soil, spider webs. I may have hurt them by kicking, covering with dirt, trampling, colliding or touching. I may have frightened them, distressed them, displaced them or killed them. I repent and apoligise for all the sins I may have (3) Eng. While walking I might have ever obstructed any of the beings from one sensed to five sensed by carelessness or might have walked without carefully observing the way two hands ahead. I repent for the sins I might have committed during the activity of walking and pray to be freed from such sins by the grace of the spiritual teacher (guru). करचरणतनुविघातादटतो निहतः प्रमादतः प्राणी। ईर्यापथमिति भीत्या मुंचे तद्दोषहान्यर्थम् ।।3।। karacharanatanuvigha:ta:datato nihatah prama:datah pra:ņi:. i:rya:pathamiti bhi:tya: muñche taddosaha nyartham..3.. Eng. The being gives up walking as to avoid such sins (4) Page #3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ प्रतिक्रमण like hurting the moving beings by hands,legs and body. इच्छामि भंते! आलोचेउं इरियावहियस्स पुव्वुत्तर-दक्खिणपच्छिम-चउदिसु विदिसासु विहरमाणेण जुगंतर-दिविणा भव्वेण दट्ठव्वा पमाददोसेण डवडवचरियाए पाणभूद-जीव-सत्ताणं एदेसिं उवघादो कदो वा कारिदो वा कीरंतो वा समणुमण्णिदो वा तस्स मिच्छा में दुक्कडं||3|| ichchha:mi bhante! alochéuam iriya:vahiyassa puvvuttara-dakkhina- pachchhima-chaudisu vidisa:su viharama:néna jugantara-ditthina: bhavvéna datthavva: pama:dadoséna davadavachariya:épa:nabhu:da-ji:vasatta:nam édésim uvagha:do kadi va: ka:rido va: ki:ranto va: samanumannido va: tassa michchha: mē dukkadam..3.. प्रतिक्रमण ग्रैष्मः कारयतींदुपादसलिलच्छायानुरागं रविः ।। 4 ।। na sneha:chchharanam praya:nti bhagavan pa:dadvayantēpraja:h. hētustatra vichitraduhkhanichayah samsa:raghora:rnavah. atyantasphuradugrarashminikara vya:ki:rnambhu:mandalo, graişmah ka:rayati:ndupa:dasalila ____chchha:ya.nura:gam ravih..4.. Eng. O Lord! Laymen ordinarily do not seek the shel ter of your feet affectionately but those who seek your shelter,they so so because of the ocean of the world full of peculiar types of pains and sufferings. Thisis just like the Sun of the summer releasing its bright rays and scorching heat in all the corners of the universe shows its affection and sympathy to the people,moon rays, water and shadow.(4) Eng. O Lord! I intend to criticize the sins committed during walking (I:rya:path). while walking in the four directions-the East,the West,the North, the South and their sub directions sins regarding the harm done to the existence of any being might have been committed by carelessness by the self or caused by others or by approval,I repent and apologise for such of my sins. न स्नेहाच्छरणं प्रयान्ति भगवन् पादद्वयंतेप्रजाः । हेतुस्तत्र विचित्रदुःखनिचयः संसारघोरार्णवः । अत्यंतस्फुरदुग्ररश्मिनिकरव्याकीर्णभूमंडलो, कुद्धाशीविषदष्टदुजृयविषज्वालाबलीविक्रमो। विद्याभेषजमंत्रतोयहवनैर्याति प्रशांतिं यथा।। तद्वत्ते चरणांरुणांबुजयुग-स्तोत्रोन्मुखानांनृणाम्। विघ्ना: कायविनायकश्च सहसा, शाम्यन्त्यहो विस्मयः।।5।। kruddha:shi:visadastadujryavisa jva:la:bali:vikramo. vidya:bhēsajamantratöyahavanair ya:ti prasha:ntim yatha:.. (5) (6) Page #4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ प्रतिक्रमण Sun so are the sufferings of the people subsidised by bowing down reverentially to your feet.(6) त्रैलोक्येश्वर-मङ्गलव्धविजया-दत्यन्त-रौद्रात्मकानानाजन्म-शतांतरेषु पुरतो जीवस्य संसारिणः । को वा प्रस्खलतीह केन विधिना कालोग्र-दावानलानस्याच्चेत्तव पादपद्मयुगल-स्तुत्यापगा-वारणम्।।7।। प्रतिक्रमण tadvatté charana:mruna:mbujayuga stotronmukha:na:nnrna:m. vighna:h karyavina:yakashcha sahasa:, sha:myantyaho vismayah..5.. Eng. O Lord!It is a great wonder that people who are ready to eulogise your red lotus like feet all their troubles and pains are wiped off just like the uncurable poison of the most poisonous snake, burning fire and great strength all are pacified by medicines,mystical hymns,water and sacrificial rituals.(5) संतप्तोत्तमकांचनक्षितिधर-श्रीस्पर्द्धिगौरद्युते , पुंसाँ त्वच्चरणामकरणात्पीडाः प्रयांति क्षयम्। उद्यद्भास्करविस्फुरत्करशतव्याघातनिष्कासिता, नानादेहिविलोचनद्युतिहरा शीघ्रं यथा शर्वरी।।6।। santaptottamaka:nchanaksitidhara ___shri:sparddhigauradyuté, pumsa: tvachcharana:makarana:t ____pi:da:h praya:nti ksayam. udyadbha:skaravisphuratkarashata ___vya:gha:taniska:sita:, na:na:dēhivilochanadyutihara: shi:ghram yatha: sharvari:..6.. Eng. O Lord!Your resplendence is at par with the moun tain of heated gold. As the darkness of the night ends with the hundreds of the rays of the rising trailokyéshvara-mangalavdhavijaya: dattyanta-raudra:tmaka:nna:na:janma-shata:ntarēsu purato ji:vasya sarsa:rinah. ko va: praskhalati:ha kéna vidhina: ka:lõgra-da:va:nala:nnasya:chchéttava pa:dapadmayugalas ____tutya:paga:-va:ranam..7.. Eng. O Lord! Had there been no eulogy of your feet the time could have got victory over the lord of all the three worlds like the fire of the forest. The nature of time is very fearful.It always remains ahead to all the worldly beings in their hundreds of birth cycles. What way can free a being from the yoke of time?The idea is that no being is free from the fierce fire of time.(7) लोकालोकनिरंतरवितत-ज्ञानैकमूर्ते विभो। नानारत्न-पिनद्ध-दण्ड-रुचिर-श्वेतातपत्र-त्रयं ।। त्वत्पाद-द्वय-पूत-गीत-रवतः शीघ्रं द्रवंत्या-मया। दपाध्मात-मृगेन्द्र-भीम-निनदा-द्वन्या यथा कुञ्जराः ॥8॥ (7) (8) Page #5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ प्रतिक्रमण lõka:lōkanirantaravitata jña:naikami:rtai vibhō. na:na:ratna-pinaddha-danda-ruchira tvattpa:da-dvaya-pu:ta-gi:ta-ravatah shi:ghram dravantya:-maya:. darppa:dhma:ta-mrgendra-bhi:ma-ninada:d vanya: yatha: kuñjara:h..8... shvēta:tapatra-trayam.. Eng. O Lord! Your knowledge is spreadin the entire universe and beyond. Yare adorned with the thunderbolt affixed with various kinds of gems and three white parasols.Reverential prayer of your feet cures all the diseases just like the elephants in the forest run away hearing the roaring sound of the lion.(8) दिव्यस्त्री - नयनाभिराम - विपुल- श्रीमेरू - चूडामणे । भास्वद्वाल- दिवाकर-द्युतिहर - प्राणीष्ट - भामंडल ॥ अव्यावाध-मचिन्त्य - सारमतुलं त्यक्तोपम शाश्वतं । सोख्यं त्वच्चरणारविंद-युगलस्तुत्यै संप्राप्यते ॥ 9 ॥ divyastri:-nayana:bhira:ma-vipula bha:svadva:la-diva:kara-dyutihara shri:mēru:-chi:da:mane. pra:ni:sta-bha:mandal.. avya:va:dha-machintya-sa:ramatulam tyaktōpama sha:shvatam. sōkhyam tvachcharaṇa:ravinda-yugala (9) प्रतिक्रमण stutyai sampra:pyate..9.. Eng. O Lord! your aura (bhamandal) is splendid and soothing to the divine ladies. It is like the crown of the the mountain of Meru. It is even brighter than the rising sun. The eulogy of your feet provide with painless, free from worries, uncomparable, unique and eternal bliss.(9) यावत्रोदयते प्रभापरिकरः श्रीभास्करो भासयं, स्तावद्धारयतीह पङ्कजवनं निद्रातिभारश्रमं । यावत्त्वच्चरणद्वयस्य भगवन्न स्यात्प्रसादोदयस्तावज्जीव- निकाय एष वहिति प्रायेण पापं महत् ॥ 10 ॥ ya:vannōdayate prabha: parikarah shri:bha:skarō bha:sayam, sta:vaddha:rayati:ha pankajavanam nidra:tibha:rashramam. ya:vattvachcharaṇadvayasya bhagavanna sya:tprasa:dödaya sta:vajji:va-nika:ya ēṣa vahiti pra:yēņa pa:paṁ mahat..10.. Eng. O Lord! The lotus flowers can not blossom in the absence of sunlight, similarly the beings suffer great sin inthe absence of the eulogy of your feet and the blessings of yours.(10) शांति शांतिजिनेन्द्र शांत मनसस्-त्वत्पादपद्मा-श्रयात्, संप्राप्ताः पृथिवीतलेषु बहवः शान्त्यथितः प्राणिनः । (10) Page #6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ प्रतिक्रमण कारुण्यान्मम भक्तिकस्य च विभोदृष्टिं प्रसन्नां कुरु, त्वत्पादद्वय दैवतस्य गदतः शांत्यष्टकं भक्तितः ॥ 11 ॥ sha:ntim sha:ntijinendra sha:nta-manasastvatpa:dapadma:shraya:t, sampra:pta:h pṛthivi:talēşu bahavah sha:ntyathiṛtah pra:ninah. ka:runya:nmama bhaktikasya cha vibhōdrstim prasanna:m kuru, tvatpa:dadvaya-daivatasya gadatah sha:ntyaṣṭakam bhaktitah..11.. Eng. O Lord Shanti Jinendra! Numerous beings on this earth desiring for peace have attained it by devoting themselves to your lotus-feet. Hence, O Lord! I devote myself whole heartedly to your feet and eulogise you with this hymn. Be kind enough towards me.(11) नमः श्रीवर्द्धमानाय निर्द्धत-कलिलात्मने । सालोकानां त्रिलोकानां यद्विद्या दर्पणायते ॥ 12 ॥ namah shri:varddhama:na:ya nirddhu:takalila:tmanē. sa:lōka:na:m trilōka:na:m yadvidya: darpaṇa:yatē..12.. Eng.I bow to Lord Vardhman who is free from all worldly attachments and whose omniscence knows all the three worlds and the entire cosmos as clearly as the image of the object reflected in the mirror. (11) प्रतिक्रमण जिनेन्द्रमुन्मूलित - कर्मबन्धं प्रणम्य सन्मार्ग-कृत-स्वरूपम् । अनन्तबोधादि-भवंगुणौघं, क्रिया-कलापं प्रकटं प्रवक्ष्ये ॥ 13 ॥ jinendramunmu:lita-karmabandham, praṇamya sanma:rga-kṛta-svaru:pam. anantabōdha:di-bhavanguṇaugham, kriya:-kala:pam prakatam pravakṣye..13.. Eng. Having bowed to Lord Jinendra who is capable to root out all the karmic bondages and having all the attributes of attaining salvation, I state apparently the entire ritual of the state of equanimity (samayik) which is possessed with the virtues originating from infinite knowledge.(13) संकल्प सूत्र sankalpa su:tra खम्मामि सव्वजीवाणं सव्वे जीवा खमंतु मे । मेत्ती मे सव्वभूदेसु, वैरं मज्झं ण केण वि ॥1॥ khamma:mi savvaji:va:nam savvēji:va: khamantu mē. metti: mē savvabhu:dēsu, vairam majjham na kēna vi..1.. Eng. I forgive all the beings.I beg pardon from all the beings. Let there be friendship with all the beimgs and no enimity with any being.(1) Eng. I forgive all the beings.I beg pardon from all the beings. Let there be friendship with all the beimgs and no enimity with any being.(1) (12) Page #7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ प्रतिक्रमण राग-बन्ध-पदोसं च, हरिसं दीण-भावयं । उस्सुगत्तं भयं सोगं, रदिमरदिं च वोस्सरे।।2।। प्रतिक्रमण nindana-garahana-jutto mana-vaya karyena padikkamanam..4.. Eng. I repent and beg forgiveness mentally,verbally and physically for criticising or looking down upon any one with reference to substance, time,space or feeling. raga-bandha-padosam cha. harisam di:na-bha:vayam. ussugattam bhayam sogam, radimamradim cha vossaré..2.. Eng. I give up from the very core of my heart the faults of the bondage of attachment, pleasure, inferiority, eagerness, fear and sorrow.(2) पश्चाताप सूत्र pashcha:ta:pa su:tra हा दुट्ठ-कयं हा दुट्ठ-चिंतियं भासियं च हा दुटुं। अंतो अंतो डज्झामि पच्छत्तावेण वेदंतो।।3।। ha: duttha-kayam ha: duttha-chintiyam bha:siyam cha ha: duttham. anto anto dajjha:mi ___pachchhatta:véna védanti..3.. Eng. I repent for any wrong done or contempleted or said or done secretely and pledge to give it up.(3) दव्वे खेत्ते काले भावे य कदाऽवराह-सोहणयं। णिंदण-गरहण-जुत्तो मण-वय कायेण पडिक्कमणं।।4।। davvē khétte ka:lē bha:vē ya kada:Аåvara:ha-sõhanayam. अथ कृत्य प्रतिज्ञा भगवन्नमस्ते एषोऽहं, देववन्दनां कुर्या इति सामायिकस्वीकारः।।5।। atha krtya pratijña: bhagavannamastē ēsēAảham, dévavandana:m kurya:m iti sa:mayikasvi:ka:rah..5.. Eng. Now I pledge to perform the ritual of equanimity (samayik) O Lord! I bow to you. I pray you and thus accept to do the same. समता सर्वभूतेषु संयमः शुभभावना। आर्त-रौद्र-परित्यागस्-तद्धि सामायिक व्रतम्।।6।। samata: sarvabhu:tésu samyamah shubhabha:vana:. a:rtta-raudra-paritya:gas-taddhi sa:ma:yik vratam..6.. Eng. The vow of equanimity is to have the feeling of harmony(samta)towards all the beings; toobserve restraints;to have auspicious feelings and to renounce painful(artra) and ctuel (raudra) meditation.(6) सिद्धं सम्पूर्ण भव्यार्थं, सिद्धेः कारणमुक्तमम्। प्रशस्त-दर्शन-ज्ञान-चारित्र-प्रतिपादनम्।।7।। (13) (14) Page #8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ प्रतिक्रमण सुरेन्द्र-मुकुटाश्लिष्ट-पाद-पद्मांशु-केशरम्। प्रणमामि महावीर लोक-त्रितय-मंगलम्।।8।। siddham sampu:rna bhavya:rtham, siddhēh ka:ranamuktamam. prashasta-darshana-jha:na cha:ritra-pratipa:danam.. 7.. surendra-mukuta:shlista pa:da-padma:mshu-késharam. pranama:mi maha:vi:ra loka-tritaya-mangalam..8.. Eng. I bow to Lord Mahavir who has attained salvation. He is perfect in sublime meaning. He is the best cause of salvation.He is supreme reveals such knowledge, faith and conduct, whose feet are being revered by keshri Indras and who is the embodiment of auspicious.(7-8) आदौ मध्येऽवसाने च, मंगलं भाषितं बुधैः। तज्जिनेन्द्र-गुणस्तोत्रं, तदविघ्न-प्रसिद्धये।।9।। a:dau madhyēAảvasa:nē cha, mangalam bha:sitam budhaih. tajjinendra-gunastotram, _tadavighna-prasiddhaye..9.. Eng. The scholars have stated to recite auspicious hymns in the beginning, middle and end. Therefore, for the attainment of smoothness प्रतिक्रमण Lord Jinendra is being eulogised. (9) विघ्नाः प्रणश्यंति भयं न, जातु नक्षुद्र-देवा: परिलंघयंति। अर्थान् यथेष्टाश्च सदा लभंते, जिनोत्तमानां परिकीर्तनन।। 100 vighna:h pranashyanti bhayam na, ja:tu naksudradēva:h parilanghayantim. artha:n yathésta:shcha sada: labhanté, jinottama:na:m pariki:rtanén..10.. Eng. Worshipping the great tirhankaras root out the ob stacles; keep away from fear,mean deities do not harm and every thing desired is achieved.(10) सिद्धेभ्यो निष्टितार्थेभ्यो, वरिष्टेभ्यः कृतादरः। अभिप्रेयार्थ-सिद्ध्यर्थं, नमस्कुर्वे पुनः पुनः ।। 11|| siddhēbhyo nistita:rthēbhyo, varistēbhyah krta:darah. abhipréya:rtha-siddhyrtham, ___namaskurvé punah punah..11.. Eng. I pay homage to such supreme souls having firm faith in the entire meaning of the subject for the attainment of desired meaning.(11) आईमङ्गलकरणे सिरसा लहू पारया हवंतित्ति। मन्भे अब्बुछिती, बिज्जाविज्जाफलं चरमे ।।12।। a:īmangalakaranē sirasā lahu pa:rayā havantitti. mabbhé abbuchiti, bijja:vijja:phalam charamé..12.. (15) (16) Page #9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ प्रतिक्रमण Eng. Paying obesiance in the beginning helps in smooth completion of the task. Paying obesiance in the middle does not obstruct the task and paying obesiance in the end leads to the fruitful completion of the task.(12) दुउण्णदं जहा जादं वारसावत्तमेव य। UGR fares J, PRyhi q3 old II 1311 duunnadam jaha: ja:dam va:rasa:vattameva y. chadussiram tisaddhis cha, kiriyammam pauam jade..13.. Eng. One should perform reverential conduct (kratikarm) with proper religious observancetwelve movements (a:vart), bowing head with folded and joined hands in reverence four times with purity of mind, words and body.(13) किरियम्मं पिकरंतो णहोदिकिरियम्मणिज्जराभागो। बत्ती साणण्णदरं, साहूठाणं विराहतो / / 1 4 / / प्रतिक्रमण तिविहंतियरणसुद्धं भयरहियं दुविहगणपुणरूत्तं। fauigut Drifesi, folati alla luca|15|| tivihantiyaranasuddham bhayarahiyam duvihaganapunaru:ttam. vinaena kammavisuddham, kidikammam hodi ka:yavvam..15.. Eng. Reverential conduct(kratikarm)be observed again and again according to the traditionof the acharyas paying due respect, keeping in mind three ways i.e.with the purity of mind, words and body, the purity of words and their meanings, getting free from pride in sitting or standing meditative posture.(15) kiriyammas pikaranto nahodikiriyammanijjara:bha:go. batti sa:nannadaram, sa:hu:tha:nas vira:hanto..14.. Eng. The saints who perform reverential conduct with any of the thirty-two faults do not achieve the fruits of it.Observing reverential conduct is meant for shedding of karmas. Therefore, the reverential conduct yields its fruits if performed with purity and getting away from thirtytwo faults.(14) ( 17 ) ( 18 )