Book Title: Catalogue Of Publications 1968
Author(s): Giuseppe Tucci
Publisher: Giuseppe Tucci
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Page #1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SERIE ORIENTALE ROMA DIRECTED BY GIUSEPPE TUCCI ASSISTANT-DIRECTOR: PROF. ANTONIO GARGANO I - G. TUCCI, The tombs of the Tibetan Kings. Rome 1950. 16 x 24 cm.; pp. 117, with an Appendix containing inscriptions and edicts in the Tibetan text, with transcriptions. 5 plates. (out of print). The book illustrates the remarkable results attained by the Tucci expedition to Tibet in 1948, in the course of which the tombs of the ancient Tibetan kings were discovered, in addition to some inscriptions of the ancient period of Tibetan history. In this volume other documents are also published referring to the events which have accompanied the introduction of Buddhism in Tibet. * II - L. PETECH, Northern India according to the Shui-ching-chu. Rome 1950. 16 x 24 cm.; pp. 89, with an Appendix on the name of Chi-pin. Brochure Lit. 800 Cloth-binding Lit. 1.300 The information on Northern India collected in the Shui-ching-chu or Commentary to the Classic of Waters - a work dating back to the 6th cent. A.D. - is here studied for the first time. This information stems from various sources, mostly from travel accounts by Chinese Buddhist pilgrims, all lost nowadays except for Fa-hsien. An Appendix deals with the name Chi-pin, which in the earliest times had two different meanings: the great power of the Indo-Afghan frontier for the Chinese historians, and Kashmir for the Chinese Buddhist translators. III - E. FRAUWALLNER, On the Date of the Buddhist Master of the Law Vasubandhu. Rome 1951. 16 x 24 cm.; pp. 69, with an extensive bibliography on the subject. Lit. 500 An investigation based upon Indian, Chinese, and Tibetan sources, on one of the most controversial problems concerning the chronology of Buddhism: at what time did Vasubandhu live, the author of Abhidharmakosa ? Was there only one Vasubandhu or was there a second one? The author concludes in favour of the second solution. Page #2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ IV - J. F. Rock, The Na-khi Naga cult and related ceremonies. Rome 1952. 18 x 25 cm.; 2 vols., pp. X-806, 58 illustrations and 12 plates. Lit. 15.000 Besides M. Bacot's work, this volume by J. F. Rock is the only one which supplies a precise and complete documentation on the legends, the religion, the history and the geography of the Moso, the name most commonly used for designating the Na-khi. The A. has spent a period of twenty years with this little people on the Sino-Tibetan border of Yunnan. All those who undertake a study of the non-Chinese populations of China, as well as all those who are concerned with the Chinese or Tibetan religious world, will find this work indispensable for consultation and reference. Acople on the khi. The u the Moso, ition on the V - Conferenze, Vol. I. Rome 1952. 16 x 24 cm.; pp. 156 with 16 plates. Lit. 1.500 LECTURES DELIVERED AT ISMEO. G. Cedes, Le culte de la Royaute Divinisee, source d'inspiration des grands monuments du Cambodge ancien; J.J. L. DUYVENDAK, La philosophie du << non-agir >>; C. HENTZE, Comment il faut lire l'iconographie d'un vase en bronze chinois de la periode Chang; P. H. POTT, Le bouddhisme de Java et l'ancienne civilisation javanaise. VI - E. CONZE, Abhisamayalankara. Rome 1954. 16 x 24 cm.; pp. 223, with a glossary and Tibetan-Sanskrit Indexes. Lit. 2.500 The "Abhisamayalankara " is one of the most important works of Mahayana Buddhism, because it epitomizes the ascent of the Bodhisattva to the " land of the Buddha ", by passing through successive moments or stages representing a progressive moral and mental purification. The work is written in extremely obscure verses, for the first time here translated and made accessible to students who are thus enabled to follow in its intricacies the path of the adepts in the Mahayana and understand one of the most intense texts of Oriental mystics. VII - Conferenze, Vol. II. Rome 1955. 16 x 24 cm.; pp. 197 with 19 illustrations. Lit. 2.500 LECTURES DELIVERED AT ISMEO. H. CORBIN, Avicenne et le recit visionnaire; N. EGAMI, Decouverte << l'eglise romaine >> etablie au XIII e siecle, en Mongolie, par Giovanni da Monte Corvino; M. ELIADE, Techniques de l'extase et langages secrets; J. FILLIOZAT, La devotion vishnouite au pays tamoul; P. HUMBERTCLAUDE, Nara-ebon, le livre a miniatures japonais, 1570-1730; J. MASUI, Sri Aurobindo et l'universalisation de la pensee indienne; E. H. DE TSCHARNER, Un art chinois peu connu: le theatre. Page #3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ VIII - E. FRAUWALLNER, The earliest Vinaya and the beginnings of Bud dhist Literature. Rome 1956. 16 x 24 cm.; pp. 218, with an Appendix on the << Tradition and structure of the extant Vinaya works >>. (out of print). It is possible for us to extract from Buddhist Literature, and especially from the Vinaya, a core of ancient texts, and reach - by comparing the various editings, in particular of the works of the Vinaya -- a conclusion, approximate at least, concerning the extent of this core and the date which may be assigned to its first editing. This is the problem which the A. has set himself to solve, and for which he suggests an acceptable solution, after acutely investigating the matter. IX, 1 - G. TUCCI, Minor Buddhist Texts, Part I. Rome 1956. 16 x 24 cm.; pp. 310. Lit. 5.500 TABLE OF CONTENTS: SECTION 1 - The Trisatikayah Prajnaparamitayah Karikasaptatih by Asanga. INTRODUCTION APPENDIX I - Comparison of Taisho 1510 a and Taisho 1510 b. CHAPTER 1 - Sanskrit text, Chinese, Tibetan and English Translations. CHAPTER 2 - Analysis of the Vajracchedika according to Vasubandhu (Taisho 1510) (compared with Kamalasila's commentary). APPENDIX II - The Gilgit text of the Vajracchedika by N. P. Chakravarti. SECTION II - Mahayana-vimsika of Nagarjuna. SECTION III - Navasloki of Kambalapada. SECTION IV - Catuhstavasamasartha of Amstakara. SECTION V - Introduction - Hetutattvopadesa of Jitari and Tarkasopana of Vidyakarasanti: 1 - Hetutattvopadesa of Jitari. 2 - Tarkasopana of Vidyakarasanti. IX, 2 - G. TUCCI, Minor Buddhist Texts, Part II. Rome 1958. 16 x 24 cm.; pp. XI-289. Lit. 6.000 First Bhavanakrama of Kamalasila. Sanskrit and Tibetan Text with Introductions and English Summary. This work represents a collection of Mahayana texts, found by the A. in Tibet and in Nepal. X - Materials for the study of Nepalese History and Culture. 1) G. TUCCI, Preliminary report on two scientific expeditions in Nepal. Rome 1956. 18 x25 cm.; pp. 150, 61 plates and one map. Lit. 9.000 An account of the results attained in the course of two scientific missions in Nepal. Having described the Lamaistic temples existing especially in the region of Mustang, Page #4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ and having remarked on the survival of Bon in other parts of the same region, the A. publishes an inscription discovered at Dullu, containing the genealogy of the Malla Kings, who ruled on Western Tibet and Nepal. It therefore ensues that the Kings of Western Tibet are not to be all considered Tibetan, as it was formerly believed, since some of them are Khasia. The A. also publishes some Tibetan texts, which supply many elements for the reconstruction of the administrative divisions of Tibet during the 8th cent. and tries to establish the extent of the reign of Zan Zun (Western Tibet). 2 - R. GNOLI, Nepalese inscriptions in Gupta characters, Part I, Text. Rome 1956. 18 x 25 cm.; pp. XVIII-131, with separate portfolio containing 85 phototypic reproductions of inscriptions. Lit. 11.000 The A, has gathered in this volume all the Nepalese inscriptions in Gupta characters, discovered in the course of two journeys recently carried out in Nepal. The translation and the commentary will appear in the next volume. 3-L. PETECH, Mediaeval history of Nepal (c. 750-1480). Rome 1958. 18 x 25 cm.; pp. 250. Lit. 5.000 The history of Nepal in the Middle Ages is here reconstructed from the original documents (colophons of mss., inscriptions, chronicles). The dynastic framework has thus been laid upon a solid basis, and the peculiar system of astronomical chronology followed in Nepal has been discovered and elucidated. XI - R. GNOLI, The aesthetic experience according to Abhinavagupta. Rome 1956 (out of print). 16 x 24 cm.; pp. XXXII-122. Contents: Introduction, Text, Translation, with two Appendices, and general Index. The A. presents through this work an outstanding contribution in a field still largely unexplored. One of the fundamental texts on Aesthetics by the great saiva philosopher and rhetor Abhinavagupta is here for the first time edited and studied on scientific lines. Through a deeper and closer analysis of this text it is to be seen how, with Abhinavagupta, the study of aesthetic experience is definitely emancipated from empirical rhetoric, and is framed within an organic vision of reality. XII - J. F. ROCK, The Amnye ma-Chhen Range and adjacent Regions. Rome 1956. 18 x 25 cm.; pp. 194 with 85 plates and five colour maps. Lit. 6.500 Here is a historical-geographical study on the three vast regions of Western China, and the north-eastern areas of Tibet, especially with regard to the range of the Amnye Ma-Chhen and the adjacent regions. Page #5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS: The Province of Ch'ing-hai; Records of Ch'ing-hai; Journey to Amnye Ma-Chhen Range; The Lamasery of Labrang; Geographical and Historical Account of the Region; Exploring the previously unknown gorges of the Yellow River; Exploration of the Gyud-par Range; Gyud-par Tshargan Highest peak of the Range; The Amnye Ma-Chhen Range; The Go-log Tribes; The gNyan-po-gyu-rtse-rDza-ra Range; The Sha-ri-yang-ra Range or Ch'angshih-t'ou Shan; Dash to the Foothills of the Amnye Ma-Chhen; Go-log Letters; Notes; Appendix; Gazetteer, Index. XIII - E. CONZE, Vajracehedika Prajnaparamita. Rome 1957. 16 x 24 cm.; pp. 113. Edited and translated with Introduction and Glossary. Lit. 2.000 XIV - Le Symbolisme cosmique des monuments religieux. Rome 1957. 16 x 24 cm.; pp. 123 with 22 illustrations. Lit. 1.500 Actes de la conference internationale qui a eu lieu sous les auspices de l'IsMEO, a Rome, avril-mai 1955, avec la collaboration du Musee Guimet. H. CH. PUECH, Symbolisme cosmique et monuments religieux; R. BLOCH, Le symbolisme cosmique et les monuments religieux dans l'Italie ancienne; M. GRIAULE, Le symbolisme d'un temple totemique soudanais; C. LEVI-STRAUSS, Le symbolisme cosmique dans la structure sociale et l'organisation ceremonielle de plusieurs populations nord et sud-americaines; M. ELIADE, Centre du monde, temple, maison; J. DANIELOU, La symbolique du temple de Jerusalem chez Philon et Josephe; C. HENTZE, Cosmogonie du monde dresse debout et du monde renverse; G. TUCCI, Il tempio di bSam yas. XV - T. V. WYLIE, A place name index to George N. Roerich's transla tion of the Blue Annals. Rome 1957. 16 x 24 cm.; pp. 42. Lit. 800 XVI - A. FERRARI, MK'yen brtse's guide to the holy places of Central Tibet, completed and edited by L. PETECH, with the collaboration of H. RICHARDSON. Rome 1958. * 16 x 24 cm.; pp. XXII-199, with 53 illustrations and 3 maps. Lit. 4.500 The work of mK'yen brtse (1820-1892) is a concise but complete guide to the holy places of the Central Tibetan provinces of dBus and gTsan. Its critical edition and translation with full notes (based mainly on original texts) represents a mine of new material on the religious geography of Tibet. XVII - Orientalia Romana. Essays and Lectures, I. Rome 1958. 16 x 24 cm.; pp. 170 with 13 illustrations and 20 plates. Lit. 2.000 TABLE OF CONTENTS: E. Benz, Influssi indiani nella teologia alessandrina del sec. III; H. CORBIN, Une Page #6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ grande figure du Shi'isme iranien: Mir Damad; A. GODARD, Les bronzes du Luristan; L. HAMBIS, Les civilisations de la Haute Asie; V. MINORSKY, La Perse au XVe siecle; S. P. TOLSTOV, Les resultats des travaux de l'expedition archeologique au Kharezm de l'Academie des Sciences de l'U.R.S.S. en 1951-1955. XVIII G. ROERICH, Le parler de l'Amdo. Etude d'un dialecte archaique du Tibet. Rome 1958. 18x25 cm.; pp. 159 with a map. Grammar, texts, translations and vocabulary. Lit. 6.000 XIX - R. H. VAN GULIK, Chinese Pictorial Art as viewed by the Connoisseur. Rome 1958. Notes on the means and methods of traditional Chinese connoisseurship based upon a study of the Art of mounting scrolls in China and Japan. 8 30x22 cm.; pp. 600 ca., with 71 illustrations and 89 plates, bound in red cloth with title in gold lettering and colour jacket. Limited to 950 copies. Lit. 21.000 The A. presents an entirely new approach to the study of Chinese painting and calligraphy. Taking as point of departure the views of traditional Chinese connoisseurship, the author tries to arrive at the formulation of the basic requirements for a critical study of antique Chinese scrolls. XX J. G. MAHLER, The Westerners among the Figurines of the T'ang Dynasty of China. Rome 1959. 18x25 cm.; pp. 204 with 14 illustrations and 64 plates, bound in cloth with two colour plates and colour jacket. Lit. 5.500 This study for the first time throws light on the influence exerted by foreign types and customs on the figurines of the T'ang period, and on the relations of China. with neighbouring countries. " XXI - Un editto bilingue greco-aramaico di Asoka. La prima iscrizione greca scoperta in Afghanistan. Testo, traduzione e note a cura di G. PUGLIESE-CARRATELLI e di G. LEVI DELLA VIDA, con prefazione di G. TUCCI e introduzione di U. SCERRATO. Rome 1958. (out of print). (v. p. 10 new English edition, no. XXIX). 16x24 cm.; pp. 45 with 2 plates. XXII - PETER H. LEE, Studies in the Saenaennorae: old Korean poetry. Rome 1959. 18x25 cm.; pp. 220. Lit. 4.500 This work is a study in ancient Korean poetry, with historical notes on the development of Korean literature, and a selection of poems with text, translation and commentary. Page #7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ XXIII - R. GNOLI, The Pramanavarttikam of Dharmakirti. The first chapter with Autocommentary. Text and critical notes. Rome 1960. 16x24 cm.; pp. XL-212. Lit. 5.000 The A. presents here the first edition of one of the most important works by Dharmakirti, the great Buddhist logician and philosopher of the 7th century. The strict criticism with which Dharmakirti faces the problem of knowledge makes this work one of the deepest and most interesting of the whole Indian thought. XXIV G. TUCCI, Deb t'er dmar po, Tibetan Chronicles. Text and English translation, with original text (in the press). XXV T. WYLIE, The geography of Tibet according to the 'Dzam-glingrgyas-bshad. Rome 1962. 16x24 cm.; pp. XXXVIII-286, with map. Brochure Lit. 6.000 Cloth-binding Lit. 7.000 This work, by Bla ma Btsan po, dating back to the beginning of the 19th century, is the only Tibetan work on geography that deals with the whole of Tibet, supplying very useful information on the various localities, chiefly the religious sites of the country. In addition to an ample Introduction, the A. has supplemented his work. by a Glossary, Notes, Chinese and Tibetan Indexes, and very useful Place Name Tables (monasteries, hermitages, temples, Rdzongs, villages, palaces, regions, districts, communities, mountains, passes, lakes and rivers). XXVI - E. CONZE, The Gilgit manuscript of the Astadasasahasrikaprajnaparamita. Chapters 55 to 70 corresponding to the 5th Abhisamaya. Text and English translation. (Literary and Historical Documents from Pakistan, 1). Rome 1962. 17x25 cm.; pp. XXV-390. Lit. 6.000 This is the first volume of the Special Series "Literary and Historical Documents from Pakistan", in which the manuscripts discovered in Pakistan are being edited. The Chapters from 55 to 70 of the Astadasasahasrika here edited by Prof. E. CONZE, deal with the upayakausalya, "Skill in means ", and are chiefly concerned with the problem of how the insight into the emptiness of all dharmas can be reconciled with an adjustment to the realities of spiritual life, rather than with the philosophical implication of the doctrine of emptiness. The magnificence of the spirituality of the section of the Prajnaparamita will become clear to all who open their soul to its message, thus explaining the immense prestige which it has enjoyed for so long in India, Tibet and the Far East. For the rest, the Sanskrit text contains much that is of interest for the linguist, while for the historian a careful study of the Large Prajnaparamita is indispensable, as providing the clue to the whole of the Mahayana. 9 Page #8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ XXVII R. GNOLI, Udbhata's Commentary on the Kavyalamkara of Bhamaha. Sanskrit fragments from Pakistan. With an Appendix by Margherita TATICCHI including some fragments of Kalidasa's Raghuvamsa. (Literary and Historical Documents from Pakistan, 2). Rome 1962. 16x24 cm.; pp. XLIII-110; with 28 plates. Lit. 3.500 This is the second volume of the Special Series "Literary and Historical Documents from Pakistan". The fragments published in this volume, discovered in 1960 in Pakistan and restored in Rome, at the Institute of Book Pathology, belong to manuscripts, probably dating back to the 9th-11th century, in sarada characters. Two different works are contained in this volume: the first one is to be identified with the Vivarana by Udbhata, who, as far as we know, was Bhamaha's only commentator. The discovery of this ms. is no doubt of great importance, not only with regard to Udbhata's lost Commentary, but as leading to a better knowledge of Bhamaha's own text, which enables us to correct it in some places. The other work contained in this volume, is the Raghuvamsa by Kalidasa: the fragments here edited in an Appendix, by Margherita TATICCHI, are very interesting, as they belong, as far as we know, to the most ancient ms. of the Raghuvamsa, and have numerous variants, in comparison with the text commented upon by Mallinatha. The editing of these fragments may therefore bring a contribution of no slight importance to the history of the text of Kalidasa's poem. XXVIII J. F. Rock, A Na-Khi-English Encyclopedic Dictionary, Part I. Rome 1963. 10 18x25 cm.; pp. XLIV-514, with 28 plates. Brochure Lit. 24.000 Cloth-binding Lit. 25.000 This masterly work by the late Dr. J. F. RoCK is the result of his long years of painstaking research on the Na-Khi tribe, whose culture has all but vanished from the rapidly evolving scene of present-day Asia. " Dr. Rock presents herein a pictographic and syllabic Na-Khi-English Dictionary. The actual dictionary, contained in the first volume, has 3414 entries, but the entire work is in fact much more than a dictionary; it contains the names of all the Great Gods (222), Gods (89), Goddesses (91), Demigods (295), Dto-mbas (232), Naga kings (123), Nagarajas (185), Nagas (183), Nagi (22), Yu-a (66), Dter-gko (50), Mountain gods (150), Demons (522), Geographical names (343) with their Na-Khi symbols, and Chinese equivalents as far as were ascertainable. The second volume is in the press and will appear shortly. XXIX A bilingual Graeco-Aramaic Edict by Asoka. Text, translation and notes by G. PUGLIESE-CARRATELLI and G. GARBINI, foreword by G. TUCCI, introduction by U. SCERRATO. Rome 1964. 16x24 cm.; pp. XII-62, and four plates. Lit. 2.500 This is a new edition, in English, of Volume no. XXI of the same Series, "Un Editto bilingue greco-aramaico di Asoka ", published in 1958, and since long out of print. Page #9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ The Kandahar Edict affords evidence of three facts at the same time: the westernmost limit yet ascertained with regard to the spread of Buddhism, the easternmost limit with regard to a Greek inscription and the first Aramaic inscription discovered in the area reaching to the Indus. For these reasons, since its first publication in 1958 in S.O.R., the Edict has been the object of much study and research; this new edition has now been made taking into account all researches pursued in this field up to now. While the Greek part of the Edict has been revised by Prof. PUGLIESE-CARRATELLI himself, the Aramaic part has now been edited by Prof. G. GARBINI. The Introduction, due to Prof. U. SCERRATO, has been much enlarged, for the part relating to the history of the area where the inscription has been discovered. XXX - G. GNOLI, Le iscrizioni giudeo-persiane del Gur (Afghanistan). Rome 1964. 17 x 25 cm.; pp. X-71, and 8 plates. Lit. 2.000 In this volume are being edited the new Judaeo-Persian inscriptions that might be dated from the second half of the 12th century to the early years of the 13th century A.D., incidentally discovered in the course of the works conducted by the Italian Archaeological Mission of ISMEO, in Western Afghanistan, in 1962 and 1963. Following an historical Introduction dealing with the ethnical communities inhabiting the Iranian plateau in the Middle Ages, and information on the discovery of the inscriptions, the Author gives a description of them, their text in Hebrew characters, and a transliteration in Latin characters, with Commentary and Translation. The work is enriched by a List of the Hebrew and Persian terms occurring in the new inscriptions, a List of the proper names, and the Bible passages mentioned therein. XXXI - J. AUBOYER, Introduction a l'etude de l'art de l'Inde. Rome 1965. 17 x 25 cm.; pp. 138 with 23 figures and 72 plates. Brochure Lit. 5.000. Cloth-binding Lit. 5.500 This work aims at providing all those who wish to enter upon a study of Indian art with a comprehensive view of its principal elements, and a survey of its manifold aspects, against their historical, religious, ethnical and sociological background. The reader is thus introduced to the knowledge and understanding of Indian art, by the study of the trends and developments that have led to the achievements of this extraordinary flowering, ranging from the plastic arts to architecture, sculpture, painting, mural painting and frescoes, all of them framed in their historical perspective. XXXII - G. SCARCIA, Sifat-Nama-yi Darvis Muhammad Han-i Gazi. Cronaca di una crociata musulmana contro i Kafiri di Lagman nell'anno 1582. Manoscritto persiano-kabuli edito e tradotto, con introduzione e indici dei nomi, da Gianroberto SCARCIA. Rome 1965. 16 x 24 cm.; pp. CLVI-214, and two maps. Lit. 12.000 In this volume, edited by Prof. G. SCARCIA, there appears, together with an ample historical-philological Introduction, the Persian-Kabull text and 11 Page #10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ the Italian translation of an interesting unpublished ms., comprising the chronicle of the various episodes occurred in the course of a Moslem expedition against the Kafirs, promoted in the year 990/1582 by the Moghul Prince Muhammad Hakim, brother to Akbar, and semi-indipendent Governor of Kabul. XXXIII- J. TAKASAKI, A Study on the Ratnagotra-vibhaga (Uttaratan tra) being a Treatise on the Tathagatagarbha theory of Mahayana Buddhsim. Rome 1966. 18 x 25 cm.; pp. XIII-439. Lit. 16.000 An ample and deep study of an important Tibetan Mahayanic text, which was known, until recently in its Chinese translation only, and has appeared a short while ago in the original Sanskrit. This work comprises a critical Introduction, a Synopsis of the text, a Translation from the original Sanskrit text, in comparison with its Tibetan and Chinese versions, critical Notes, Appendixes and Indexes. XXXIV - D. S. RUEGG, The life of Bu ston Rin po che with the Tibetan text of the Bu ston rNam thar. Rome 1966. 16 x 24 cm.; pp. XVIII-222. Lit. 4.500 An account of the life of the illustrious Tibetan Master of the Law, the great Bu ston Rin chen grub, is presented in this work containing an abridged rendering of the Life composed by one of his chief disciples, sGia tshad pa Rin chen rnam rgyal. This life (rNam thar) consists largely of the narration of events and of experiences, quotations from the Master's sayings and several long enumerations of his writings. The present study seeks in the first place to make more accessible this rNam thar which, as contemporary testimony, constitutes the basic source concerning Bu ston's life, and to elucitade it by means of the best-known parallel texts. XXXV - A. SOPER, Chinese, Korean and Japanese Bronzes. A Catalogue of the Auriti Collection donated to Is MEO, and housed in the Museo Nazionale d'Arte Orientale in Rome. Rome 1966. 17 x 25 cm.; pp. 80 with 115 plates. . Lit. 6.000 This Catalogue, illustrating the important collection of art objects donated to IsMEO by Ambassador G. AURITI, is due to an expert as authoritative as Professor Alexander C. SOPER, who has drawn it up with his unparalleled competence, as well as with extreme accuracy. The Collection comprises Chinese Buddhistic bronzes of the Wei, Sung, and T'ang periods; Korean and Japanese Buddhistic bronzes from the 7th to the 12th century A.D., and a valuable collection of mirrors, ranging in period from the 4th century B.C. to the 12th century of our era. The A. has not only devoted his attention to the making of a minute description of each of the art pieces, unfailingly supported by a keen sense of discrimination, but has also stressed the relations that knit the pieces together, and reconnect them to other well-known art collections and works. Page #11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ XXXVI - Orientalia Romana. Essays and lectures, 2. 16 x 24 cm.; pp. X, 347 with 8 plates. Lit. 9.000 TABLE OF CONTENTS: G. TUCCI, Dedica; V. S. AGRAWALA, The Riddles of rsi Vasukra; I. BAIGAN, Seirimondo. Dialogue on human nature and natural order. Translation, introduction and notes by P. BEONIO-BROCCHIERI; P. CORRADINI, Ricerche sull'origine e lo sviluppo dei Sei Dicasteri (liu-pu) dell'Impero Cinese; L. LANCIOTTI, Considerazioni sull'estetica letteraria nella Cina antica: Wang Ch'ung ed il sorgere dell'autonomia delle lettere; N. NORBU DEWANG, Musical tradition of the Tibetan people. Songs in dance measure: pp. 205-347, containing: Introduction; Part I - Songs from Central Tibet; Part II - Songs from Southwest Tibet; Part III - Songs from East Tibet; Part IV - Songs from Northeast Tibet; Part V - Songs for drinking; Appendix I - How the songs are to be understood; Appendix II - Glossary; Appendix III - Musical illustrations. XXXVII - C. PENSA, L'Abhisamayalankaravrtti di Arya-Vimuktisena Primo Abhisamaya. Testo e note critiche. cm. 17 x 25; pp. XV-135. Lit. 4.500 This is the edition of the Sanskrit text of the first Abhisamaya, that is, of about one half of the commentary by Vimuktisena, such as it appears from the ms. contained in the private collection of Guruji Hemraj Sharma, at present preserved in the National Library of Nepal. The text has been collated with the Tibetan translation. In the preface and the introduction, the A. provides information on the ms., on the Tibetan translation, and the general contents of the texts, throwing light on the position of Vimuktisena who, in the frame of the commentators of the Prajnaparamita, stands as a link between the works of Asanga and Vasubhandu on one side, and the commentary by Haribadra on the other. XXXVIII - M. BOYCE, The Letter of Tansar (Literary and Historical Texts from Iran, 1) Rome, 1968. cm. 17 x 25; pp. XIV-79. Lit. 2.500 This is the first volume in the Series Literary and Historical Texts from Iran, edited by G. Tucci and E. YAR-SHATER, and jointly sponsored by the Royal Institute of translation and Publication of Iran, IsMEO, and UNESCO. The volume contains the first English translation of the Letter of Tansar, and is enriched by an ample introduction, in which Prof. BOYCE thoroughly examines the tradition concerning Tansar and his work, pointing, in her own words, to the fact that << If the Letter of Tansar is accepted as having at its core an authentic document, then it is a work of very great interest, embodying one of the oldest pieces of Middle Persian writing, and throwing valuable light on the time of Ardasir. It is especially interesting for the evidence it provides for the continuity of Zoroastrianism under the Parthians, and for local resistance to Ardasir's claims. In its enlarged form the Letter casts a faint but fascinating light, on the literary as well as the political history of two great Sasanian reigns >>. 13 Page #12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ FORTHCOMING WORKS J. F. Rock, Na-Khi Culture as expressed in their literature; an encyclopedic dictionary. Part II. G. TUCCI, Deb t'er dmar po. Tibetan Chronicles. Text and English translation. G. TUCCI, Minor Buddhist Texts, Part III, Third Bhavanakrama. G. TUCCI T. VENKATACHARYA. Samghabhedavastu, containing the Life of the Buddha (From the Vinaya of the Mulasarvastivadin). T. VENKATACHARYA, Nepalese Inscriptions in Gupta characters. Part. II, Translation. Z. AHMAD, Sino-Tibetan relations in the seventeenth century. N. NORBU DEWANG, Mtsho mapham dkar chag. SPECIAL PUBLICATIONS Oriente Poliano. Studies and lectures delivered at ISMEO on the occasion of the 7th Centenary of the birth of Marco Polo (12541954). Rome 1958. 22,5 x 29 cm.; special edition on handmade paper. Format and typographical features uniform with the titles of << Il Nuovo Ramusio >>; pp. 244, with 9 plates. Lit. 5.000 14 TABLE OF CONTENTS: E. BALAZS, Marco Polo dans la capitale de la Chine; P. DEMIEVILLE, La situation religieuse en Chine au temps de Marco Polo; K. ENOKI, Marco Polo and Japan; L. CARRINGTON GOODRICH, Westerners and Central Asians in Yuan China; E. HAENISCH, Schriftfrage im Mongolischen Ostreich; L. HAMBIS, Le voyage de Marco Polo en Haute Asie; A. MOSTAERT, Le mot Natigay Nacigay chez Marco Polo; L. OLSCHKI, Marco Polo, Dante Alighieri e la cosmografia medievale; A. NILAKANTA SHASTRI, Marco Polo on India; E. H. SCHAFER, A fourteenth century Gazetteer of Canton; B. SPULER, La situation de l'Iran a l'epoque de Marco Polo; R. WITTKOWER, Marco Polo and the pictorial tradition of the marvels of the East. D. FACCENNA, A Guide to the Excavations in Swat (Pakistan) (19561962). Rome 1964. 15x21 cm.; pp. 78, with 20 plates and a map. Lit. 1.000 The result of the works conducted by the Italian Archaeological Mission - which are the object of detailed accounts in the Reports and Memoirs (see p. 15) - are treated more briefly in this Guide-book. It is hoped that it will prove useful to visitors to the excavations as well as to scholars interested in Oriental archaeology, since it deals with new data which are otherwise still unpublished. Page #13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PUBLICATIONS ON THE EXCAVATIONS OF ISMEO IN ASIA REPORTS AND MEMOIRS In this serie of Volumes are published the results of the archaeological campaigns that are being conducted by the Centro Studi e. Archeologici in Asia, under the guidance of Prof. Giuseppe Tucci, in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran. The results attained up to the present time can be considered of much interest from an historical, scientific, and artistic point of view. Volumes I, II 2 and II 3 have been brought out, published by the State Publishing Office (La Libreria dello Stato, Piazza Verdi, 10) in Rome; the others directly by ISMEO. I - Reports on the Campaigns 1956-58 in Swat (Pakistan) D. FACCENNA, Mingora: Site of Butkara I. G. GULLINI, Udegram. . II, 2 - D. FACCENNA, Sculptures from the Sacred Area of Butkara I (Swat, Pakistan); Plates 1-CCCXXXV. Photographs by F. BONARDI; Descriptive Catalogue by M. TADDEI. II, 3 - D. FACCENNA, Sculptures from the Sacred Area of Butkara I (Swat, Pakistan). Plates CCCXXXVI-DCLXXV. Photographs by F. BONARDI; Descriptive Catalogue by M. TADDEI. Size cm. 24 x 34, cloth-binding. Price of each volume Lit. 25.000 Volume I contains the Reports on the stratigraphic investigations carried out from 1956 to 1958 in Swat (Butkara I and Udegram), while the two Volumes of Plates illustrate the sculptures that have been brought to light, constituting an outstanding collection of pieces of Gandharan art. As is well-known, this art has flourished in a remarkable way, and has taken on some peculiar traits in Swat, assuming a stylistical expression all its own. V-A. BOMBACI, The Kufic inscription in Persian verses in the court of the Royal Palace of Mas'ud III at Ghazni. 24 x 34 cm.; pp. XVI-68 with XLI plates. Lit. 8.000 In this volume, Prof. A. BOMBACI - who has already conducted research work in Afghanistan - makes a study of the inscriptions brought to light by the 15 Page #14 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Italian Archaeological Mission in the court of the Royal Palace of Mas'ud III at Ghazni, in the course of the excavation campaigns led by Prof. Umberto Scerrato, from 1959 up to 1964. The A. presents the text of the Inscription, together with its translation, enriched by historical and epigraphical Commentaries, supplying all available archaeological data, etc. The volume is richly and extensively illustrated by the Plates, reproducing the inscriptions in detail. VIII, 1 G. ALCIATI, I resti ossei umani delle necropoli dello Swat (W. Pakistan). Parte 1: Butkara II. 24 x 34 cm.; pp. XI-66 with XXVI plates. 16 Lit. 4.500 In this volume, which is jointly published by Is.M.E.O. and the Institute of Anthropology, University of Rome, the A. deals with the human skeletal remains found by the Italian Archaeological Mission at Butkara II, the first prebuddhist graveyard discovered and investigated in the area. The examination of the skulls leads the author to sketch the characteristics of a fairly homogeneous group which, though close to the dividing line between the Asiatic mongoloid region and the area of Mediterranean types, does not show mongoloid features, but is linked to the << proto-Mediterranean>> type. An English summary at the end. IX P. DAFFINA, L'immigrazione dei Saka nella Drangiana. 24x34; pp. XVI-126 with 2 maps and English summary. Lit. 6.000 This work is a survey of the most puzzling problems concerning the ancient Sistan, which are dealt with afresh from a chiefly philological point of view. Its contents include the following subjects: <>, << The date of Isidorus >>, << Paraitakene and Tatakene >>, << Areia, Drangiana and Arachosia from the Achaemenians to the Parthians >>, << The nomadic invasion >>, etc. The volume is provided with a separately printed eight-page English summary. X G. GNOLI, Ricerche storiche sul Sistan antico. 24 x 34 cm.; pp. XVII-155 with VIII plates and English summary. Lit. 8.000 In this book the A. deals with the old problems of the earliest history, mythical and non-mythical, of Zoroastrianism, taking also into consideration the important results of the Italian Archaeological Mission's diggings in Sistan. Some special subjects are discussed in the appendixes: << Hiaona and Chionites >>, << The god Zur of Zabul >>, << Turan and the Turks >>. The volume is supplied with a separately printed eight-page English summary. Page #15 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ XI - C. E. BOSWORTH, Sistan under the Arabs, from the Islamic Conquest to the Rise of the Saffarids (30-250 / 651-864). Lit. 6.000 24 x 34 cm.; pp. XI-144. With this volume the well-known British scholar gives us a thorough examination of the historical problems of Sistan, from the Arab conquest to the collapse of 'Abbasid authority and the rise of Ya'qub b. Laith. In an introductory chapter (<< Sistan before the coming of Islam >>), the A. deals with two very interesting subjects, viz. <> and < The Christian church in Sistan >>. Forthcoming volumes: II, 1 - D. FACCENNA, Sculptures from the Sacred Area of Butkara I (Swat, Pakistan) Part 1: Text. II, 4, 5, 6 di . - D. FACCENNA, Sculptures from the Sacred Area of Butkara I (Swat, Pakistan). Parts 4, 5, 6: Plates. Photographs by F. BONARDI; Descriptive Catalogue by M. TADDEI. HII,1,2,3,4 - D. FACCENNA, Butkara I (Swat, Pakistan). III, 5 - R. GOEBL, A Catalogue of Coins from Butkara I (Swat, Pakistan). IV. - U. SCERRATO, Reports on the Campaigns 1957-1966 in Islamic Ghazni (Afghanistan). - Restauration de monuments historiques en Iran, edited by G. ZANDER. VII, 1 XII - C. SILVI ANTONINI COLUCCI - G. STACUL, The Pre-Buddhist Cemeteries of Swat (Pakistan). - U. SCERRATO, L'edificio sacro di Dahan-i Ghulaman (Sistan, Iran). - INAYAT-UR-RAHMAN, Folk-Tales of Swat. XIII, 1 17 Page #16 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PERIODICALS EAST AND WEST Quarterly Review This magazine is dedicated to Oriental studies, chiefly dealing with the history of Oriental art and archaeology, and the excavations of ISMEO in Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistan. . Editor: Prof. Giuseppe TUCCI Co-editors: Domenico FACCENNA - Lionello LANCIOTTI Single numbers: Italy ...... Abroad .... Yearly subscription in Italy .............. Abroad .. Lit. 2.000 4 Dollars USA Lit. 7.000 13 Dollars USA Abroad U V .. . . L . . . . . . . . . . . .............................. . . . . . . . . 1 Lola S UDN An abatement of 10% will be granted to Bookshops, Libraries, Cultural Institutions etc. Back numbers are available only from vol. I, no. 2, at the above-men tioned prices. Remittances can be made by Bank draft or by crediting our P. O. Current Account No. 1/22799. Contents of the last issues Vol. 16 - Nos. 3-4 (September-December 1966) G. DE FRANCOVICH, Problems of Achaemenid Architecture. G. STACUL, Notes on the Discovery of a Necropolis near Kherai in the Gorband Valley (Swat - West Pakistan). Y. KRISHAN, The Hair on the Buddha's Head and Usnisa. G. SCARCIA, An Edition of the Persian Legal Document from Bamiyan. T. VENKATACHARYA, An Interpretation of the Text Connected with Sannavatikoti in Asokavadana. S. IKEDA, The Origin and Development of the Wu-hsing (Five Elements) Idea: a Preli minary Essay. M. GALIK, Naturalism: A Changing Concept. In the Library. IsMEO Activities. 18 Page #17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Vol. 17 - Nos. 1-2 (March-June 1967) U. SCERRATO, A Note on Some Pre-Muslim Antiquities of Gagatu. H. HUMBACH, Two Inscriptions in Graeco-Bactrian Cursive Script from Afghanistan. R. L. RAIKES, Field Archaeology in Saudi Arabia. M. TADDEI, On a Silver Mirror with Portrait of Domitian from Northern Iran. E. L. RAPP, The Date of the Judaeo-Persian Inscriptions of Tang-i Azao in Central Afghanistan. K. JETTMAR, The Middle Asiatic Heritage of Dardistan (Islamic Collective Tombs in Punyal and Their Background). R. C. AGRAWALA, Unpublished Katarmal Wooden Reliefs in the National Museum, New Delhi, and Connected Problems. M. M. RHIE, Aspects of Sui K'ai-huang and Tang Tien-pao Buddhist Images. S. AL-GEORGF, The Semiosis of Zero according to Panini. In the Library. IsMEO Activities. Vol. 17, 3-4 will be issued in February, 1968. CINA A series of volumes which aim at offering to the many who seek objec tive information on the matter an impartial picture of thought, art, science, and organization in China at the present time, although without neglecting the tradition of the past, reappraised in the light of contemporary criticism. Edited by Prof. Lionello LANCIOTTI. Vol. I (1956). -- pp. 186. Lit. 1.200 SUMMARY: G. TUCCI, Prefazione; YANG FENG-CHI, Gli scavi archeologici in Cina; L. PETECH, Le minoranze nazionali in Cina; G. BERTUCCIOLI, L'alfabeto latino in Cina; A. GIUGANINO, < Shih-ch'i e Shih-t'ao. Pittori individualisti del sec. XVII; L. LANCIOTTI, Kuo Mo-jo: appunti sulla vita e la sua opera; G. BERTUCCIOLI, Poeti cinesi contemporanei: Ai Ch'ing (nota introduttiva e traduzioni); L. LANCIOTTI, Il sogno del << Vecchio rifiuto >> (Introduzione al Lao Ts'an Yu-chi e saggio di traduzione del I capitolo); E. CECCHI, Romanzi e novelle cinesi; P'u SUNG-LING, Tre racconti fantastici (da <>, traduzione di L. N. di Giura); Una strana morte (dal <>, traduzione di P. Jahier); SHEN Fu, Le barche dei fiori (dai <>, traduzione di L. Lanciotti e Tsui Tao-lu); G. GIORGI, La riforma agraria in Cina; E. RECH, La costituzione cinese del 1954. Vol. II (1957). -- pp. 104. Lit. 550 SUMMARY: Kuo Mo-Jo, Ch'u Yuan, poeta popolare (traduzione di Yang Feng-chi e M. Arena); M. BENEDIKTER, Annotazioni alla lettura di <> di Lu Hsun; LU HSUN, Trasalimento (da Yeh-ts'ao, traduzione di M. Benedikter); Mendicanti (da Yeh 19 Page #18 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ts'ao, traduzione di M. Benedikter); L. Lanciotti, Lorenzo Magalotti e la Cina; M. MUCCIOLI, La letteratura cinese in Giappone dal VII al XI sec.; M. BENEDIKTER, Introduzione allo <> (1 Briganti); SHIH NAI-AN, Introduzione e I capitolo dello Shui-hu-chuan (traduzione di C. Bovero); P. CORRADINI, Problemi scolastici nella Cina d'oggi; G. BERTUCCIOLI, II Taoismo nella Cina contemporanea; P. DAFFINA, Il Buddhismo e la Repubblica popolare cinese; E. RECH, L'Islam nella Cina attuale. Vol. III (1957). -- pp. 136. Lit. 1.200 SUMMARY: A. TAMBURELLO, In Cina, alle origini dell'uomo; M. BENEDIKTER, Sei poesie di Meng Hao-jan; M. SCALIGERO, Lu Hsun e la crisi del << superuomo >>; LU HSUN, Diario di un pazzo; La Cina nella cultura italiana dal XVIII al XX secolo: I. La Cina nel giudizio di G.B. Vico, di P. DAFFINA; II. << La China antica e moderna >> di Carlo Cattaneo, di R. LORETO; III. << La Chine et l'Europe >> di Giuseppe Ferrari, di L. LANCIOTTI; Kuo Mo-Jo, Un breve saggio sul <>; L. LANCIOTTI, Dal << Libro delle Odi >>>; G. BERTUCCIOLI, Storia del cinema cinese; E. RUFFO, Il cinema dell'intelligenza; E. RECH, Il Nepal e la Repubblica popolare cinese; Libri sulla Cina (a cura di L. LANCIOTTI). Vol. IV (1958). - pp. 138. Lit. 1.100 SUMMARY: A. GIUGANINO, La musica nella filosofia e nella poesia dell'antica Cina; L. LANCIOTTI, L'archeologia cinese, oggi; A. TAMBURELLO, Il Paleolitico in Cina; M. BENEDIKTER, Socialita e solitudine di Lu Hsun; P. CORRADINI, Un pittore cinese contemporaneo: Chi Pai-shih; L. LANCIOTTI, Il diritto cinese e i suoi interpreti italiani nel 1800: P. CORRADINI, L. Barzini e la guerra dei << Boxers >>; G. BERTUCCIOLI, Il viaggio in Italia di Kang Yu-wei; M. SCALIGERO, Il pensiero cinese alle soglie di una nuova esperienza della realta; P. CORRADINI, Narrativa cinese contemporanea: Chao Shu-li; CHAO SHU-LI, La storia di Fu Kuei; E. RECH, Ricerche petrolifere nella Repubblica popolare cinese; G. BERTUCCIOLI, Carta della Cina del De Barbuda; E. RECH, Afghanistan e Cina popolare: Relazioni economiche e culturali; Libri sulla Cina (a cura di G. BERTUCCIOLI e L. LANCIOTTI). Vol. V (1959). - pp. 180. Lit. 1.500 SUMMARY: A. GIUGANINO, Note sulla pittura cinese moderna; A. TAMBURELLO, Il neolitico in Cina - Alcune note e considerazioni; G. BERTUCCIOLI, Una poesia del Tasso a Macao; M. BENEDIKTER, Tre poemetti di Tu Fu; G. BERTUCCIOLI, Il sogno della farfalla ovverosia La bara infranta; L. LANCIOTTI, Quattro poesie di Kuo Mo-jo; E. RECH, Le << comuni > del popolo; L. LANCIOTTI, Andrea da Perugia, Vescovo di Ch'uan-chou (Zayton); G. BERTUCCIOLI, <> di Hsu Chimo; M. BENEDIKTER, Introduzione a << Il sogno della camera rossa >>; Il sogno della camera rossa (Capitolo primo); D. A. CAPONERA, Principi di diritto delle acque nel sistema giuridico cinese; Libri sulla Cina. del popolo; L. LASIOTTI, Quattro poesies" sogno della 20 Page #19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Vol. VI (1961). -- pp. 140. Lit. 1.000 SUMMARY; O. LATTIMORE, La Mongolia; R. ALLEY, Grate di mattoni del Kiang-nan; P. CORRADINI, Pechino, metropoli asiatica; L. LANCIOTTI, Un palazzo imperiale T'ang, recentemente scoperto; E. MASI, A proposito della <>; M. BENEDIKTER, Un racconto di Pa Chin: Cane; PA CHIN, Cane; G. BERTUCCIOLI, Il nome << Italia >> in cinese; E. RECH, Scambi commerciali fra Germania Occidentale e Cina Popolare; Libri sulla Cina (a cura di G. BERTUCCIOLI e L. LANCIOTTI). Vol. VII (1963). -- pp. 157. Lit. 1.500 SUMMARY: W. FRANKE, Sviluppo storico della rivoluzione cinese; L. LANCIOTTI, Recenti ritrovamenti archeologici in Cina (1958-1961); A. TAMBURELLO, Note sulle origini della civilta del bronzo in Cina; CHIANG CHEN-LIN, Antichi razzi cinesi; E. MASI, Nuove interpretazioni dello << Hung Lou Meng >>; R. PISU, Wen 1-to; WEN I-TO, Tre poesie; M. BENEDIKTER, Un racconto di Ping Hsin: Solitudine; PING HSIN, Solitudine; LU HSUN, Sapone; F. BUONAMICI, Radio e Televisione in Cina; M. FIORENTINI, Bibliografia sulla Cina. Vol. VIII (1964). - pp. 60. Lit. 1.000 Atti del XV Congresso Internazionale di Sinologia, Torino, 1963. SUPPLEMENTS Supplemento N. 1 a <>. EDUARD ERKES, Credenze religiose della Cina antica. (1958) - pp. 90. Lit. 900 IL GIAPPONE Since 1963, the Magazine << Il Giappone >>, formerly a quarterly Review edited by the Centro di Cultura Italo-Giapponese, has been published yearly as a series of volumes, in collaboration with the Japanese Institute of Culture at Rome. This Series is edited by Prof. Adolfo Tamburello. Anno III (1963) - pp. 158 Lit. 1.500 SUMMARY: KENICHI TAKEUCHI, I problemi della geografia comparativa del Giappone; ADOLFO TAMBURELLO, L'evoluzione artistica del Giappone nell'epoca preistorica e proto 21 Page #20 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ storica; STELIO RITTI, L'antica architettura buddhista giapponese; KOSEI ANDO, Calligrafia e pittura - Note sull'evoluzione del pennello; Tus MAEDA, La cultura europea in Giappone nei secoli XVI-XVII; MASSIMO SCALIGERO, Senso della filosofia giapponese; ADRIANA BOSCARO, Gli animali nella tradizione popolare giapponese; KOSEI ANDO, La mummia in Estremo Oriente; PAOLO BEONIO-BROCCHIERI, Il teatro giapponese e la cultura italiana; STELIO RITTI, ANNA MARIA Rossi-SALVAGNINI, MASSIMO SCALIGERO, ADOLFO TAMBURELLO: Recensioni. Anno IV (1964) - pp. 170 Lit. 2.000 SUMMARY: ROMANO VULPITTA, Lo Heichu Monogatari (Introduzione, traduzione e note); PAOLO BEONIO-BROCCHIERI, Note su una storia dello Zen; MASSIMO SCALIGERO, Zen e interpretazioni occidentali; BENITO ORTOLANI, S. J., Impressioni e prospettive del teatro giapponese; MASAAKI ISEKI, L'attuale situazione artistica giapponese; NOBORU KAWAZOE, Architettura giapponese per le Olimpiadi; KEITCHI TAKEUCHI, La tradizione fisiocratica in Giappone; R. P. DORE, La borghesia nella societa giapponese; LAURA MONACO, La fine dello shogunato in Giappone; ADOLFO TAMBURELLO, Le culture paleolitiche e mesolitiche giapponesi nel quadro della preistoria asiatica; SHIGEICHI KURE, KEIICHI TAKEUCHI, ROMANO VULPITTA: Recensioni. Anno V (1965) - pp. 190 Lit. 2.000 SUMMARY: SHIGEICHI KURE, Dante in Giappone; ADRIANA BOSCARO, La visita a Venezia della prima ambasceria giapponese in Europa; LAURA MONACO, Relazioni di Sallier de La Tour, primo inviato italiano in Giappone; TOMOTADA IWAKURA, Il rapporto tra le funzioni della scrittura e la struttura linguistica del giapponese; MASAAKI ISEKI, La scultura di Enka; ROMANO VULPITTA, Introduzione al No - Un dramma No: Yuya (introduzione, traduzione e note di ROMANO VULPITTA); KUME MASAO, La tigre (traduzione e commento di FRANCO CORSI); ANNA MARIA ROSSI-SALVAGNINI, Uno scrittore contemporaneo giapponese: Junichiro Tanizaki; LIONELLO LANCIOTTI, Il Giappone e la narrativa cinese; GUSTAV GLAESSER, La mitologia giapponese nel quadro della mitologia euro-asiatica; RONALD L. PHILIPPI, Nuove interpretazioni della mitologia del Kojiki; MASSIMO SCALIGERO, Zen e psicanalisi: TETSURO MORITA, Il feudalesimo giapponese; ADOLFO TAMBURELLO, Considerazioni sulle origini della storiografia in Giappone; KEIICHI TAKEUCHI, MASAAKI ISEKI, Massimo SCALIGERO, ROMANO VULPITTA, ADOLFO TAMBURELLO: Recensioni. Page #21 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PUBLICATIONS ISSUED UNDER THE AUSPICES OF ISMEO IL NUOVO RAMUSIO published by LA LIBRERIA DELLO STATO, Piazza Verdi, 10 - Rome, under the scientific direction of Prof. GIUSEPPE TUCCI. A collection of travel accounts, texts and documents concerning the re lations between Europe and the East. Each volume contains an Introduction, notes and apparatus criticus, compiled by specialists in this field of studies. Size of the volumes: cm. 22,5 x 29 on handmade paper. Brochure. Already published: * I - Liber peregrinationis di Jacopo da Verona, edited by Ugo MONNERET DE VILLARD. . pp. XXXI-240. Rome 1950. Lit. 4.000 A new editing of the journey made in 1355 by the Augustinian friar Jacopo da Verona in Palestine, Sinai, Egypt and Syria; in comparison with Rohricht's edition of 1845, it has been enriched with an extensive annotation, providing the reader with an excellent guide for an accurate analysis of the text. To the book is added a topographical index of the Liber Peregrinationis, and an Index of the names of mediaeval and modern places included in the notes. II - I missionari italiani nel Tibet e nel Nepal, edited by Luciano PETECH. This work aims at filling a long-felt need in this field of studies, by publishing the writings of the Italian missionaries in Tibet and Nepal, both Jesuits and Capuchins. A mass of materials (letters, travel accounts, Tibetan and Nepalese documents) are thus made available for the first time in a critical edition of high scientific level. The notes are characterized by constant reference to the relevant Tibetan literature. The selection and annotation of the texts follow mainly historical, geographical and ethnological principles. PART I: I Cappuccini marchigiani. - Introduction; letters of the two first periods (17071711 and 1716-1734). pp. CXX-344, Rome 1952. Lit. 4.000 PART II: I Cappuccini marchigiani. -Letters of the third period (1737-1769). pp. VII273, Rome 1952. Lit. 4.000 23 Page #22 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PART III: I Cappuccini marchigiani. - Reports. pp. VII-366, Rome 1953. Lit. 4.000 PART IV: I Cappuccini marchigiani. -- The diary of P. Cassiano da Macerata; apologetical tracts and excerpts from Tibetan texts; Latin, Tibetan and Nepalese documents; appendix I (Tibetan and Nepalese Coins in the 18th cent.); appendix II (Samuel van de Putte and his two journeys through Tibet). pp. X-284 with 4 plates, Rome 1953. Lit. 4.000 PART V: Ippolito Desideri, s.l. - Introduction; letters (1713-1722); selected passages from the <>>; Book I of the << Relazione >>. pp. XXXVI-251, Rome 1954. Lit. 4.000 PART VI: Ippolito Desideri, S.l. - Books II and III of the << Relazione >>. pp. X-353, Rome 1955. Lit. 4.000 PART VII: Ippolito Desideri, S.I. - Book IV of the << Relazione >>; Appendix I (<< Breve ragguaglio >> and < Aggiunta di una ricapitolazione >>); Appendix II (Desideri's missionary manual); Appendix III (The report of Freyre); Addenda; General Index of the seven parts; Tibetan index. pp. VII-317, Rome 1956. Lit. 4.000 III - Il libro dei conti di Giacomo Badoer (Costantinopoli 1436-1440), edi ted by Umberto DORINI and Tommaso BERTELE. pp. XVI-866 with 5 plates. Rome 1956. Lit. 10.000 A complete transcription of a great ledger, with double-entry bookkeeping, preserved in the State Archives of Venice, the only ledger entirely written in Constantinople in Byzantine times, which has come down to us. Compiled by the Venetian merchant and patrician Giacomo Badoer in the course of his stay of more than three years in the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire -- then nearing its end - this book is a document of exceptional significance and lasting interest for the economic history of the East in the first half of the 15th century. A second volume is forthcoming, containing the commentary and the Indexes. IV - Viaggi di C. Federici e G. Balbi alle Indie Orientali, edited by Olga PINTO. pp. XLIV-438. Rome 1962. Lit. 14.000 The travel accounts of the merchant Cesare Federici (1563-1581) and of the jeweller Gaspare Balbi (1578-1588) in Iraq, India and Burma are published from the editiones principes of 1587 and 1590. The detailed annotation, to which several scholars of international standing have collaborated with the chief editor, 24 Page #23 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ gives a rich and well-defined outline of the trade routes, coins, weights and measures, and generally of political and social conditions in the Near and Middle East during the second half of the 16th century. V - Le navigazioni atlantiche del Veneziano Alvise Ca'da Mosto, edited by Tullia GASPARRINI LEPORACE. pp. XXIV-356. Rome 1966. Lit. 16.000 This new volume is edited by Tullia Gasparrini Leporace, director of the National Marciana Library at Venice, who has been able to make use of all available sources in preparing for publication the text of the Atlantic voyages of Alvise da Mosto, enriched by an ample critical apparatus with an Introduction, and historical and philological Commentaries, that help to make clear all the points of this travel account. The Introduction supplies exhaustive data and information in the light of the most recent researches, on the life and work of the great navigator, as well as on the previous editions of the text. Professor Raymond Mauny has brought his scholarly contribution to the Commentaries by collaborating for the part concerning the history and geography of Africa, within his own field of competence. In addition to the narrative of Ca' da Mosto, the volume comprises the accounts of the voyages of the Portuguese navigator Pedro de Cintra, with an Appendix containing the portolano of the sea, ascribed to Alvise himself. VOLUMES IN THE PRESS: I viaggi in Persia degli Ambasciatori veneti Barbaro e Contarini, edited by R. MOROZZO DELLA ROCCA and L. LOCKHART. Lettere dalla Persia di Pietro della Valle, edited by G. GAETA and L. LOCK HART. SCRITTORI D'ORIENTE (Writers of the Orient) Dori A collection published under the direction of Giuseppe Tucci, in cooperation with the Italian Institute for the Middle and Far East (ISMEO), by the Firm of Leonardo da Vinci, Bari. This series includes translations in Italian of the most important works of classic and modern literature of Asian countries, direct from the original texts, edited by Orientalist scholars, and enriched by ample introductions dealing with the life and works of the Authors. The following titles have been published so far: 1. ARYASURA, Storia della tigre ed altre storie delle vite anteriori del Bud dha (Jatakamala) edited by Raniero GNOLI. Bari 1964, pp. 316, 4 plates in colours, full-page; bound. Lit. 3.800 25 Page #24 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 2. Racconti cinesi contemporanei, edited by Primerose GIGLIESI. Bari 1964, pp. 290, 8 plates, bound. Lit. 3.500 3. M. IQBAL, Il poema Celeste e altre poesie, edited by A. BAUSANI. Bari 1965, pp. 326, 16 plates, bound. Lit. 3.500 4. PREMCHAND, Lo scrigno, racconti di vita indiana, ed. by L. P. MISHRA. Bari 1965, pp. 384, 8 plates, bound. . Lit. 3.500 5. K. HOSHI, Ore d'ozio, edited by M. MUCCIOLI. Bari 1965, pp. 275, 9 plates, bound. Lit. 3.500 A special Series is being published in this collection, Classici della Letteratura Persiana, under the joint auspices of the Royal Institute of Translation and Publication of Iran, UNESCO, and ISMEO, and under the direction of Professor Giuseppe Tucci and Professor Ehsan Yar-Shater. The first title published: NEZAMI DI GANJE, Le sette principesse, edited by A. BAUSANI. Bari 1967, pp. 266, 4 plates, bound. Lit. 3.500 LE CIVILTA DELL'ORIENTE This series aims at presenting on synthetic lines the history, the literature, the religions, the philosophy and the art of the East, and of those countries which, though belonging to Africa, like Egypt and Ethiopia, have by a long tradition moved in the sphere of Asia. The most outstanding specialists, Italian as well as foreign, have contributed to this editorial enterprise, directed by Prof. Giuseppe Tucci, and published under the auspices of the Giorgio Cini Foundation, with the collaboration of ISMEO; enriched with nearly 1.200 illustrations, and 40 colour plates, bibliographical notes and analytical index. Editor: Prof. A. Gargano. . Size 19 x 27 cm. with glazed paper jacket, and cardboard case. The whole work is divided into four volumes. Published by Gherardo Casini, Rome. Vol. I - Storia - pp. XXVII-1310, Rome 1965. (out of print). SUMMARY: Introduzione, Tucci; Egitto, DONADONI; Etiopia, MORENO; Siria antica, MOSCATI; Mesopotamia e Asia Minore, FURLANI; Asia anteriore ellenistico-romana, MazZARINO; Arabi, VECCIA VAGLIERI; Israele, BASSAN; Armenia e Georgia, SMITH; Iran antico, PAGLIARO; Iran islamico, MINORSKY; Turchi, Rossi; Afghanistan, PETECH; Subcontinente indiano (India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Ceylon), PETECH; Indocina (Birmania, Thailandia, Cambogia, Laos e Viet-Nam fino al xx sec.), 26 .