Book Title: Biological Law Of Nature And Karma
Author(s): Rajnikant Patel
Publisher: Rajnikant Patel
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Page #1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ As you sow, so will you reap KARMA Biological Laws of Nature and Karma A Holistic Inner Science Perspective Rajnikant Patel, MSME, PMP (retired), author (Children's Books) VVCRF/HSCRF HOLISTIC INNER SCIENCE Page #2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Holistic Inner Science is the science of our own life and livinginner and outer circumstances. Holistic Scientist Page #3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ""Holistic Inner Science is living in harmony with natural laws, natural regulatory system and universe as whole!” Holistic Scientist Page #4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Discussion Points What is Nature? - Biological Laws of nature • What is Karma? – Charge Karma and Discharge Karma • What is my choice in discharge part of Karma? Is it possible to stop binding karmas? • What is the science of Bhay? 2 principal Bhavnas and 9 Divine codes of conduct Bhavnas. Page #5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ What is Nature? Albert Einstein Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. Page #6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Nature • Nature is nothing but Scientific Circumstantial Evidence. • It's function is to accumulate and disperse circumstantial evidences in a scientific way. • It only gives results based on fed in data. Page #7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Nature • Who feeds the data? us - our decisions and projections (bhavnas) in the form of vibration energy. • Who gets them in return - us!! • How ? Scientifically. • When? when all scientific circumstances and evidences come together. We are all sitting in this auditorium. Who brought us together? It is nature and the natural regulatory system. • But based on what? We had a common projection or bhav. I had some bhav of sharing and you had bhav of listening that is how nature has brought us together. • I made tea or am I an instrument in making tea? What is correct from nature's viewpoint? Page #8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Nature Simple rule of Nature. -Positivity gives positive result and negativity gives negative result. How many times in a day do we break this golden rule? Page #9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Nature is always helpful; it helps one in falling and helps another in rising. It does not intend either to cause one to fall or to raise another; but in both these conditions, it is we who have to understand how we should live. One who lives in harmony with nature (effortlessly) succeeds. -Holistic Scientist Page #10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Biological Laws of nature 1. It provide needs of all living creatures. 2. What we feed in nature (happiness or misery), it gives back with interest at appropriate circumstances. 3. When we eat and sleep, it does the function of digestion, making blood and waste. 4. We are the guests of nature. 5. Holistic Scientist says, 'What is the innate quality of Nature? It keeps everything in balance. And what is the nature of man? to imbalance everything'. How many times in a day or week we imbalance our body? Page #11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Karma What is Karma? Do we know where, how or when we are binding karmas? Probably we are considering that what is happening outside with my mind, speech and body are karmas. But are they really karmas? Or are they effect of the karmas? What is Newton's Third Law of Motion? Karma has two principal parts - cause and effect or in words charge and discharge. Page #12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Charge Karma Science of Chetan (Pure Soul) Land My Relative or Pudgal PURE SOUL MATTER PHASES PHASES DRAVYA Existential Matter with Innate Properties or Attributes PHASES DRAVYA Existential Matter with Innate Properties or Attributes PHASES PHASES IN PRESENCE OF OTHER FOUR ELEMENTS As Chetan (Pure Soul) and Matter come together extra special properties develop. Page #13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Charge Karma Pure Soul and Matter have their own basic inherent properties or attributes which do not change. As they get together extra special properties are generated in form of "I am name-bearer, I am doer," (ego) etc. along with anger, greed, pride, deceit, attachment or aversion and Prakruti as a whole, which in scripture terms is vibhav parinam. Thus, the phases of matter and the phases of Pure Soul are changing, and that is what we perceive as life, living and the changing phases of life . How long does charging happen? The charging occurs as long as you have belief that I am the doer. This is a wrong belief. It is stated as mithyatva in scriptures. Charging can stop when I get the right belief, Samyak darshan. Page #14 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Charge Karma MY NAME IS XXX I AM Doel ✓ With the belief that I am the name bearer and a doer in the presence of conscious, the third extra special property gets generated which in scripture terms is vibhav parinam. How will I get the effect? According to bhav, molecules are charged and stored over the various areas of pure consciousness which is the inner computer and it is being transmitted to the outer computer which is natural regulatory system. Page #15 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Charge Karma Examples We all are sitting in this auditorium. • Is it the effect of past karma? Yes Now are we charging new karmas? Yes Someone will have bhav that I came here for time passing or was forced to come, so next time I will not come again. This is blocking future learning. Some will have bhave that I am here to learn something, etc... Creating future opportunity to learn. This is how inner bhavs are happening and once ! sign into it then it will become new karma. Page #16 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Charge Karma Examples • One gives money in donation and thinks | should not have given. • One is blocking future charity. • On gives little with bhav to give more. • One has sowed the seed for giving more. I WANT TO GIVE MORE • In either case nature would help in giving your desired fruits. Page #17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Charge Karma Examples I wish I was a CA so I can make more money. I am a doctor but seeing chartered accountants richness wants to be a chartered accountant 000 Life of a monk is good so I would like to be a monk. > or seeing the life of a monk would have a bhav to be a monk. A lady is passing by a shop and sees a beautiful sari. There is nothing wrong for the lady looking at the sari and appreciating its beauty, but the illusion that arises within her for the sari is the problem and charging point. I want that Sari! O Page #18 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Charge Karma Examples There is nothing wrong in eating and enjoying the best foods and desserts, but if the taste of the food item lingers on. I have a desire to enjoy it again and again And you have a desire to enjoy it again and again, then new karma will be charged. I do not like that food Conversely if you do a bhave that you do not like certain food, that will be charged and in the future you will not be able to like it. Page #19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Discharge Karma Our current existence in the human form is a discharge. In our past life we had charged for a human birth, which is now discharging. All circumstances are discharge karma. The Lord does not object to any aspect of the discharge process. The state of your meditation, where you are in the discharge process is the key and is very important. i.e. bhav and Inner state of being like aarta, raudra, dharma or Shukla dhyan. Aarta, Raudra, Dharma, or Shukla dhyan Page #20 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Discharge Karma Example Suppose someone calls you an idiot or you are good for nothing. First thought is to fight back to show your integrity - Aarta and Raudra Dhyan On the second thought if you internally rationalize that I am not an idiot and I am good for something and that the other person has seen something which is not to his liking so why retaliate? - Dharma Dhyan How do we Adjust Everywhere and Avoid This is the state of dharma meditation the Lord is talking about. This is the right understanding. Holistic Scientist says 'Adjust everywhere for your own good. If you suffer then it is your fault so avoid clashes. Page #21 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Discharge Karma Example How suffering or diseases come into existence? Wherever I have inflicted something in whatever forms with other living beings, some or other effects will come because those atoms are evidently charged. But how does it function in the body? It functions through our aura body or electric body or other aspects like genetics with harmony or lack of harmony, ultimately resulting into body health or disease. It is the subtle molecular configuration which becomes ready to give results at a particular time. It brings dearrangement in inner energy body and then the disease comes outside. Page #22 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ .. Mind Full, or Mindful? Current Path 5000TIME FOR PLAN "B." Understanding HAPPINESS What is my choice in discharge or effect part of Karma? o Am I helpless in the discharge that I have brought? o Absolutely, not! I have a free will. ✓ The effect can be changed by my right understanding which is my free will. ✓ Do the circumstances make me happy or unhappy? ✓ It is my vision of looking at the circumstances which will make me really happy or unhappy. That is why Vitrag Vignan says that by right understanding everything can be resolved and wrong understanding will result in unhappiness and puzzles. ✓ Right understanding will result in happiness, happiness and happiness. ✓ Therefore a great percentage of the effect part can also be altered as far as the inner suffering or inner concern by the right understanding. Page #23 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Discharge Karma - Right Understanding Example ✓ Mahavir Bhagwan had taught his disciplines that if someone hit them with a stick, then internally understand that you only got beat and your hand has not been broken. ✓ Bhagwan taught his disciples to see benefits and positivity in every situation. ✔In His vision, Bhagwan had seen through eternal Gyan (divine knowledge) the advantage and that is why He always saw profit even in a loss. Always look for a positive in the POSITIVEPOSSIBLE HEALTHTHINKING RESEARCH OPTIMISTS negative and convert an unfavorable situation in a favorable situation. Page #24 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Where does charge karma and discharge karma happen? → In minds. There are two kinds of minds: gross or discharge and subtle or charge. → The gross mind is called dravya mun, the effect mind, also known as discharge mind which is in the heart. → The subtle mind is also known as bhaav mun, intent or causal mind or charge mind. It is located at a depth of two and a half inches from the center of the forehead at the eyebrow level. Page #25 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ • Is it possible? Yes by eliminating the 2 Pillars of wrong beliefs. • Is it possible to stop binding or inviting new karmas? • Otherwise we will be going through cycles and cycles of rebirth. There wrong belief no matter how scholarly I am or how pious life I am living since I cannot stop binding new karmas. • Wrong beliefs: I am the mind, body, and speech and I am the doer. Page #26 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Why Do not Tirthankars and Realized Ones bind Karmas? ✓ One of the celebrate who has guided me is present here and had an enlightening experience with the Holistic Scientist Shree. A.M.Patel in the very first meeting when he was a student of medicine. ✓ He was told that Tirthankaras do all the activities like us so why is it that they are not binding karmas and you are binding karmas? ✓ The young doctor to be was awestruck and had no answer. He was told that it was that they had no ego. This is the answer to the puzzle. Page #27 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ What is egoism? Olam name bearer and I am the doer is the basis of egoism which in terms of scriptures it is the cause of binding or Mithtyatav or wrong belief. If I can get be free of this wrong belief then I will have the right belief or Samyak Tatva. There are many examples in the scriptures on this science. Gjsukumar (JIGRI PART) had fire put on the head but his inner state was so that he was able to be calm inside which resulted him getting liberated. This is very important to know the state of inside of the great spiritual masters like the Tirthankars and Realized ones. The crux of changing our ego bhave, is the 2 principal bhavnas together with the 9 divine codes of conduct bhavnas and as well as alochana, pratikraman, and pratyakhan. Page #28 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Role of Tirthankars and Gyani Purush Very important role of the enlightenment of the Tirthankar or a Gyani Purush (Holistic Scientist) is that they fracture our wrong belief and they will put “l” in the pure soul by dissolving our ego. The Gyani (Holistic Scientist), who is omniscient, seals off our causal mind (ego) and so there is no charging of new mind, but only the discharging mind remains. Life will then go on to amicably resolve all discharge Karmas. Keval Gyan is when all the discharge has been amicably resolved. * Everyone should aspire to have that. Page #29 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Science of Bhav Everyone asks to change our behavior which is the effect or fruit. We cannot change fruit so change the seed. Seed can be changed by right understanding, inner decisions, resolutions and projections and behavior would follow naturally. We do not ask you to change behavior forcibly but start changing by right understanding. This is the most significant and yet easy, practical approach through holistic inner science. There is much research on going on thoughts, mindfulness and decisions. They all show that if thoughts are changed they become effective in our lives. Page #30 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 2 Principal Bhavnas 1. 'Let my mind, speech, body not hurt any living being in the world even to slightest extent and let them be used to oblige and make others happy'. (“Yog, Upayogo paropakaray'). 2. 'I aspire to know who I am?' For that earnestly wish to meet an experienced, enlightened 'Gyani Purush' with whose grace and guidance I can attain it. Page #31 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ UNIVERSAL BHAVNAS FOR RICH INNER LIVING '9 Divine Codes of Conduct Bhavnas' • This is the Essence of all Holy Scriptures as practiced and revealed by the self-realized, experienced Holistic Scientist A. M. Patel popularly known as "Dada Bhagwan". Dada Bhagwan is what is manifested inside and it is in all living creatures in the un-manifested state. 1. Supreme Self/O Lord! May you bless me with such an infinite inner strength as would restrain me from hurting, causing someone to hurt or supporting someone hurting even slightly, the ego of any living being. May you bless me with such an inner strength in the philosophy of relative pluralism (syadvad) in thinking, speech and conduct as would restrain me from hurting even slightly, the ego of any living being. 2. Supreme Self/O Lord! May you bless me with such an infinite inner strength so as not to hurt, neither cause someone to hurt or support someone hurting even to the slightest extent, the foundation or view-point of any religion or faith? May you bless me with such an infinite inner strength in the philosophy of relative pluralism (syadvad) in speech, conduct and thinking as would restrain me from hurting any of religious view-points or beliefs? Page #32 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 3. Supreme Self/O Lord! May you bless me with such an infinite inner strength as would restrain me from uttering untrue adverse things, from offending or showing disregard (disrespect to any preacher, monk, nun or a religious 4. Supreme Self/O Lord! May you bless me with such an infinite inner strength as would not make me dislike or hate any living being to the slightest extent, neither cause anyone nor support anyone doing so. 5. Supreme Self/O Lord! May you bless me with such an infinite inner strength as would restrain me from speaking, causing someone to speak or supporting someone speaking harsh, hurtful language or language of rivalry to anyone. Give me inner strength to speak soft, sober, soothing language even if someone speaks harsh, hurtful, egoistic or biting language. 6.0 Supreme Self/O Lord! May you bless me with such an infinite inner strength as would restrain me having faults, desires, gestures or thoughts of perverted sensuality or passion towards any gender-male, female or neuter. Give me the supreme strength so as to be free of sensual or passionate attitudes or perversions forever. Page #33 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 7. O Supreme Self/O Lord! May you bless me with such an infinite inner strength to control my excessive temptation towards any relish or taste of food. Give me the strength to take food having balance of all tastes. 8. O Supreme Self/O Lord! May you bless me with such an infinite inner strength as would restrain me from uttering untrue adverse things, from offending or showing disregard towards any being-living or dead, in one's presence or absence. 9. O Supreme Self/O Lord! May you bless me with such an infinite inner strength for being instrumental in welfare of the world that is common good of mankind as a whole. Note: One has just to resolve, pray heartily and ask for inner strength, three times a day. It should not be repeated mechanically but should be kept at heart. Page #34 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Nature is nothing else but the echo of man. The whole world is the echo of one's own and it is the result of former projection. -Holistic Scientist Thank you VVCRF/HSCRF HOLISTIC INNER SCIENCE