VOL XVI. No. 6.
JUNE 1920.
The Jaina Gazette.
There is, there can be, no greatness in things, in material things of themselves. The greatness is determined entirely by the use and disposition made of them. The greatest greatness, and the only greatness, in the world is unselfish love and service and self devotion to one's fellow
-Ralph Waldo Trine.
Great minds, like heaven, are pleased in doing good, Though the ungrateful subjects of their favours Are barren in return.
"What is Jainism.'
WHOLE No. 180.
Jainadharmabhushana Brahmachari Sitala Prasadji. Editor "Jain Mitra " Bombay.
JAINISM, the religion of the Jina or Jinas, means the religion of the conquerers. But the conquest
meant is not Jina is one
the conquest of warriors or of earthly territories. who has conquered the passions, the enemies of the soul. (1.)
*This article is the substance of a lecture lately delivered at the Tinkunia Park ASSAM under the Presidency of Mr. Mullan A. C.