My Own Business Entrepreneurial
Training Course My Own Business Inc. is a fully packaged program which helps individuals go into business for themselves and succeed. The course has been tested and refined since 1993. It is a series of 10 sessions that will be available via the internet in early 2000 for anyone who wants to succeed in starting their own business. Because it is non-profit, all one will need to do is log on to www.myownbusiness.org. The course is suggested to be taken over a period of 5 weeks at 2 sessions per week. My Own Business Inc. USA
State of the World Forum The State of the World Forum has gathered an extraordinary community representing over 100 nations and nearly 4,000 exceptional individuals ranging from leaders to poets, from scientists to youth. Its goal is to help create a more compassionate, just, non-violent and environmentally sustainable world order. The Forum has spawned several initiatives such as The Whole Child, Coexistence and Community Building, Emerging Leaders, and the Nobel Peace Laureate Commission. At the 1999 Parliament the Nuclear Weapon Elimination Initiative will be presenting a statement for endorsement, commitment and action. State of the World Forum For Nuclear Elimination Initiative USA
Sufism and Psychology Forum The Sufism and Psychology Forum (SPF) is a continuing dialogue between people of the mind and soul who have established numerous Healing Centers in the United States. The Healing Centers provide individual and group counseling and psychotherapy, integrating traditional Sufi healing practices with Western Psychology. In an effort to promote a broadening of perspectives within the field of psychology. SPF members will launch an extensive and ongoing research project dedicated to defining the psychological benefits of meditative practices in relation to a wide variety of healing models. Portions of these research projects will be published online and in the SPF newsletters International Association of Sufism USA
The Education as Transformation Project The Education as Transformation Project explores the impact of religious diversity and the role of spirituality in the educational programs of colleges and universities. Currently in contact with over 400 institutions of higher education throughout the United States, the Project is preparing to consult with institutions in other parts of the world. Education as Transformation Project USA
White House Conference on Philanthropy: Gifts to the Future On October 22, 1999, the White House hosted a conference attended by philanthropic experts, youth, program leaders, donors and innovators representing a wide range of racial, ethnic, economic and religious backgrounds. The Gifts to the Future highlight the American tradition of giving, discuss the diverse and changing face of philanthropy, and explore how we can sustain and expand this tradition for future generations. White House Millennium Council USA
Perpetual Faith Resource and Internet Protection Inspired by the Council's Call to Our Guiding Institutions, Exotrope, Inc., offers their gift of the BAIR filtering system, which allows internet users to filter out types of material which may be offensive to them. In recognition of the 1999 Parliament, Exotrope will also provide free Web page hosting services, in perpetuity, to each delegate at the 1999 Parliament of the World's Religions. The BAIR system is now widely recognized as the world's most advanced and effective pornography blocking software solution from Exotrope, Inc. The company has also created InterFaith Net SM, database of the best religious resources available on the Web. Exotrope, Inc. USA
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