Family Foundation Lay Counselors Project The Family Foundation is a division of FAMSA that provides training in basic counseling to people in the poorest communities. This training allows partici pants to be registered as auxiliary social workers with National Social Workers Association. Participants also receive numerical and literacy training so they can keep accurate statistics and documentation. These trainees provide an essential first time intervention service, and are recognized as leaders in their community, and their work in Khayelitsha, Guguletu, Cross Roads FAMSA Western Cape (Family & Marriage Society of the Western Cape) REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA
Reconciliation Through Drama This unique reconciliation through drama process was pioneered by the African Community Theatre Services (ACTS). It was founded in 1983 in an effort to offset the effects of apartheid. The project brings together a group that is as representative as possible in terms of language, color, gender and creed, with the purpose of empowering them to discover their self worth, explore their commonalties, and gain an appreciation of their differences African Community Theatre Service REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA
Encounter World Religions Center The Center fosters knowledge, appreciation, and respect for religious diversity. It opens channels of dialogue among followers of different religious paths by offering to schools, churches, and other organizations varied educational, confessional, experiential, and practical interreligious dialogue opportunities at no cost or for cost recovery only. Encounter World Religious Center CANADA
Museum Ambassador Program The Museum Ambassador Program is a youth development program based at the Museum of District Six that trains young people to teach other young people about their collective heritage. The program builds self-esteem, critical thinking, and co-operative learning as well as friendships and understanding across racial and economic differences. It is devel oped for young people by young people in a non-threatening environment. District Six Museum REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA
Weaving a Barrier Against Violence This project offers a holistic approach to the prevention of violence among youth (ages 8-17 years). featuring community-inspired and managed programs in health, education, music and arts, recre ation, and employable skills training. The Community Baking Trust bakes and distributes bread to disadvantaged communities and finances violence prevention programs. Amy Biehl Foundation Trust REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA
Nature Gallery for Environmental Awareness The Nature Gallery has been built at the Sivananda International Cultural Center in Sivnandnagar, KwaZulu Natal. It is equipped with educational awareness charts that teach viewers to protect this degenerating planet and all creatures living on it. Divine Life Society of South Africa REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA
Jain Education International 2010_03
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