. Play for Peace PO Box 6205 Buffalo Grove, IL 60089 USA
847-520-1444 Fax 847-520-6391 Mr. Michael Terrien
Quaker Peace Centre 3 Rye Road Mowbray Cape Town, W. Cape 7700 REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA . 27-21-6857800 Fax 27-21-6868167 Mr. Martin Struthmann
Rodale Institute Experimental Farm 61 i Siegfriedale Rd. Kutztown, PA 19530-9320 USA
610-683-1407 Fax 610-683-8543 arodal@rodaleinst.org Mr. Anthony Rodale
DONCSSR PNR Society for Relief and Rehabilitation of the Disabled 53 Vidyanagar Bhavnagar, Gujarat 364002 INDA
91-298-429236 Fax 91-278-431160 pur@havnagar.com Mr. V. J. Naik
REEP: The Religious Education and Environmental Program 8th Floor, Rodwell House, Middlesex St. London, EI ZHU UNITED KINGDOM - 44-171-377-1077 T 44-148-389-2355 Fax 44-171-247-2144 reep@globalnet.co.uk www.useers.globalnet.co.uk/-reep Mr. Peter Talbot Willcox
Rotary International 515 Camino de Encanto Redondo Beach, CA 90277 USA
310-375-2621 vradel@compuserve.com www.rotary.org Dr. Victoria Radel
Pole to Pole 2000 P.O. Box 9 100 Mile House, BC VOK ZEO CANADA T 250-395-1737 Fax 250-395-2441 pole2000@bcinternet.net millenniumfirst.com Mr. Martyn Williams
Religious Research and Resource Centre Univ. of Derby Mickleover, Derby DE3 5GX UNITED KINGDOM
44-332-622222 ext. 2102 Fax 44-332-514323 p.b.weller@derby.ac.uk
ww.multifaithnet.org Rev. Paul Weller
Sakhisizwe Trust P.O. Box 1842 Parklands Johannesburg, 2121 REPUBLC OF SOUTH AFRICA + 27-11-236-1842 Fax 27-11-442-6844 andre mega.co.za www.sakhisizwe.co.za Dr. Molefe S. Tsele
Pralryerth Unitarian Universalist Fellowship 2482 Estes, #3 Chicago, IL 60645 USA
312-629-2990 - 773-465-0608 mimneal@usa.net mim@cpwr.org Ms. Miriam (Mim) Neal
Religious Society of Friends / Quakers 1251 Lincolnshire Dr. Harrisonburg, VA 22802 USA
540-564-2942 Fax 540-568-8072 kingsb@jmu.edu Dr. Sallie B King
San Domenico School 1500 Butterfield Rd. San Anselmo, CA 94960 USA + 415-258-1936 Fax 415-454-6604 smg@marin.k12.com www.sandomenico.org Sr. M. Gervaise Valpey, O.P.
Pray for the Children Minois Drug Education Alliance P.O. Box 5758 Naperville, IL 60567 USA . 630-420-9493 Fax 630-420-9904 www.prayforthechildren.com Ms. Judy Kreamer
River Fund New York 125-16 Sutter Avenue Jamaica, NY 11420 USA 0 718-641-1520 Fax 718-323-7670 durgadas@riversfund-ny.org www.kashi.org Swami Durga Das Patello
PRH, Western Division 815 South Pine Tacoma, WA 98405 USA 1 253-272-8943 Fax 253-565-5199 bjkellyprh@aol.com www.phr-international.com Ms. Judy Kelly
San Fernando Valley Interfaith Council 1443 Edgecliff Ln. Pasadena, CA 91107 USA
818-718-6460 Fax 818-718-0734 - 310-348 7600 hefffer@aol.com The Rev. Dr. Jeffrey H. Utter Sarvodaya Shramadana Movement #9, Kalyani Road Pamankada Colombo 6, SRI LANKA - 94-1-647-159.94-1-645-255 Fax 94-1-646-512 sarsed@lanka.ccom.lk Dharma Sena Senanayake
River Fund / Kashi Foundation 11155 Roseland Road #11 Sebastian, FL 32958 USA 1 561-589-5076 Fax 561-589-5052 bina@riverfund.org www.kashi.org Ms. Bina Frank
Public Service Commission Ethics Desk Private Bag X121 Pretoria, Gauteng 0001 REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA - 27-12-325-8308 Dr. Daryl Balia
RES Satchidananda Ashram - Yogaville Route 1. Box 1720 Buckingham, VA 23921 USA + 804-969-3121 Fax 804-969-1303 iyi@yogaville.org www.yogaville.org Swami Sharadananda
Riverside Church Riverside Church Wellness Center 490 Riverside Dr. New York, NY 10027 USA
212-870-6704 Fax 212-870-6800 ferickson@theriversidechurchny.org theriversidechurchny.org Rev. Fanny AW. Erickson
Pulpit Youth Theatre Project P.O.Box 23 Woodstock Cape Town, W. Cape 7915 REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA
27-21-448-0494 streets@iafrica.com Mr. Thembile Pepeteka
Jain Education International 2010_03
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