DePaul University College of Law Center for Church/State Studies 25 E. Jackson Blvd. Chicago, IL 60604-2287 USA
312-362-8818 (secretary Fax 312-362-5448 cmousin@wppost.depaul.edu www.law.depaul.edu Rev. Craig B. Mousin
E Pluribus Unum Project Washington Institute for Jewish Leadership and Values 6101 Montrose Road, #200 Rockville, MD 20852 USA
301-770-5070 Fax 301-770-6865 epuproject@aol.com www.epluribus.org Mr. Dan Napolitano
Elm Place School 1966 Spruce Highland Park, IL 60035 USA * 847-432-9217 Fax 847-831-5308 hisuzgreen@aol.com Ms. Suzanne Greenwald, Ms. Miriam Sharon
Dhamayietra Center for Peace and Nonviolence Wat Sampeo Meas P.O. Box 144 Phnom Penh, CAMBODIA
855-23-217-872 Fax 855-23-213-108 dmy@forum.org.kh Samdech Preah Maha Ghosananda
Earth Charter International Drafting Committee P.O. Box 648 Middlebury, VT 05753 USA + 802-388-9933 Fax 802-388-1951 rockefel@middlebury.edu Prof. Steven C. Rockefeller
Emissary Community P.O. Box 2195 Fourways Johannesburg, Gauteng 2055 REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA
27-11-650-7063 Fax 27-11-465-7552 Mr. Lance Bloch
Diocese of Jérémie - Haiti 38 Broutte Jeremie, w HAITI
509-845167 Fax 509-846699 Most Rev. Willy Romélus
Earth Day Network 2000 91 Marion Street Seattle, WA 98104 USA - 206-264-01 14 ext 230 Fax 206-682-1184 worldwide@earthday.net www.earthday.net Ms. Vickery Prongay
Encounter World Religious Centre 390 Speedvale Ave. East Guelph, ON NIE IN5 CANADA
519-822-4150 Fax 519-822-1236 lwindland@rids.ca Mr. Larry Windland
NONTON District Six Museum P.O.Box 10178 Caledan Square Cape Town, W. Cape 7905 REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA
27-21-461-8745 Fax 27-21-461-8745 Mr. Dammon Rice
EarthSpirit P. O. Box 723 Williamsburg, MA 01096 USA
413-238-4240 Fax 413-238-7785 deidre@earthspirit.com www.earthspirit.com Ms. Deirdre Pulgram Arthen
Episcopal Diocese of Washington, DC Peace Commission Church House, Mt. St. Alban Washington, DC 20016 USA o 202-564-4292 winder john@epamail.epa.gov Mr. John Winder
Divine Life Society of South Africa P.O. Box 65282, Reservoir Hills Durban, KZN 4090 REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA - 27-31-822314 - 27-31-2622314 Fax 27-31-823248. 27-31-2623248 www.sivananda.dis.org Swami Sahajananda (Spiritual Head) Sri Pradeep Ramlal Chairman)
Ecumenical Assembly of Bartholomew County Churches 22 Amherst Pl. Columbus, IN 47201 USA - 812-372-0850 skarr@reliable net.net columbus.in.us/ecu.ecumen2.htm Ms. Sharon K. Karr
Extrope Inc. 150 N. Main Street Elmira, NY 14901 USA
607-767-0400 Fax 607-767-0480 pres@exotrope.net www.exotrope.net Mr. Michael Stephani
Dreamcatchers, Inc. 23852 Pacific Coast Highway, Suite 766 Malibu, CA 90265 USA
310-457-1617 Fax 310-457-2688 kifarul@aol.com www.dreamcatchers.com Mr. Gary Rhine
Edmonton Interfaith Centre for Education and Action P.O. Box 52143, Sarneau P.O. Edmonton, AB T6S 2T8 CANADA
304-413-6159 Fax 304-439-2501 dmayne@freenet. edmonton.ab.ca Rev. Dr. Don Mayne
FAMSA Western Cape (Family and Marriage Society of the Western Cape) 814 Groote Kerk Building 39 Adderly St Cape Town, W. Cape 8001 REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA T 27-21-461-7360 Fax 27-21-461-9198 James Eckley
Duggan, Sr. Dr. Miriam P.O. Box 10241 Boksburg, 1464 REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA + 27-11-8262044 sar@netactive.co.za
Federation of Zoroastrian Associations of North America 5750 S. Jackson Street Hinsdale, IL 60521 USA - 630-325-5383 Mr. Rohinton M. Rivetna
Education as Transformation Project Office of Religious and Spiritual Life 512 Bedford Rd. Armonk, NY 10504 USA - 781-283-2659 Fax 781-283-2659 peterll@concentric.net www.wellesley.edu /RelLife.transformation Dr. Peter Laurence
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