Jainism and Animal Issues
Some Health Issues
Animals are not for "OUR” Well Being
It is a matter of common knowledge, that animals are used in are preventible. In the last 50 years, we have caten far more medical world for testing, and also for ingredients. A very large unhealthy food than ever in the human history. Now the results are population of Jains has chosen and continues to choose medical showing up in statistics. carcers. With it putting anybody down, we would like to discuss
Our Jain religion is very scientific. Our penances, such as what we can do.
fasting, cating less, living a simple peaceful life, controlling anger, In recent years, we have witnessed several spectacular medical all these have beneficial effects not only on the soul and the advancements. Many of them are said to have been made possible Karmas, but also on health. More and more scientists are finding only because of use of animals. And some other questions that are this out the hard way. Shaili Khandheria will focus on some of commonly put forth are, "Would you rather let your child die of these, as this news appeared in the leading national newspapers, such cancer?", "Would you want to be a guinea pig?", or, "Isn't the as The New York Times, etc. Even prayer has profound results. We human life the most valuable one, even from the Jain viewpoint?" sing about Navkar Mantra, dal 19 . It is true. It is not just So, we will try to throw light on some of these issues here.
a superstition. There are many scientifically recorded proofs to that, First of all, as far as we know, as more and more industrialized that she will talk about. nations installed underground sewers, at the turn of this century, And supposing, that both these penance and prayers failed. So sanitation and hygiene improved in those countries, and the what? Maybe we are destined to suffer or to die. Don't the drugs common deadly diseases such as malaria and plague of those days and surgeries ever fail? Here is an another example. When you have reduced. During the same time, our nutrition knowledge also your car repaired, the mechanic gives a one year, or 30 days, or some improved. Therefore, by 1940, the overall health of humans had kind of warranty. How much warranty does a doctor give to you drastically improved. So by the time when they invented after an operation? In other words, he leaves it all up to luck. Or vaccinations, in the 40's, plague, tuberculosis, malaria, etc. were Karmas', in Jain terminology. Now, if that is the ultimate case, why already eradicated from the
go through all this fuss? After all, western world! There was very
by accepting a treatment that was little room left for impact from By the time when vaccinations were invented in the
prepared at the expense of vaccinations. Still we seem to give 40's, plague, tuberculosis, malaria, etc. were already
animals, you are consenting to most of the credits for today's eradicated from the western world! There was very
more violence. More bad Karmas. improved health to the vaccines! little room left for impact from vaccinations.
More suffering in the future. But let us look at this living
What a vicious circle! Instead, proof. Even today, in countries
why not to take it peacefully? such as India and Africa, where sanitation is poor and nutrition Now at this point you may wonder, if I am myself willing to die, value of food is not very good, plagues take big toll of lives. rather than take a treatment based on animal cruelty. Yes, seven Vaccinations remain helpless.
years ago I signed a Durable Power of Attorney. In that one I wrote, The other question is: if it were right to kill a few frogs, if it
"Trcating me with natural cures is my first choice. Then, time-tested helped save a million men from cancer. Numerically, it sounds
vegetarian medicines are my second choice. However, under no reasonable. But the problem is, they do not put the numbers
circumstances, should any medicine that has been produced or a correctly. Not a few, but many millions of animals are killed in
procedure used that has been developed at the expense of animals laboratories. Approximately 70 million rats, rabbits, monkeys, and
or insects, be used to treat me. If the physician is not sure about the other animals' lives are sacrificed in America alone. Every year.
medication, or the procedure, he or she should not use it." After
signing this statement, we looked all around for alternate resources. A fact is, that until after the World War II, animal
And we were glad, because we found plenty. I also took great care experimentation almost did not exist. But, by then, we had already
of my body, by very carefully controlling my diet, increasing come a long way. The famous and much touted recent transplants
exercise, yoga, prayers, etc. have saved relatively only a few human lives, but taken far many more animal lives. The numbers are not justifiable. Besides,
However, this is my philosophy, and my way of life. I cannot, especially in Jainism, this logic is not allowed.
and no one else can, guarantee, that it will work on everyone. And,
at least for the time being, the government views - legislative, Medical history reveals another startling point. By 1940, when
supreme court, etc. - are all pro-medicine, rather than pro-spirit and malaria and plagues had gone down, some other diseases started to
pro-conviction. But it will never hurt to start with improving your go up. Which diseases started going up? They are all related to
diet, with regular exercise and yoga, and above all, self-study. hcart, cancers, gallbladders, kidney, etc. What caused them, and what are the cures for them? Let me give a hint. All these diseases
Narendra Sheth
Jain Education Interational 2010_03
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