imal Shah was born in Kenya, East Africa and is fast becoming one of the most distinguished businessmen
in the country. He is the CEO of Bidco Group, a leading manufacturer and distributor of edible oils, fats and hygienic products. According to the
PriceWaterhouseCoopers survey for 2004, Vimal has transformed Bidco from a small and unknown company to East Africa's Most Respected Manufacturing Company." Bidco currently has manufacturing operations in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. The company further distributes its products
to another 10 countries in East and Southern Africa and seeks to attain a number one market share in Africa by the year 2030.
he Chander Mohan Jain Memorial Lecture was held on Monday, 21st March, 2005 at Huron University College,
London, Ontario Canada. Dr. M. Whitney Kelting. Assistant Professor of Religious Studies, at Northeastern University, Boston, U.S. spoke on the topic, "Chandanbala's Tears: Recovering the Emotional Life of Jainism." Dr. Kelting's book, Singing to the Jinas (Oxford University Press, 2001) examines the relationships between Jain laywomen, hymn singing and popular Jain theology.
In recognition of Vimal's exceptional effort and contribution to national development, His Excellency President Mwai Kibaki of Kenya recently awarded him with the Moran of the Order of the Burning Spear (MBS). This award was presented during the 41st Jamhuri (Independence) Day Celebrations. This highly prestigious presidential award recognises those who played a major role in National Development since Kenya attained independence in 1963. • Courtesy of Oshwal News, UK.
For Personal & Private Use Only
Dr. Chander Mohan Jain was a research scientist but he also had an extraordinary interest in philosophy and religion. He was an active member of the Indian community in London and spent numerous hours in community service. He organised youth camps and founded the Jain study circle of South Western Ontario. Additionally, he was a founding member of the Jain Centre of Toronto and the International Mahavir Jain Mission of Canada. The Chander Mohan Jain Memorial Lectures are sponsored by his friends and family.
photo supplied by Oshiwal News
Most unfortunately Dr. Chander Mohan Jain passed away in a car accident in 1990 at the young age of 48..
Jain Education International