each other and with the wider community and advocate for a provide leadership. The exploitation of others and of the world where all human beings can live in a better, more environment should be condemned. Essentially, it is about inclusive and just community.
the balance and use of power in our various situations - faith Let me suggest specific areas where faith communities leaders need to share humility, love, justice and goodwill in can contribute to international
the dealings of relationships development:
and power. (i) Development must be
(vii) Leaders of faith holistic - recognising that
communities, both separately people have to grow
and together, must stand up physically, emotionally,
for the poor and the marginsocially and spiritually.
alised, speak out against Programmes of development
injustice and get involved in must understand the well
social policy that can promote being of the body, mind and
international development. spirit of individuals and of
This could mean getting communities.
involved in issues of debt (ii) Tolerance is a key
relief for third world virtue that can nurture
countries, the trade justice understanding, respect and
movement, the banning of harmony. Differences must
land mines, the regulation of not be seen as threatening,
corporations, saving the but as an opportunity to
environment or the exposure build bridges and to cross
of child labour that exploits barriers. This is true
or harms children. throughout the world - at
These are a few issues local, national and interna
that are vital for international tional levels.
development and we need all (iii) Respect for religions
leaders and people of and the religious rights of all
different faiths to take social people, especially minorities
and public issues more and marginalised people, must
seriously. There are efforts be an integral part of the
to make people come defence of human rights.
together more formally and (iv) People of faith can
to explore avenues of contribute to the non
cooperation and dialogue. violent mechanisms of conflict
These efforts need to be resolution, peace with justice We can better life for these street kids
encouraged and inspired and reconciliation amongst
by Mahatma Gandhi: warring groups. In many parts of the world today conflicts, "Whenever you are in doubt, apply the following test: recall civil strife and actual wars kill and maim, and create the face of the poorest and weakest person you may have seen internally displaced people and many refugees. Socio- and ask yourself if the step you contemplate is going to be of economic development cannot take place fully in the context any use to them." of conflict, violence and wars.
All the great faith traditions have a common commitment (V) We need to equip, educate, mobilise and organise - to love your neighbour, help others, protect the local people and civil society organisations so that people environment, respect each other and live in peace and take responsibility for their own development and hold their harmony. These teachings need to bring the best out of leaders and governments accountable. This needs democratic religions and of each other so that we can build a movement space for the people's participation in decisions that affect of concerned people who are committed to the welfare and their future. Interfaith cooperation at this level encourages well being of our fellow human beings. For many, this is a the building of a people's movement for social change that matter of life and death. We need urgent action so that it can can benefit everyone.
make a difference. (vi) Ethical and moral perspectives in public life, economic investments, the behaviour of industry and Daleep Mukarji is Director of Christian Aid, a UK-based powerful leaders are other areas where people of faith can international development NGO.
June - August 2003
Jain Spirit
Jain Education Interational 2010_03
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