Live A Good Life
Aarti Shah emphasises the importance of walking your talk
a better place. But through taming our unlimited desires we
have a greater chance of sustaining nature's beauty for "The key to working and living alongside others is drawing upon everyone to benefit. common interests and respecting differences" - Aarti Shah
So now I have opened the door to the spiritual side of my
being. Controlling my desires, has led me to think about CT HAS TAKEN ME SOME TIME TO REACH THIS CONCLUSION,
controlling my emotions. I can think of countless times but now that I am here I don't think I can ever think
when I have let my temper dance with the flames of rage. Or differently. The more I learn, observe and experience the
when I have let envy trick me into her arms. Or when I have closer I get drawn each time to this one word which I believe
mastered judging books wrongly by their cover. How have holds the answer to a multitude of problems: character.
I tried to control these emotions? Fortunately enough I have It is all about character. Who you are as a person will
seemed to jump from one experience to another whereby I determine your success in every respect. The way we think
have met and worked alongside people from diverse and the way we act have lasting effects on how the world
backgrounds, cultures and opinions. Each encounter has not functions. Sitting in an economics lecture, I was thinking
only tested my tolerance but also strengthened it. The key to about how the world reflects society, how
working and living alongside others has society reflects the family and how the
been drawing upon common interests and family reflects the individual. If I wanted to "I can think of
respecting differences. This respect has relieve the millions from poverty or end the
stemmed from being open-minded and world of violence, would I find the answer countless times
willing to compromise. by reforming institutions or by reforming
Now I have realised that by opening this individual character? To me the latter when I have let my
door I have entered into a complex battle of seemed to make more sense.
good nature trying to overcome bad. Many I believe that individuals in this world temper dance with
a time I have been overwhelmed and quick should look deeply into their character.
to shut it again. But this time I shall keep it They should think about how they can the flames of rage.
open. However this path of self-assessment change who they are, to benefit themselves
will have to be a lifelong challenge and at the same time benefit others. But
whereby I must confront my weaknesses every step of the before I can change the world I must change myself. So
way and turn them into opportunities for improvement. I follow me through my self-assessment. My ultimate goal is
hope this may in some way inspire you to open your own to be a good-natured person, not to harm others but to help
door and take a look, for it is amazing what you may find others, so as to live happily. So let me look at my past and
inside. Who knows, each such individual action may unite how I have tried to achieve this.
to pave the way for a brighter future. In a physical sense, I am not an aggressive person who
The key is to be true to yourself in identifying your hurts others. I can extend this and say: I try not to
qualities and realistic in setting your objectives. Once these intentionally harm other living things. The way in which I
have been determined you need to transform thoughts into best practise this is by being vegetarian. But the discipline
action. This is where the challenge lies. Initially each associated with this has been fundamental to shaping my
thought and action must be contemplated, which with time character. Two years ago I gave up eating eggs. As eggs
will become instinctive. We all have a choice in determining creep into a wide range of manufactured food products, it
the way we think and act. Let's exercise it. has been challenging to say the least! But that very feeling of being able to withstand temptation, of not being crippled by greed and being able to conquer my mind is irreplaceable. Aarti Shah is a postgraduate student at the I am not saying that if we all give up eggs the world will be University of Warwick, UK.
September - November 2002. Jain Spirit
Jain Education International 2010_03
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