Choose To Care
Todd Oldham, uses spun glass and recycled rubber and fabulous of the same race can have more genetic differences between them fibres. He says he has found synthetics that look like, but feel better than people of different races. Humans share 99 per cent of our and wear better than any skin. "I don't know how anyone could skin DNA with chimpanzees and 90 per cent with mice! At last, the a croc, let alone a pony or baby goat," he said. He is right. Having time has come for everyone to behave as Jains have always taught stood on the slaughterhouse floor, I cherish fabrics like cotton, we should behave with respect to all. corduroy and satin. I think Woody Harrelson is hip to wear hemp. Right Indulgence. Because Jains know the bad reactions Some people buy shearling not realising that it is the whole skin of associated with mistreating animals, it is incongruous to pay the sheep cut away from the carcass! And wool isn't any better; someone else to mistreat them. In circuses which use animals, if you could ever see firsthand how barbarically these gentle
trainers force wild animals to perform stressful acts like animals are treated in the process of removing it. In
jumping through fire, and use whips, muzzles, electric prods Australia and New Zealand, the top wool-producing
and metal-tipped bull hooks that are pushed into the countries, lambs have the flesh cut away under their tails so
sensitive skin behind an elephant's ears or thighs. In their that maggots will not collect in the folds of their wool. This
homelands, these animals would be free to walk and run, problem wouldn't occur if they were not thick-coated
choose lifetime companions and raise their families, but Merinos, imported into the heat of the Australian outback
the circus forces them to perform strenuous, confusing from colder climates. No painkillers are given for this
acts night after night. Afterwards, elephants are kept mutilation and afterwards the lambs lie in the fields,
chained like bicycles, and bears and tigers are "stored" bleating pitifully. It takes them up to three days to be able
in cages barely large enough for them to turn around to stand and hobble about. Other horrors, including their
in. hideous journey to the Middle East for slaughter, are too
After finding a horse collapse from exhaustion near wretched to describe.
Juhu in Mumbai, India, actor Riya Sen petitioned to Lame excuses for killing animals including
make it illegal to keep horses on the beach. In cities, millions of silk worms to make clothes are: “But I
horses are often forced to give rides under the hot sun, want the look of silk", "I love the feel of fur" or
made to run fast, to work for hours without breaks and “Nothing keeps me warmer than wool". How
beaten with whips. pathetic! Top fashion designers and Everest
Dolphins kept in aquariums suffer terribly, too. These expeditions have switched to lighter, more attractive,
intelligent mammals bounce sonar waves off objects to kinder, warmer, more fashionable fabric and faux!
determine their shape, density, distance and location. Jean-Michel Right Choices. In India, I met young Jains who had
Cousteau says that in a tank dolphins "are bombarded by a garble dissected frogs and cats, although their families were
of their own vocalizations. Their world becomes a maze of vegetarian. They thought the only way to study science
meaningless reverberations." Many die of stress. Cousteau was to use animals and so they violated their ethical
believes some commit suicide. We can have fun without all this beliefs! In the US, Harvard has teamed up with the
suffering. Physicians' Committee for Responsible Medicine to make
Right Participation. Remember: "All that evil needs to triumph a video that teaches the "Harvard Method" of surgical
is for good people to do nothing." Jains are certainly good training for budding medical doctors. Students study
people, so the obligation is clear! If, for example, the company alongside a skilled surgeon in the operating theatre
you work for is having a cookout, let them know you do and use computer simulators which bleed, breathe
not eat animals. If your school or club sponsors a trip to and even vomit! In this way students can repeat
an event, let them know it must not involve animal a procedure when they make a mistake,
performances. Tell everyone that you stick to your rather than simply dispose of the body! If
principles and the right to be included. Great Harvard can do it, any school can.
changes of the past have come about because Veterinary students, like those studying
people spoke up. People who care like you ophthalmology at the University of
are the only voice for the animals. California at Davis, help animals with
Make Nature Fashionable existing complaints who belong to people PETA-INDIA POSTER CAMPAIGN ON VEGETARIANISM: who can't afford expensive surgeries, instead
Ingrid Newkirk is President of People for
PHOTO: ATUL KASHEKAR of inflicting harm on healthy animals and
the Ethical Treatment of Animals, one of the then throwing these living beings away as if they were test tubes with
most effective animal rights campaigners in whiskers.
the world today: Whenever you buy any product, you have a choice: get a free list Resources: of which ones, from hair spray to oven cleaner, were tested in the Leather-free and cruelty-free shopping guides, Vegetarian Starter eyes of restrained rabbits or down the throats of beagles or in other Kits, alternatives to dissection, classroom materials and our guide sophisticated ways that do cause animal pain and death.
to letter writing, are available free at ... Now that we have mapped the human genome, no one can put www.peta-online.org. or by calling 757-622-7382 (US) themselves on a pedestal and justify treating "others" badly. People or 0208-870-3966 (UK).
June - August 2001. Jain Spirit
Jain Education International 2010_03
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