The story of a little girl named Vyaadhi
I don't know when or how it happened but one morning when I got out of my bed there it was! A blue bag with a shiny zipper and long floppy handles. I opened it and it was full of little worries. After a day.. I noticed that I was always worried about something or
While playing in the school playground I was always worried that I
might tear my dress. While riding my bicycle I worried that I might fall down and hurt myself. On the way to school I would worry that I might miss the bus. Even when swimming I would worry that I might drown! In school I worried that I might fail my exams. Even when with friends I worried that they might
laugh at me because I did not have the right The little worries started to grow big and the started to fill up. I tried hiding it in the
I sat down to
I told my mum
it would find a way out and follow me. Even when watch the TV, it would jump up onto the sofa next to me. but she and the other adults could not even see the bag. It got so bad that I would lie in bed worrying. I decided to throw the bag into the rubbish bin outside but somehow it through the winproblems, if I went
climbed up the drainpipe and got into my room dow. Then I remembered that whenever I had
got solved. I think
to see my grandma, Vidyaa, the problems. Grandmas are the cleverest! She could outside into the park. It
even see the bag and we took it was a lovely sunny day. She opened the zipper and with great care and love she took each worry out of the bag one by one. As soon as she did that, some of the worries just ran away because of the cheerful and sunny park. They belonged to the miserable type. Sometimes being cheerful gets rid of the worries. Then she arranged the remaining worries into different piles. There was a pile of
worries flying away worries to be removed by studying and working hard. She put one pile into a basket labelled "Other People's Worries", they were not my worries.
the last pile and they all there were no worries left,.
Jain Education International 2010_03
Then she blew a kiss to flew away. Now that
even the blue bag ran
blue bag
wardrobe but
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March May 2000 Jain Spirit