Reprinted from Philadelphia People, Winter, 1993
In Religion's Name
the world sorely needs ihe vision loving and compas
upon which William Penn helped sionate helper of I found Philadelphia: the Holy humanity, is embodied Experiment in religious tolerance. Since in each of the great 1989, with the ending of the Cold War. religions. The Hindu there have been over 33 armed conflicts, greeting namaste pro. cach with casualties in excess of 1,000 peo claims the divinity of the
expeple, many with millions of refugees. light of life in all people.
rience "The extent of present religious chnię The ancient Boddhisatva
ha conflict goes beyond the borders of sanity." Buddhist vow entails the delay of
leads to says Professor Leonard Swidler of Temple paradise in order to serve all living
ethnic, religious University. Protestants and Catholics blow beings and relieve them from suffering.
and also nacionalistic each other up in northern Ireland. Hindus Judaism asserts the necessity of loving one's identities, is not per se at the roor of the and Buddhists massacre cach other in Sri neighbor as oneself. Christianity says God is patterns that lead to violence. It is instead. Lanka. Sikhs and Hindus terrorize cach love and instructs mankind to love one's ignorance. prejudice and fear. other in the Punjab. Orthodox Christians, enemies. Islam is founded on peace (salaam) The divisiveness of fear characterizes the Catholics and Muslims slaughter one and faith in God, who is described as being pattern that leads to violence. Two characanother in former Yugoslavia. Hindus and mercy and compassion itself
teristics of human potential fundamental co Muslims attack each other in India. Jews Although the religions are the trustees, all religious traditions are fearless compasand Muslims ieeter on the abyss in the protectors and nurturers of these values. sion and love. Fear rests upon intolerance Middle East. We can't live as responsible each religion's history is laden with and division, whereas compassion leads to people and ignore these tragedies
instances in which it has been used or tolerance and unity. It is to see oneself in
abused to justify violence. Can religions another. It is to share another's joy and suf‘Born in Bloodshed
analyze their histories, which have included fering as one's own.
violence, and affirm their universal princi Religious leaders in the world are now “The defining motive for contlice in the cra
ples based on love and compassion? Can willing to address the fact that up to twoahead is cthnic conflict." says Senator they prevent their further use as sanctioners thirds of the world's armed conflicts are perDaniel Patrick Moynihan. “and it promises of nationalistic, racial, ethnic or religiously formed invoking the name of religion. Ac to be savage. Get ready for 50 new countries instipated violence? Can religions institu- the Centennial of the Parliament of the in the world in the next 50 years. Most will
tionalize a process to achieve unity, nor with World's Religions in Chicago, Seprember be born in bloodshed."
uniformity, but with an appreciation of 1993. a momentous statement, "The Without addressing whether one side is diversity, so that the ethnic conflicts we see Declaration of a Global Ethic, was signed right or not the partern appears the same berween Pakistan and India, in Bosnia and by many of the leaders of the world's relifor all combatants. It is us versus them. We in the Middle East can be put to rest?
gions. are truchful and law-abiding, while they are
The declaration presents a challenge to all deceitful and lawless. We defend ourselves, In the Minds of Men
faith-based institucions, whether they be while they aggressively pursue ivranny. Our
Chriscian. Jewish, Muslim or Hindu, to weapons derer, while theirs arcack. God, of The United Nations Economic Scientific address whether they are part of the probcourse, is on our side – not theirs.
Cultural Organizaton charter states that, icm of devisiveness and violence in the People inevitably adhere to religious, cth since wars begin in the minds of men, it is
world family or part of the healing process nic, racial and nacionalistic identities. With in the minds of men that we have to erect
of tolerance, compassion and uniry, lus the demise of the Cold War, the passion of the ramparts of peace. In "Faces of the time for the world to grow out of the adothese loyalties has escalated and continues to Enemy". psychologist Dr. Sam Keen, writes
lescence of sectarian divisions and into the fuel violence. Among these identities, how that images precede weapons, hatred pre- adulthood of a true celebration of unity ever. only the religions contain a vision of cedes images, and the divisions among men within diversity. Consider che alternative humanity reaching its full potential by liv. precedes hatred. We think others to ing in a manner based on compassion and destruction long before we invent the battle
--Jonathan Granoff, Esq. harmony axe or the ballistic missile.
President of LAWS. the Lawyers Alliance for The vision of the perfected human, the The variety of human expression and
World Security. Philadelphia Chapter
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