It is a great privilege for members of the executive committe levels. and all of us here in Canada to congratulate His Holiness The University of Toronto expects to continue the Jain Acharya Sushil Kumarji Maharaj on his birthday and wish Studies program in the foreseeable future. The IMJMC is him many more. Under his guidance, the International committed to raising funds in order to support the continuMahavir Jain Mission of Canada (IMJMC) has been en- ance of this program in the coming years and hopes for the gaged in a number of activities to promote the philosophy of establishment of a permanent program. Jainism, a few of which are listed below:
The ninth IMJMC Camp will be held at the Loretto Centre The IMJMC is very proud to participate in the establishment in Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada from August 7th to 13th of a Jain Studies program at the University of Toronto. At with the active participation and guidance from His Holian executive committee meeting of the IMJMC at myness Acharya Sushil Kumarji Maharaj and other religious residence in February, it was a great pleasure to request Mr. leaders. Like the previous years, the Camp will offer a Menon, the Consul-General of India, to present our dona- variety of religious activities including sermons from Guruji tion to Professor N.K. Wagle, the director of the South- and other monks, vegetarian food, training in mantras, as Asian Studies Centre at the University of Toronto. The well as Jain yoga. In addition, there will be swimming, university expects to hire a visiting professor of Jainism and games and a variety of outdoor activities including excurSanskrit for the 1993-1994 academic session and to offersions to Niagara Falls attractions. courses in Jainism at both undergraduate and graduate
All religions teach non-violence urging us to meet one another with love, not violence
— Nikkyo Niwano
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His Holiness Acharya Sushil Kumar Ji Maharaj
Jain Education Intemational
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