There are significant moments in time that can alter the course of one's life. I experienced such a moment. It hap- pened one Friday morning thirteen years ago. I was invited by Mr. Thapar, my yoga instructor, to attend a lecture and meditation program at his yoga center on Staten Island. The highlight of this program was to be a world-renowned Jain monk, His Holiness Acharya Muni Sushil Kumarji, who would be discussing the principles of Jainism. It promised to be an interesting and informative evening but I had to decline as my husband Bernard and I were going on a vacation that week to Ireland.
For some unknown reason, the travel Agency sud- denly canceled our trip, and so we were unable to reschedule another flight during this time period although we made every effort to do so. Needless to say, I was extremely frustrated and disappointed as we had been looking forward to this vacation for many months.
On that fateful evening, while my husband attended to several business matters, I suddenly remembered Mr. Thapar's invitation and felt compelled to go. I was deeply moved by this saintly Jain monk, humbly clad in white cloth and who seemed to glow with inner light. When Gurudev began chanting ancient Jain mantras, I experienced an uplifting of spirit unknown to me. Thus, my spiritual journey began. I became vegetarian and under the guidance of Guruji I began to meditate and recite the Namokar Mantras daily.
My husband Bernard, who knew nothing about Jainism, was at first fearful that I was involved with some strange cult worship. But after meeting Guruji for the first time at Santosh and Dr. Jain's home, he too was so deeply impressed that several weeks later, we joined Guruji on an exciting trip to India. Shortly afterwards, Bernard also became Guruji's disciple. He gave up smoking and became a vegetarian. He went on to become a yoga instructor. Prior to meeting Guruji, he had no interest in Yoga. Bernard is now President of the Kundalani Science Center and Man-
ager of the Staten Island ashram. When our son, Steven, who was 23, first met Guruji, he had an intense spiritual experience giving insights into the meaning of life and literally became a vegetarian overnight.
Before Guruji founded Siddhachalam, he spent a great deal of time on Staten Island during which my family and all those who came to study were greatly blessed by his teachings. We learned about Jainism, which embraces ahimsa or non-violence at its heart and cultivates a deep reverence for all forms of life. We also learned that the main purpose of life is to reach enlightenment by conquering our inner enemies, just as the Jain saints did thousands of years ago. These enemies are fear, greed, anger, attachment, hate and expectation. Through devotion and the practice of Namokar Mantra and Arhum Yoga on a daily basis, we can eventually heal the body and mind and attain the Right knowledge, Right faith and Right conduct needed for self-realization. During the years, I have personally experienced the effects of the Namokar Mantra's healing power and ability to stop pain. Many times, while chanting the mantra, I could feel an electric current surge through my body and my voice would suddenly change, becoming vibrant and melodic unlike my normal singing voice. There were instances when I became clairaudient and heard our Guruji and others chanting the Namokar Mantra spanning the distance of Siddhachlam, along with other phenomenon too numerous to mention in this article. Guruji has devoted his life to studying and teaching the Namokar Mantras. How fortunate is our Karma to have this great master as our guide and our Guru to impart his esoteric knowledge to us and lead us towards Mokshathe total liberation of the soul. Most of us lack the deep insight to visualize life's plans unaware that many painful events often lead to the golden opportunities that guide us down new and wonderful paths. Reflecting back upon that auspicious day when I first met Guruji many years ago, I remember how angry and distraught I was over my canceled vacation.
Crusader for Peace and Non-Violence
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