timely reminder of returning to age-old religious and spiritual values. It is a warning that if humanity continues to disturb nature's balance and equilibrium, it will invite far greater disaster for itself and the planet Earth. Humanity should be justly proud that through human ingenuity, adventurous spirit, boldness, courage and innovation, tremendous material progress has been achieved. We live in an area of unparalleled material prosperity and comfort, even though it is not evenly distributed. Vast segments of humanity, in different continents, still groan under the weight of poverty, backwardness and ignorance. We have divided one world into many - the world of the rich, the world of the poor, and so on. Did you know that income disparities between the top 20% and the bottom 20% of the world's people have doubled over the last thirty years and stand today in the ratio of 100:1 according to a U.N.D.P. report? How can you recreate a new world and one planet in a grossly unequal world of the poor and the affluent? Equality and justice through partnership among humans is the only way, as Lord Mahavir of the Jain religion said centuries ago: Let the rich earn, but let them earmark their earnings over a certain level for the poor. That is the trusteeship concept. Progress in science and technology has been phenomenal: Man has reached the Moon. Mysteries of outer space are being unravelled more and more. But we have used science, rather misused it, to produce weapons of mass destruction, nuclear bombs, poisonous gases to kill one another and to destroy the culture and civilization we ourselves created in the East and West, North and South.
The other day I read a UN report which stated that if only fifty billion U.S. dollars, currently spent on the military, were to be reappropriated towards public welfare, it could double the expenditure of healthcare for 4 billion people in the Third World, providing immunization to every baby and fresh water and basic sanitation within ten years to every village. The world today has become sick and exists as a slave to consumerism, greed, lust, possessive instincts
Crusader for Peace and Non-Violence
Jain Education International
and aggressive urges. However, it is very encouraging in this context to see more and more people embracing a vegetarian diet in western countries. Vegetarianism promotes serenity, peace of mind and a truly non-violent culture. It is also conducive to a better environment. I heard a speech the other day at the Global Forum which said that every steak has the same global warming effect as a 25-mile drive in a typical American car. If we want to save Mother Earth from further disaster, we must change our values towards life and our lifestyles. We must go back to the concept of "simple living and high thinking," by limiting our wants, by employing self restraint and abstinence. This is what Jain religion preaches the spirit of the Aparigraha permeating all life behavior, conduct and thinking. The Declaration of the Sacred Earth Gathering rightly focuses upon both Ahimsa (non-violence) and Aparigraha (nonpossession) which are the basic tenets of Jain philosophy. These virtues are not under a monopoly by any religion or any holy text. These are Universal virtues that give us a code of conduct; and when they are neglected or violated, our environment suffers to the degraded state it is currently in. I thank the distinguished audience for receiving our Spiritual Declaration with such warm applause. It is never too late to retrace wrong steps and to resume our journey towards a better future in communion with Nature and in full respect and reverence for our environment.
The drafting committee headed by Dr. N.P. Jain deserves our compliments for working out a well-synthesized declaration, that effectively expresses the much-needed spiritual message to the Earth Summit and to the world at large. Last, but not least, our warm-hearted thanks to Mrs. Hanne Strong, Wife of the Secretary General of the UN Earth Summit for inspiring, organizing and harmonizing this highly successful first Sacred Earth Gathering. Blessings to you all. There is only one Earth which is our Mother. Let us care and share.
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