Many New Yorkers will also seek houses of worship on that day for reflection. I expect that the day will be filled with emotion and sensitivity as we reflect on this tragedy, and I encourage all houses of worship to remain open for the entire day and into the evening hours to provide a venue for those in need of an appropriate location to sit, grieve, pray and be comforted.
I appreciate your assistance with this most important effort and thank you for your understanding. Together, we will continue to foster the spirit of strength and unity needed from all New Yorkers to cope with the lingering pain of September 11".
Retreat and Study Center
Very truly yours,
My E. Pott
Dear friends in the Jain community,
For several years, Naresh Jain has represented the Jain community at Kirkridge's annual interfaith dialogue events. Through these events we have learned of the deep commitment of Jainism to the principles of non-violence at all levels--interpersonal, social, and even ecological.
Curly Crowns
Rev. Cynthia Crowner
Jain Education International 2010_03
We salute you on this 2601th birthday of Lord Mahavir. His message of non-violence is so needed in our world today. With our nation threatening war against the nation of Iraq, with the threat of terrorist retaliation in the event of war against a largely Muslim nation, we are brought face to face with the truth of your faith. Violence only begets more violence. Indeed, non-violence is not only the compassionate way--it has now become the only practical way.
2495 Fox Gap Road Bangor, PA 18013-6028 (610) 588 1793 Fax (610) 588-8510 www.kirkridge.org
We honor your deep commitment to peace and we are grateful as well for our interfaith partnerships. If we fail to learn from those who profess other faith commitments, the long history of competition among the major world religious traditions will continue unchecked. Thank you for your profound witness. May we in the Christian community in all humility open our hearts to the truth of your tradition.
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