How JCYC & JCSC Have Molded Me
Suketu Khandhar
Since its inception, the Jain Center Youth Committee and Pathshala classes have been an integral part of the Jain Center of Southern California. Using English as a medium, teachers and volunteers have dedicated countless hours and service to train our youth in the fundamental principles of Jainism and in our Indian culture and heritage. Being born and raised here in the United States has given us the opportunity of abundant freedom and possibilities, but at times we are not afforded enough exposure to our roots. This is, and continues to be, a key focus of JCYC. We are able to socialize with other Jain youth and learn our common religion and culture. Many times this "Sanskar" is lost in subsequent generations. We are busy in our own lives and forget that Jainism is a "way of life."
It was through JCYC that I learned Jain principles, Samayik, Pratikramana, did Darshan regularly, held respect for elders and teachers, did community service/Seva and made many lifelong friends. The Jain way of life and JCYC kept me vegetarian and instilled compassion, charity and humility in my thoughts and life. In medical school and subsequent training, compassion and empathy helped me relate to the patients better.
Now that I have children of my own, I want to structure their religious teaching in the same way. My studies are over and I am settled in my medical profession. I want to help other young adults, as I continue to improve myself, in developing Jain values in their lives. As a result, we started Swadhyay and classes in the San Francisco Bay area under auspices of the Jain Center of Northern California. We discuss the applications and usefulness of Jain principles and values in daily life. We also do Samvatsari Pratikramana in English with the meanings, as developed by JAINA.
Charity has become ingrained in our nature and life, whether it is helping in the aftermath of the Gujarat earthquake, the Indonesia tsunami, or the Burma cyclone, or at the UC Parkinson Research Center. We contribute physically, medically and financially. It is our duty and second nature, thanks to Jainism, the Jain Center and family.
I am grateful to our Jain Center of Southern California and Pathshala. Congratulations to JCSC and JCYC during this Pratishtha with continued success.
Suketu Khandhar is a Pathshala alumnus who is a physician specializing in neurology in Northern California.
Jainam Jayanti Shasanam
Best Wishes to Jain Center of Southern California
The Pratishtha Mahotsav
from Mahendra & Vina Suketu & Hetal, Roshan & Sonam Sumit & Tejal
Samir Khandhars