has always strived to engage with other religious organisations in order to build respect, understanding and friendship between different faith communities. This has taken the form of numerous interfaith activities and memorable events organised with other faith groups. The concept of Anekantvad is pivotal to Jainism and hence the opportunity to understand and respect different philosophies and perspectives is a rewarding and highly valued aspect of YJ's work. Here is a taster of some of the interfaith work conducted by YJ and the lasting friendships built between communities.
YJ has developed a long-term friendship with the Brahma Kumaris. The two organisations have hosted joint events on spirituality and Brahma Kumaris' spokespeople have been guest speakers at the famous YJ conventions.
NHSF and YJ have worked together on numerous occasions. For example, they co-hosted a lecture by Rueben Thuku in December 2002 and Janjeriya Garba. At a student level, the YJ Student Nodes work closely with the university NHSF nodes, often collaborating on events. NHSF were invited to the recent YJ Diwali celebrations (see left).
Interfaith Activities
In October 2000, YJ organised a trip to Bhaktivedanta Manor, the Hare Krishna temple in Hertfordshire. The event was also attended by the ISKCON Pandava Sena members, who form the youth wing of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness.
The Inter Faith Network
for the United Kingdom
Jain Education International
YJ has firm links with the Inter Faith Network. Representatives from the Network have attended events in the past and formed part of the panel discussion at the convention in 2004.
SHRI SATYA SAI SERVICE ORGANISATION Young Jains represented Jainism at 'Non-Violence Interfaith Role of World Faiths' hosted by this organisation in 2003.
In November 2007, YJ demonstrated its continuing dedication to inter-faith and inter-community links. The Diwali event brought together the Jain, Hindu and Sikh communities to celebrate this festival, which
is revered in all three traditions. Furthermore, YJ also reached out to a wider demographic with a stall at the Diwali on the Square celebrations organised by the Mayor of London.
NHSF rep, Ajit Singh (Havelock Road Gurdwara), Sanjay Kundalia (NHSF), NHSF rep, Roshni Gudhka and Kirpa Shah.
Message from NHSF:
Jai Jaynendra (sic) and Namaste,
On behalf of NHSF, I would like to congratulate Young Jains UK on an amazing event. Bringing three faiths together in unison and to celebrate Deepavali is no easy task and to my knowledge has never been done, but you managed to do it and successfully. When I came, I saw a lot of hard work and effort being put in to the day and so much more hard work went on behind the scenes to provide a dharmic and entertaining evening. One which the whole crowd were enthused about. Showing unity in diversity and unifying all three beliefs in the sense that all 3 have a commonality, a similar root that makes us different also makes us the same and it is that unity in diversity which allows us to coexist in society and that was portrayed beautifully. It was a privilege to be a part of such a wonderful and unique event and we look forward to working with you in the near future.
Kindest Regards Sanjay Kundalia, NHSF■
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