Compiled By Ashok Shah
n reading about the above event in the Jain Acharya Tulsi, one of the greatest living saints of India. Spirit Newsletter, I followed it through on This course can be practised by anyone who wants to
the Preksha Meditation website. The become free from mental tension and attain complete immediate attraction of the camp was the peace of mind by modifying ones emotions and combination of meditation with the knowledge from impulses so as to develop the positive attitudes in life. religious books, modern science and the research and experiences based on practice by Lord Mahavir. Preksha means concentration of mind on perception of The added attractions to the camp were, amongst one's own self, i.e. on one's body, on one's psychic obvious benefits of meditation, the health and body centres situated in the body and on one's processes of aspects, international participation without any the body. In Preksha Meditation we have to perceive distinction of caste, creed or religion and in the or see mentally. Its motto is: See Yourself Through presence of Acharya Mahapragya. All this led to an Yourself - through your own conscious mind. When immediate decision, followed by planning and we want to see our self, we see through some of these booking, to experience the event in Gujarat in India. aspects connected with our body and life. When we The journey, from London to Mumbai and onward perceive our own breathing we call it perception of to Surat by train in hot and humid weather, was breathing (swash preksha). When we perceive our comfortable. The reception at the railway station body, we call it perception of body sharir preksha). was well organised, the accommodation was of high When we perceive our psychic centre, we call it standard and the meals were tasty and nutritious. perception of psychic centres (chitanya kendra) and so
on. These are the tools for developing the power of The camp was held from 8 to 16 October 2003 in reasoning mind. Surat (Gujarat, India). It was a nine-day Acharya Mahapragya has developed it with The main benefits/ intensive seminar on guidance from Acharya Tulsi, one of the
advantages of Preksha Preksha Meditation and
Meditation are to: related subjects. The
greatest living saints of India. everyday sessions were
• Develops will power from 5.00 am to 9.00 pm covering Meditation
and spiritual energy enabling one to develop self(Theory and Philosophical background of various
control, self-discipline and overcoming passions aspects and contemplation), Yoga Asans and
and emotions. Prayanam (Yoga Asans and Breathing Exercises), • Revitalise the whole body - each and every cell. Relaxation with Self-Awareness, Spiritual Talks,
Improve digestion. Body Science (Anatomy & Meditation), Mangal
Make respiration more effective and efficient. Bhavna (articulation of sacred wishes), Interactive
Improve blood circulation and the quality of the Dialogue (Questions/Answers).
blood. The camp was held at a Terapanth Community
Improve concentration of mind."
Clean and relax the mind. Centre, where Acharya Mahapragya and his group of Sadhus and Sadhvijis were staying during the
Offer a means to treat psychosomatic diseases. months of Chaturmas (rainy season). Shree Acharya
Overcome addiction and bad habits. Mahapragya himself gave discourses daily and
Control anger, fear, inferiority complex, etc. Sadhus, Samanjis and Samnijis conducted many of
Bring about changes in our endocrine hormones, the above sessions. The delegates to the camp came
which ultimately result in attitudinal change and from various countries including England, USA,
behavioural modification. Germany, Malaysia, Nepal and Russia.
This results in the attainment of complete equanimity, PREKSHA MEDITATION
which is the highest spiritual enlightenment.
all theological dogma and
Preksha is free from comprises the following:
Preksha meditation course is for the development of integrated personality by bringing about suitable changes in our attitude and modifying our behaviour. It is based on the wisdom of the ancient Jain seers as well as the knowledge of modern science. So it is a scientific cum spiritual technique, which is easy to learn and practice. Acharya Mahapragya has developed it with guidance from
Total Relaxation - Kayotsarga - Relaxation with Self-Awareness with the abandonment of body with a high degree of conscious awareness. Internal Trip - Antaryatra - Increased flow of energy whereby conscious mind travels from sakti
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