Choices We Make The Road Not Taken | Jinendra Ranka
Jain Lifestyle | HS
In every moment of time, our lives follow a path governed by the choices we make. They are influenced by what we have been taught, our desires, our beliefs, our experiences, and our personal biases. As Jains, our focus on ahimsa and anekantavada, is a commonality with all living creatures and provides a backdrop for the paths we choose. We will discuss the dilemmas we face in life. Looking at decisions on a Jain context provides guidance on the road not yet taken.
College & Career Panel | Adit Shah, Kevin Shah, Puja Savla, Sapna Jain, Vicki Shah Career & Networking | College
Life after college can sometimes seem scary, stressful, and a little unreal. The choice between different graduate schools and getting a job out of college can be difficult. Our panelists include recent graduates and working professionals, who will discuss their experiences and answer any questions you have!
Compassion in Action | Nitin Shah
Diversity & Inclusion | HS/College
Helping an unknown gives you true happiness. Practicing compassion is an essential part of living as per Jain beliefs. Most will want to follow this principle but some may struggle to find ways. In this session we will share experiences of practicing compassion, helping others, and more importantly, showing how you can use compassion in your daily life.
Help! A patient has come into your clinic and needs you to solve a problem. Join us in an interactive, group-based session as we apply Jain principles and dig deep to the roots, put on our white coats and thinking caps to tie in anekantvad and compassion to everyday situations in healthcare, and learn from our peers in the process.
Compassion in the Clinic | Avish Jain, Priyal Gandhi
Diversity & Inclusion | HS
Creativity, Engineered. | Sean Gajjar
Jain Lifestyle | College
As machines continue to challenge the value of learning hard skills, what can we do to keep thinking creatively? What scientifically engineers creativity and what can we do to encourage, promote, and foster it?
Current Legislative Challenges as Jains | Sushil Jain
Social Issues | College/JNF
A presentation on current challenges we face among minority as we nurture our future generation leading to a group discussion. Audience Participation: 1) Assume you are a youth Member of a Jain Center/Interfaith organization! 2) You are asked to consider taking an appropriate action(s) regarding the incident and to plan a course of action. Using the questions listed below you should clearly define Jainism's approach to the problem (with & without personal biases).