Coexisting in an Interfaith Society
COL Parul Kothari
INTERFAITH We see the influence of today's social, cultural, and religious diversity in our lives, circumstances, situations and surroundings. These influences form the bases of our spiritual beliefs, opinions and practices. In this session, let's search through the knowledge and scriptures of our major world religious philosophies to find what binds us as human beings with similar hopes, dreams and aspirations.
College & Career Panel
HS/COL Mrunal Gandhi, Binoy Shah, Saejal Chatter, Adit Shah, Ronak Shah
CAREER After college life can sometimes seem scary, and a little unreal. The choice between different graduate schools and getting a job out of college can be difficult. This panel is an opportunity to speak with current college students, recent graduates, and working professionals about their choices and have your questions answered. Comparative World Religions: An Umbrella of Truth
COL/JNE Sunita Jain
INTERFAITH Blindly following one religion can have its downsides; as the Buddha said, 'do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it'. In this interactive session, we will explore the concepts of God, Soul, the afterlife, and more in several Eastern and Western religions. By comparing and examining these ideas, perhaps we can understand and find the truth in each of these unique but similar perspectives. Cooking Towards the Vegan Direction
HS/COL/JNE Anjali Lalani
LIFESTYLE Thought about going vegan but don't know where to start? Worried about missing some of your favorite foods, eating out, or not getting proper nutrition? It's easier than you think! We'll discuss new and easy ways to incorporate healthy ingredients to create tasty plant-based meals in your own kitchen. Anjali will discuss her own transition from a Vegetarian to Vegan diet, the challenges she faced, and how she overcame them. Having a plant-based diet does not have to be difficult, and this discussion is meant to inspire and guide you while answering any questions you may have. Devotion in Classical Dance
HS/COL Juhi Hegde, Kinari Shah, Tina Lapsia
LIFESTYLE Do you have a passion for dance? Whether you have a classical background or not, come join us to discuss devotion in the Indian Classical Arts! Dancers from all backgrounds are welcome! Dharma as a Blueprint
HS/COL Ankit Shah
CAREER Jain Dharma today is often regarded as something we learn in the temple, but find difficult to practice in our day to day lives. If this is the case, why learn about Jain Dharma at all? This session will explore how to utilize Dharma to guide us in our day to day actions and build a Blueprint to create our ideal lives. Together, we'll deliver on this promise by introducing actionable strategies to implement Jain Dharmic thinking into our day to day lives and help facilitate better decision making. Dharma can guide us with personal, relationship, professional decisions and more, but most importantly it can guide us to our best selves. Eat Your Greens to Fit in Your Jeans
HS/COL/JNE Ronak Shah, Priyanka Vora
LIFESTYLE The Jain diet is good for your mind and soul, however is ALL of it good for your body? How do you get the most out of a Jain diet to give your body the daily nutritional value it needs? In this session, we would like to provide individuals with the basic tips and tricks we have learned over the years to stay fit and healthy. Some of these include taking traditional meals and switching them with healthier alternatives. Though many suffer from a busy schedule, it is important to remember that you must take care of your body in order to get the most out of your day. Empathic Listening: Becoming a True Agent of Change Hema Pokharna
SOCIAL IMPACT This program provides the empathic listening skills and know-how to be a successful Agent of Change. This workshop will uses a mix of practical exercises, discussion, and personalized learning to build an understanding of change and how to manage it, plus develop the skills to support, advocate and navigate others through a journey of personal transformation. Learn how to listen empathically to bring changes within yourself and towards others. Empathy is Exercise
HS Houston Kraft
SOCIAL IMPACT Love is a skill - one that we can practice in our lives daily. But what does it look like? How do we grow in our capacity for compassion? How do we increase our empathetic intuition? How do I get stronger in my ability to love myself and the world? In
our short time together, we will get to work getting better at Love. www.houstonkraft.com 30