Lisa Jacobson is a career consultant and executive coach. She holds a Master of Applied Positive Psychology degree from the University of Pennsylvania. She coaches, consults and speaks about Millennials and Baby Boomer career and workplace issues. Lisa's first career was in human resource management at Verizon, Coca-Cola Refreshments and Florida Progress where she recruited, hired, fired and coached employees. Lisa is certified as a Myers Briggs Personality Practitioner and as a Senior Professional of Human Resources. She lives in Tampa, Florida.
Malhar Teli is a currently a student at Northeastern University, studying Marketing and Business administration. He tries to uphold the tenets of Lord Mahavir to the best of his ability. In addition to be being a strict vegetarian, he has qualms with sitting on leather, and tries to treat each situation with a sense of peace. He has a younger sister named Minerva, two loving parents, a pair of turtles named Marco and Polo, and a dog named Watson. He lives in Sharon, MA, having graduated from the local high school, and has worked in a variety of places. He believes that learning ought to be an experience, rather than a chore. He is a member of the Jain Center of Greater Boston, and a member of the YJA. He is a returning presenter with a focus on media on Jainism, and enjoys incorporating themes from Jain scriptures into everything he does.
Dr. Manda Pokharna is a practicing human, learning skills to develop self. Grown up as a baby in 7 siblings, living with her very own dear older sister, and a human being like all of us, she has faced ANGER in many occasions and forms. She has studied and practiced different ways to help transform anger. Now she is at a place where she still 'slips' (to the point of dislocating the kneecap), yet the idea is how quickly she recovers and stands back up on her feet with minimal harm to self and others. She is trained in Nonviolent Communications (NVC) with Marshall Rosenberg, founder of NVC. She also practices medicine as her profession. She has been practicing Aikido (martial art of harmony) for 5 years to further enable her ability to managing conflict in a loving and constructive way.
Dr. Manoj Jain is an infectious disease doctor and a regular writer for the Washington Post. He has authored books on Jain Food as well as non-violence and non-absolutism. He has been interviewed on CNN and NPR, and his writings and interviews can be found at www.MJainMD.com. He also serves as a YJA Trustee.
Motivated individual trying to (1)earn independent and sustaining joy through the path of spirituality. Open minded, objective thinker, reads/listens wide variety of spiritual sources including ancient & modern, eastern and western authors/speakers. Motivated to help people of different age group to grasp the purpose of religion and establish a connection to one's present circumstances/moment. Has been a guest lecturer on Jainism at University of South Florida (USF). Born and brought up in India. In USA since 1994; IT Professional and family man!
iJain: Evolution of a Mind
Speaker Biographies