High School/College Sessions
Jainism and War (Debate)
The foremost principle of Jainism is ahimsa (non-violence). However, there have been great warrior kings throughout Jain history including 6 tirthankaras! Should Jains enlist in the armed forces as a civic duty or not because of religious objections? On a broader scale, do Jains 'turn the other cheek' and do our principles of ahimsa not allow us to retaliate? Open up your ideas and voice your opinions as we learn and debate about Jain history in terms of our great conquerors as well as the physical and mental implications of war and violence.
Siddhee Kasudia - Siddhee Kasudia recently has graduated and takes on many leadership roles. She was Hospitality Chair for the Chicago YJA Convention 2008 and seeks new ways to meet fresh faces and learn from others.
Jain Education International
Jainism: Back to the Future
There exists significant misconception in understanding the Jain philosophy of Karma and free will. Some Jains believe that every event is predestined and there is no role of free will or that free will is predestined. This presentation will discuss the proper role of karma, free will, and predestination in explaining the happenings of any events in our life and in the universe. It applies the Jain concept of Anekantavada, the multiplicity of viewpoints. Several practical examples will be analyzed to understand the importance of karma, free will, and predestination in Jain philosophy.
Pravin Shah - Please refer to "It's a Small World After All" on page 27 for a full biography.
Jainism: What Lies Beneath
Beyond the rules and regulations, beyond the elaborate rituals, beyond the sects and denominations, beyond the spectacular temples and magnificent iconography, lies the spirit of Jainism. The spirit of truth, integrity and respect for others. The desire to let others progress as far as, or beyond oneself. The realization that peace can only be achieved when one realizes that only the soul is one's own, the world is transient. The spirit of Jainism entails realization of one's true nature, kindness towards all, hatred, dislike and envy of none and a deep rooted desire to delve into one's own spiritual nature, far from the maddening crowd. Come discover your spirit of Jainism through this interactive session!
Manish Modi - Please refer to "Ahimsa Lke Never Before" on page 14 for a full biography
Inspire. Connect. Do The Jain Thing.
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