"Live and Help Live"
Religions of India
Deesha Desai Deesa Desai is a 7th grade student in Beaumont, TX India is religiously and culturally diverse country. Although the religions are truly not that different from each other, misunderstanding about the beliefs of the other religions has often led to religious tensions and violence. They all guide followers towards eternal peace, universal love and infinite happiness, and show us how to Live and Help Other's Live.
development of this universe, which is Hinduism:
God. It is one of the world's oldest living religions and believes God is the Buddhism: creator of the universe. It has no
It is founded about 2500 years ago in beginning as it predates recorded
India by Gautama Siddhartha history.
(Buddha). The supreme Gods are Brahma, Vishnu,
Buddhism does not believe in a creator and Shiva.
God, so it has no union with God. The ultimate goal of Hinduism is
The ultimate goal of Buddhism is Moksha which grants permanent
Nirvana which is synonymous with a liberation from the cycle of rebirth.
release from the bonds of desire, ego, The four main sects are Shaivism
suffering, and rebirth. (follower of Shiva), Shaktism (Follower
The two main sects are Theravada and of Shakti), Vaishnavism (follower of
Mahayana. Vishnu) and Liberalism (Follower of
Tripitaka is a major scripture for the Brahman).
Theravada sects, and Sutras is a major Hindu scriptures are the Vedas, Gita,
scripture for the Mahayana sects. Upanishadas, and Purana.
• Buddha's teachings contain 4 noble • Each soul is free to find his own way to
truths; suffering, cause of suffering, liberation by following the path of
cessation of suffering the path to end devotion (Bhakti Yoga), path of
suffering by practicing Right Belief, knowledge (Inan Yoga), path of yoga
Right Thought, Right Action, Right and meditation (Raja Yoga), and path
Livelihood, Right Speech, Right Effort, of selfless service (Karma Yoga).
Right Mindfulness, Right Meditation. Hinduism believes in philosophy of
Dharma (the path), Karma (cause and karma, rebirth, and immortality of
effect), Reincarnation, Sangh (unity of Soul. Karma is the law of cause and
seekers), and the passage on Earth are effect by which each individual creates
an opportunity to end the cycle of birth his own destiny by his thoughts, words,
and death.
The most important symbol of and deeds. The soul reincarnates, evolving
Buddhism is Dharma Chakra or the through many births until all karma has
Wheel of the Law. The wheel signifies been resolved.
the circle of births and deaths due to • The most important symbol of Hinduism
karma. The hub of the wheel is OM. The word OM represents the
represents the three causes of pain: ill power responsible for creation and
will, ignorance, and lust. The eight