"Live and Help Live"
The Seven Greatest Gifts
Samani Akshay Pragya
Samani Akshay Pragya is a Jain nun, a disciple of His Holiness Acharya Mahapragyaji. She has M.A. (Jainology) and specializes in Yoga, Meditation, Jain Philosophy, Science of Living and Non-Violence. She has served in the management of JVB India. In this article, Samaniji has shown that besides monetary gifts, the seven greatest gifts to help others live are listening, not hurting, showing gratitude, humility, compassion / kindness, forgiveness and helping improve quality of their life.
It was a pleasant day in a small, quiet village. is not only for this life but for several lives Everyone was enjoying the weekend by taking beyond the present." part in outdoor festivities. Eleven year old Sumit exclaimed, "It's amazing grandpa to Sumit was sitting next to his grandpa in the know the many ways to be of help to others. I park enjoying the stories and wisdom that am curious to know more." were always in abundance.
Grandpa replied with showering his affection, During their conversation, Sumit became "My son, today I would like to give you the curious about a thought that came to his seven greatest gifts. These are gifts that will mind. Sumit asked, "Grandapa, why should we bring happiness and bliss to anyone who is feel obliged to help others who are not in our open to receive them." family?" Grandpa replied with a smile, "Good question my son. Let us seek to imagine all 1. The gift of listening: human beings in the world standing in a big Your time is a precious gift for someone in circle and holding the hands of each other,
need. Many people have incredible one by one...connected. This example is to
emotional pain. Likely, there is no one in show how we all are intertwined and interdependent. We all need support from
their life who they trust or even to simply each other in order to improve our lives,
to talk with. If you spend some time whether the support is direct or indirect."
patiently listening to the feelings of such Sumit continued, "Well, tell me this Grandpa. people, whoever they may be, you are If I do not have money like others might have,
giving them hope, encouragement, and a can I still be of help to others?" "Of course my
new way of life. This would be a great son..." Grandpa continued, "Money is just one
benefit especially for the elderly who would of the means used to be of help by those who can do so. There are numerous ways to help
enjoy the company and attention. This gift where money is secondary to the effort put
would assure that no parent would die sad forward. More so, helping others does not and alone. Keep your eyes open for those necessarily mean volunteering with an who are in need in this way and be ready organization or group of people. Helping
to give of yourself. others means to give of yourself selflessly to those in need - including your family, friends, 2. The gift of Gratitude: society, country and the entire world - for a
Each day offers a reason for gratitude. peaceful and happy life. If you can make a
Nothing in life should be taken for granted. difference in the life of even just one person, this is a noble contribution.
The more you think about it, the more One can offer physical help as well as mental,
reasons you will find to feel gratitude. Look emotional and spiritual guidance. When you no further than in your own family. Day in help to improve the quality of a life, this help and day out you are the receiver of many