15th Biennial JAINA Convention 2009
Ecology - The Jain Way
percent or more -- will alter the computer relatedness at the finest (micro-level) and grossest forecasts.
levels. Jews and Christians have been advised to be If the policies do not include developing nations stewards of the earth; the Buddha encouraged the result will likely be a reallocation of improving the aesthetic beauty of the environment emissions to developing nations, not a reduction to earn merit; and Hindus have included service to of emissions.
nature as one of their five duties for the repayment If global CO2 emissions are severely restricted, of debts, which people receive directly or indirectly it may help to reduce global warming, but the from birth. By contrast, the Jains not only declare science is not clear what impact, if any, it would the natural components as living but have made have on the world's climate.
the care of them a part of their daily duties for Our actions will help tackle global climate for a spiritual progress and control over the mind. long time.
What can new do? What is a Jain Perspective on global warming We all should help the nature to rebalance itself and a sustainable environment?
and carry out activities that minimizes the The Jain Declaration on Nature emphasizes the production of greenhouse gases and their effect on ecological harmony, a gift of togetherness, the earth. We should: accommodation and mutual assistance including the life of natural world and values of non-violence. 1. Save energy-reduce your energy bills and have The Jain practice of compassion and reverence a positive impact on climate change at the same towards all living beings stresses to refrain from
time. harming life and avoid all possible causes of pollution. Indulgent and profligate uses of natural 2. Travel wisely - travel in ways which save fuel, resources are a form of theft and violence; and help members get to know each other and advise when using earth's resources, take a cue which reduce carbon dioxide pollution from cars from the bee that strengthens itself by sucking and mini-buses. honey from the blossoms of a tree without hurting the blossom.
3. Shop ethically - use your shopping choices to
buy local food which cuts transport pollution, Jain ethics, both for laity and ascetics, suggest to supports local businesses and buy fairly traded maintain the benevolent and non-polluted character goods to help producers overseas. of the surroundings and advise people to refrain from all possible causes of pollution, external as 4. Save our resources - by saving waste and water well as internal. Like Jainism, different religious you can save money for your organisation as systems have affirmed the duty of humanity to well as help protect the environment. preserve the beauty of our surroundings by expressing nature as mother, water as father, and 5. Care for our area - take an interest in the local air as teacher. Men and nature hold a causal environment, help protect local wildlife and have relationship of inter-dependence and inter- our say on local plans affecting our area.
My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness.
Dalai Lama
Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them.
Dalai Lama