15th Biennial JAINA Convention 2009
Ecology - The Jain Way
modern lifestyle that is sensitive to environmental needs. He describes eco-friendly vows as follows:
1. Ahimsa: Non-Violence
Observe the results of human actions to discontinue tendencies that are hurtful to myself, other human beings and all of creation. By eating a plant-based diet, one can minimize global warming and world hunger. Recognizing the soul in all of creation, one recognizes the sacredness of fragile ecosystems, all beings and myself.
4. Brahmacharya: Moderation in all action, directing our vital energy towards the internal divine.
Reprioritize the constant need to gratify the senses with a more reasonable agenda that includes taking care of others and the health of our planet. Conserve energy by not overindulging in work, sex, eating and sleeping. Devote time and energy to do my Yoga and meditation practice. Get outside to enjoy nature with friends and family. Recognize the environmental impact of a growing world population when planning family size.
2. Satya: Truthfulness
Observe the reality of the need for widespread environmental education and action to maintain responsible stewardship of planet Earth. Choose to pay attention to the media and environmental research to be aware of the environmental health and condition of our planet. No matter how urban or industrial my life is, recognize the human connection and
interdependence with nature. - Honor the wisdom of traditional cultures as
well as modern science.
5. Aparigraha: Non-Possessiveness
Unsubscribe to the ideology that
consumerism, urban sprawl and materialism equals happiness and progress. Commit to taking only what is needed whether it is at the buffet line, supermarket or the shopping mall. Recognize that if we all shared a little bit more and were not so greedy with natural resources and financial wealth, there would be less suffering on the planet.
3. Asteya: Non-Stealing
Give thanks for the food, water, and the blessings received from the material world. Support "Fair Trade agricultural and manufacturing policies and philosophies when trading and working. Acknowledge the gifts of Mother Earth and try to give back something.
By reconfiguring the age-old principles and practices of Jainism, and by thinking carefully about the results of one's actions, observant Jains (and practitioners of Yoga) can become examples and agents of change. Nature has shown us the harm caused by the rapaciousness of modern technology, manufacturing and consumption. Humans can respond by being mindful, exhibiting restraint, and cultivating appreciation and respect for the lives and beauties within nature.
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There is a sufficiency in the world for man's need but not
for man's greed. n Mohandas K. Gandhi