15th Biennial JAINA Convention 2009
Ecology - The Jain Way
together by overriding language (Hindi, Gujarati, Nirmal Dosi
and English) and sectarian (Swetamber, ndosi@verizon.net
Digamber, Sthanakvasi, Terapanthi and others) differences. A careful study of the differences among the Jain sects suggests that they are
actually very minor and the basic principles are Nirmal Dosi is the Chairperson of the same. The differences should be respected. JAINA Scholars Program. He
'Live and Let Live' is a slogan of Lord Mahavir participated as a speaker on the
Swami and will enable us to unite. Jains should
Swami an subject of removing poverty at the UN
ignore the differences, honor and love each other, World Religion Conference organized
and provide helping hands socially, economically, in 2000, and in Unity Seminar at and educationally. This will enrich, unite and JAINA Convention 2005 in San Jose,
strengthen us. California. He has organized seminars at six JAINA conventions. He plays Indian classical music on a
Mahavir Swami's principle of Anekantvad says for violin and composes poetries and bhajans.
us not to insist too much on our own opinions but
to try and understand the other points of view. A number of Jain monks and scholars provided
Ego and stubbornness break the unity. If we want guidance on the issue of Jain unity at a seminar
to preserve Jain Dharma for future generations, conducted on behalf of the JAINA Scholars
all small and large sects must unite. Today's program. Nirmal Dosi, Amrendra Muniji,
generation does not give importance to what sects Bhattarakji Devendra Keertiji Swamiji, Manak
we belong. Let us make a model keeping in mind Muniji, Bhattrakji Charukeertiji Swamiji, Ashwin
the newer generations. People can follow Prajnaaji, Swami Shrut Pragyaji, Samaniji Mudit
whatever they want to follow at home, but in Pragyaji, Samaniji Rohit Pragyaji, Dr.
public places, we must keep under one Jain Hukamchandra Bharrill, Shri Heera Ratanji, Dr.
umbrella. Our temples, Tirths, Sanskriti and Narayan Kachhara, Dr. Shekhar Chandra Jain, and
educational development should be based on Jain Dr. Yashvant Malaiya were among those
Unity. The main objective of unity could be: a) to attending.
protect the existence of the Jain religion, b) to
safeguard Jain temples and pilgrimage places, c) These are some of their suggestions. We all are
to preserve Jain scriptures, d) to promote Jain Jains and it is our duty to maintain the glory and
principles in the world, and e) to foster harmony dignity of the Jain religion. We should all believe
and friendly relations between various sects and in unity, integrity and co-existence as way of life.
followers. There were 40 million Jains during the time of Akbar. Since then, the number of Jains has
Overall, everyone agreed that we should be proud continued to decline, unlike followers of other
ther of our community and religion, and we should religions whose populations have continued to
inued to
follow the principles of 'Unity in Diversity.' grow. Jain unity is of utmost importance. The programs at our centers should bring all Jains
RRC % 808080
Drink tap water, skip bottled Use re-usable shopping bags
Take short showers * Wash clothes in cold water
Line dry your laundry
* Turn off the lights when leaving a room
Use cloth rags instead of paper towels Make rags from old towels and t-shirts Recycle - paper, cans, glass, plastic, cell phones Unplug unused electronics including phone chargers