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Ajit Healthcare Incorporation's goal is to make life more livable for individuals who
are dependent upon others.
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Whether it is assisted living or skilled nursing care, our professional and dedicated health team members strive to maximize each resident's health
and functionality in a comfortable and supportive home-like environment. We offer a wide variety of quality resources for the care or rehabilitation of family members, and now at two conveninent locations at
Orange and Los Angeles Coutny Newport Subacute Healthcare Westlake Convalescent center
Hospital 2570 Newport Boulevard
316 South Westlake Avenue Costa Mesa, CA 92627
Los Angeles, California 90057 Tel: (949) 631-4282
Tel: (213) 484 0510 Fax:(949) 631-8681
Fax:(213) 484 5931
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"A Commitment to Excellence"
Best Wishes and Congratulations to JAIN CENTER OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA
from Drs. Meera and Jasvant Modi
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