Session Details, Saturday July 2nd...
Track Room Location Number C Convention StortTimel End Timel Language Session Title and Speaker
and Center, W Session Westin Hotel
Session Description
Trock-11, Session A
W-The Terrace
5:30 AM
6:30 AM
Sun Gazing (15 minutes before the Survise) - Hira Ratan Manek
Track-01 Session A Great America 10:30 AM
7:30 AM
Piatkaman Shwetambar Derawasi - Veer Sainik Yogeshbhai Shah Veer Sainik Amithai Shah
Messer Sainik
Trock-02 Session A Great America
0:30 AM
7:30 AM
Pratiksomon Digombor by Dr. Jay Kumar Upadhyaya
Trock-03. Session A Great America
6:30 AM
7:30 AM
Prayers & Meaning of Sthanakwasi Pratikroman by Sachi Shubhami
Track 04 Session
6:30 AM
7:30 AM
Prekshadhyan Ladies - by Somanii Modhur Pragya & Parimal Pragya
Track-06 Session A
Grand Bloom 0:30 AM
7:30 AM
Prekshadhyan Men - by Samaj Sonmati Pragya & Javant Pragya
Trock-06. Session-A
6:30 AM
7:30 AM
Prekshochyon - by Saman Chontra Progva & Shukla Pragya
Track 07 Session A
6:30 AM
7:30 AM
Gujarati Hathyoga by Swami Shrutpragyar
Track 08. Session-A
w-Stevenscieex 0:30 AM
7:30 AM
Bhaktamar - Full Recital+Meaning of 1-16 by Roop Chandia Ji Maharaj
Track 09. Session
6:30 AM
7:30 AM
Namokar Joop - Chanting by Kini Bavishi Umesh Dhank
Trock-10 Session A
Great America
6:30 AM
7:30 AM
Bhangra Aerobics by Shell Join
8:30 AM
5:30 PM
Age 3 to 6 Babysitting Games and Fun Activities
8:30 AM
5:30 PM
Age 7 to 9 Games. Fun Actities and learn Janism while having fun
Chid 3
8:30 AM
5:30 PM
Age 10 to 13 Gomes, Fun Activities and leam Jainism while having fun
CExhibit Hall
8:30 AM
9:00 AM Eng Gunn lovo hauguration: Ute Time Achievement Awards
Awardee intro, acceptance speeches
Convention Opening Ceremony: Blessings. Mongik
Diva Lighting Wecome by CJAINA Presdent JCNC OPENING
C-ExhibiMall 10:00 AM 1200 PMI English President, Conwenor), Keynote Speeches. Intro's to C&D
keynote speakers. Program Highlights, Sanghpati Intro and Sanghpati Speech
• What aspects of Jainism does each person follow and how does this affect their
Extending Join heritage in Western Environment - by lifestyle/beliels in the western environment? How do these principles blend in with their Track-01 W-Boyshore 15 PM 2:30 PM English Dr. Hema Pokhara Dr. Jagdish Sheth Dr. Peter Flugel Jother faithis? Thriving with Jain values in the westem environment. What aspects of Session-1 E&W Dr. Kokilaben Doshi
Jonim are relevant today from a younger generation's perspective from an older
Joeneration's perspective? Trock-02. 1:15 PM 2:30 PM
No Session Session-1
This is a four session condensed course in Hindi Fest session 1. Fundamentals of Jainis
1(Jainism, God, Universe & Sx substances): Modern science and universe. God as a Track-03
C 16 20 EM Hind
Fundamentals of Jainism-1(Jainism God. Universe and
2:30 PM Hind Session-1 GreatAmerico il 1:15 PM
creator the Universe? Join Concept of Universe. Jain Concept of God (in). Jainism and Sex Substances) - by Prakash Jain
Realistic Religion, Brief discussion of Six Dravya (Jlv, Alv, Dhrama, Achroma. Akash, KOI
and Pudaan Trock-04
introduction of Karma theory, groups and sub-groups of Kormas. As yavaSamvar, Bondh Session I Great America 2 1:15 PM 2:30 PM Guirati Doctrine of Kamoby Chandrakantbhai Mehta
and Nijara.
Track-06 Session-1
Grand Ballroom
1:15 PM
2:30 PM
Tattartha Sutra - (Introduction & Chapter 1. Samyak Darshan) - by Pt. Dhirubhai Mehta
in this session first chapter of lattvärtha Sutra is discussed Acharya Shri Umdsvītis creation of Tattortha Sutra is the greatest gift to Jains is accepted by of Join Traditions and it canonical book in Sanskrit. is cho coled Join Bible. Tatortha sutra is the most complete assembly of Jain scriptures. The name Tattvartha Sutra consists of three Sanskrit words: Tattva (true nature). Artha (Things or realities) and sutra (aphorms of few words) It may, therefore, be called 'Aphoristic Text on the true nature of realties
Trock-06. Session 1
GrandBaloom 1:15 PM
2:30 PM
Ahimsa (Four Pillars of Jainism) - by Dr. Rakeshbhai Jhaveri
This is a four session lecture series on the four pilars of Jainism, Anim Anekantväd and Apramod. In this swadhyaya, Ahims is discussed
. Apar graha,
Trock-08 Session I Great America / 1:15 PM
2:30 PM
Join Food. Practicality of Ahimsa & Veganism Pravin K. Shah
This session discusses various aspects of Jan Foods including what can be eaten when and what should not be eaten and why eating out, boiled water practically of Ahimsó and veganism
C Session-1
:15 PM
2:30 PM
In this session first chapter of Tattvartha Sutrais discussed. Acharya Shri Umasvat's
creation of Tattortha Sutra is the greatest gift to Jains is accepted by all Jain Traditions Yashovijayji Mohão-by Banchuriputhi Jin Chondroplond first canonical book in Sons. It is also called Join Bible Tattoo sutra is the most
complete assembly of Jain scriptures. The name Tattvartha Sutra consists of three Sanskrit words: lattva (true nature), Artha (things or realities) and sutra (aphorisms of few words) it may, therefore, be called 'Aphoristic Text on the true nature of realties
Jain Esson International
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