If these emotions are not checked, they could easily result in violence, practice of deceit and falsehood.
Follow Mahaveer's simple formula: "I grant forgiveness to all". This should not only be used once a year during the Samvatsari Pratikraman, instead one needs to try to be in a constant stage of granting forgiveness. The karmic body may not be able to keep all the negative emotions in check, but constantly striving to be in this state will definitely help contain one's negative emotions. Forgiving other becomes relatively easy when we realize that the other beings are also pure souls trapped by the karmic particles, causing them to behave the way they do.
Mahaveer looked at the snake with complete kindness and compassion, even after being attacked. With this unconditional love and forgiveness he was able to bring about a positive transformation, even in the snake that was otherwise hell-bent in retaining control using violent means. A practical demonstration of similar power was shown by Mahatama Gandhi. Gandhi used non-violent methods to fight against the oppressors. This struggle brought into limelight the plight of the oppressed and the unjust nature of the rulers. However it was Gandhi's forgiving nature and a manifestation of the cause of his fighting not against the British Empire but the unjust means used by them that won the respect of the British rulers.
The second part of the formula "all living beings grant forgiveness to me" is even more rewarding, especially when one grasps the formula's full meaning. Asking others to forgive us is also equally difficult as it hits our ego. Ego is the deep attachment to our own personality and viewpoints. Ego and attachment are the two large barriers to reach the state of Equanimity. As Jains, we ask for forgiveness for any harm committed knowingly or unknowingly to others. However, this phrase "all living beings grant forgiveness to me" should not be taken as a ritual. It is important that prior to asking for forgiveness we do understand our weakness that made us cause harm to others. This self-examination will help us recognize our own greed, selfish nature, falsehood, hatred, attachment and ego. The word "unknowingly" has an even deeper meaning as it points to deep introspection either through meditation or penance.
In the above incident, Mahaveer was simply following his path when he entered the forest where the snake resided. However, in the serpent's view, Mahaveer had intruded the forest that he controlled. The initial reaction of the snake was violent. But Mahaveer had the potential to convert the poison, the anger, and the serpent's ego into positive energy. Only the person who transforms himself can change others. The white blood which symbolizes purity was Mahaveer's way of asking for forgiveness by offering the serpent purity in return for the poison.
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