Welcome to the Convention!
by Mintu Turakhia, Co-Chairperson JAINA Convention Youth Committee
Well here it is. We, the JAINA Convention Youth Committee, welcome you to the 6th Blennial JAINA Convention, a convention prepared especially for Jain youths - by Jain youths.
For the past thirteen months, we have spent immeasurable time and energy meticulously organizing and preparing this convention, hoping to make it a roaring success. We have tried to make this 3-day event one which you will always treasure and remember for years to come.
This convention is ours: it is dedicated to us and has been planned by us. The convention theme, "Extending Jain Heritage to the Next Generation," stresses that we must benefit from this convention. Never before have we, the Jain youths of today, been given a chance to unite, to come together as one, to confront a challenge face-to-face, and to conquer it. We have been given an opportunity to secure the future for ourselves, our posterity, and most importantly, our religion. We must not fail.
OK. Enough of the preaching: you've gotten the point. Now on to..
The FUN. In the midst of all of our "crucial" goals, we must not ignore this one. We are also here to enjoy this convention. What is the point of working so hard when there is no enjoyment gained? Yes, we must "extend Jain heritage", but we must also enjoy doing so.
For this convention, we have organized a vast spectrum of activities and programs to interest youths of all age groups. We have attempted to organize every activity with FUN in mind. Debates, discussions, seminars, socials, presentations, garbas, dances, skits, contests, tours, and classes are just some of the many programs we have in store, as well as a few surprises. And for all of you party-maniacs, there is a DANCE on the last day of the convention (and yes, there will be real music).
Since you probably were too lazy to read this entire article and just skipped to the bottom, we have summarized it for you, just like Cliff's Notes do. GOAL # 1: Secure the future of Jainism for ourselves and for generations to
come GOAL #2: Have fun
Inside this section: • Keeping Jainism alive - a fourteen, the "L'il Jains" shocking opinion
Lyrics to JAIN AMERI• Section for youths under CAN BABY
• "Peace": A special poem • Words from the JAINA youth planning crew
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Jain Education International 2010_03
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