"Please forgive me oh holy paper." I laughed.
fortifies your body to deliver adrenaline, which makes
your heart beat quicker and raises your pulse, making "I think it's all good now, Nick. Now how do you usually your heart work harder. Your blood will probably clump, learn, if not with paper? Perhaps with modeling the which expands your danger of suffering a heart attack or systems, or taking short quizzes online...?"
stroke. Nick composed. “I am really glad I researched it. I
didn't want to disrupt my health or let it affect my parents' "I don't know little dude. I usually go with the beat." relationship with me.
"The beat?" I asked quizzically. "Is this some eighth grade "I do too. I am glad I let you write the answer, even though thing I don't know about?"
I knew it. I was just testing you to see if you learned your
lesson.” The timer started beeping. All the teams lined up "No, it's how I learn. To the beat. I develop a rhythm to the and handed in the tests. subject I am learning about, and memorize the words to the tune. It may be complicated, but is efficient for me at "Well, you have reformed me in many ways. Good luck, any given time of the day." I was ecstatic. Nick was not the partner." boy who I had imagined to be. He was someone else inside. A diamond in the rough, they called it.
"Good luck to you, too, as I have learned the same amount
from you." I gave him a thumbs up and went out the door. “Why haven't you been doing well in the quizzes this year in class then?"
At the awards ceremony, Nick and I ended up winning
not third, not second, but first in our entire school and "I have had trouble making a beat for the integumentary, third place in the Anatomy division amongst every school immune, and cardiovascular systems.
competing. My experience may have taught me all the
Anatomy lessons in the world, but what I learned in the "Is that it? Well, that's what I am here for!"
social aspect was much more significant. It made me
realize how practical the Jain teachings are. From there, Nick and I met weekly to practice for the Science Olympiad Anatomy Final Competition. By the One idea was to always accept others the way they are and time it came around, we were ready. Even though the focus on their virtues, not their looks. And the second competition looked tough, his musical talent and my notion: sometimes the things you are most afraid of, are the resourceful memorization would be up to the task. The things that make you happiest and we need to practice the exam allowed 1 minute per question. We flew past most Jain philosophy of Glad Acceptance. These two concepts of them until the final minute remained. The examiner go hand in hand with each other and can be applied shouted "Go!” for the hundred and first time.
directly to one's daily life to become a good person. As
the famous saying goes, "Never judge a book by its cover." "Write a short paragraph on how smoking affects the One should not form an opinion about someone based heart." I read. "Um, okay, um... Nick!" I snapped my purely on what is seen on the surface, because after taking fingers in front of his face. "I know this." He whispered, a deeper look, the person may be very different than what almost guiltily. “I researched about it after you gave me the was expected. Nicholas was a good, intelligent boy who dirty look in class."
seemed a little scary and ignorant at first. But after getting
to know him, I learned he had a different way of learning, "Sorry. But it was for your good. Now you know, don't and just needed a little nudge in the right direction. I had you? Well, write, no time to look that pale!" I handed him been afraid that with him as a partner, I was doomed to fail the pencil. 'Smoking harms the covering of your supply at the competition. I had been afraid that we would simply routes, prompting a development of greasy material which not win. However, the situation reversed and I learned that contracts the course. This can bring about a heart assault the only thing that had blinded me was his appearance. or a stroke. The carbon monoxide in tobacco smoke diminishes the measure of oxygen in your blood. This This incident truly opened my eyes. Now, I promise to implies your heart needs to pump harder to supply the never shut them again. body with the oxygen it needs. The nicotine in cigarettes